Dec 18 2005

Desperate To Be Somebody

Published by at 4:06 pm under All General Discussions,Iraq

I have to almost laugh at the poor dumb SOB who has admitted to sending cruel, hate filled cards to injured soldiers under the pretense of being a child. At least he got the child part right. The guy thinks his hateful tirades are going to hurt the military and their conservative supporters! The poor delusional sap. I was expecting someone a lot more worrisome behind these acts. I should have known better: it was simply a child-man.

This guy is screaming for attention because he so desperately wants to feel important. He is so insecure about his lack of courage and conviction that he has lashed out at symbols that obviously have tormented him throughout his pathetic little life. This sad little man, Michael Crook (who says there is no God, and that he doesn’t have a sense of humor!), is simply illustrating what is for too many on the left the real source of their convictions. They fear and loathe strong, confident people because it emphasizes their own shortcomings.

The guy is filled with insecurity. The coward hides behind anonymous cards in the names of children to lash out. But he wouldn’t have the guts to say to the soldiers in person what he writes behind a facade.

Of course, who could blame him. I doubt too many soldiers would, once they saw this modern Scrooge, feel nothing more than pity for the poor bastard. He is only in danger of being the perfect example of what is wrong with humanity, on the pathetic end of the spectrum. While Hitler and Saddam and others inhabit the positions of most inhumane for their penchant for destruction, the Crook’s of the world just demonstrate what a low self esteem can bring out in people. So there is nothing to fear or be angry over. The guy needs attention – check out the graphic atop his site and tell me this person isn’t angry with what little he has accomplished in life!

Here is his confession, and listen to the ego screaming out for attention. He is a true gem of the anti-war left.

Michelle Malkin doesn’t want to send any blog traffic this guys way. Like somehow site hits will fill his sad excuse for existence with some faux substance. Personnally I say send the planet his way. What little ego massaging he gets from being a spectacle of disdain will be a small price to pay to show everyone what is clearly not a good example of human kindness.

Finding the right path is hard to do. But thanks to Mr. Crook we can easily identify which is the wrong path in life!


Our reader Patch reminds us that the antidote to this egomaniac is to participate in supporting our soldiers en masse. Here is one way to thank a soldier.

7 responses so far

7 Responses to “Desperate To Be Somebody”

  1. LuckyBogey says:

    I remember Crook on H&C. I would be glad to donate time and money to bring this guy down! I believe in free speech but this is too much for me……

    Patriotic Group Takes Michael Crook Down
    …… His websites have come under attack many times, mostly by a group known as the g00ns from….. He has had to switch servers many times from being kicked off due to server intrusions and ddos attacks but it seems no matter where he goes or who he is hosted by the g00ns seem to have fun making his online life as hard as possible…. When I interviewed Zer0, the leader of he stated that they have recieved hundreds of requests to shut this guy down as the g00ns are known in some circles as a patriotic right-wing hacking group…..

    In case you are interested in the goons work product, click on their links……..

  2. patch says:

    Here’s the antidote for that clown:

    Take a few minutes, go to the site, and send a message.

  3. MerryJ1 says:

    This Strata-sphere entry is the first time I’ve heard it was an adult who sent that despicable Christmas card, and I have to say I’m very glad it was not sent by a child with a monster for a teacher or parent.

    But, an adult, even if adult merely by chronological happenstance? This pitiful wretch doesn’t even measure up to the gutless-coward level of a typical sender of Crayola mail or poison pen scribblings. Those sub-normals may hide their vile screeds behind anonymity, but at least they don’t try to cloak it with innocence as well.

    Now we do truly know exactly what it is that’s “scraped from the bottom of the barrel.” Ptooie!

  4. Crook Takes Credit For Repugnant Acts

    What this shows is that there is still a segment of the US population that thinks it appropriate to spit on members of our armed forces because they do not approve of the way that they’re used, let alone that they exist for the protection of all of u…

  5. liontooth says:

    Here is a Wikipedia bio with a pic.

  6. Snapple says:

    The article says he tried to join the military in 1999. I wonder why, if he hates it so much.