Jun 12 2005

I Support The Clintons on THIS!

Published by at 9:21 pm under All General Discussions

What in the world is going on where an author claims a beloved child is the result of a rape. Drudge has a report of a total loser making this digusting claim about the Clinton’s and Chelsea.

I will defend Chelsea and her loving parents against this garbage. Even if true, which I seriously doubt, who does it help (no one) and who does it hurt (Chelsea). I am nearly positive this rotten allegation will send this moron to the dustbin of history. And EVERY decent human being who is a parent should be outraged. Not at a party, but one pathetic individual.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton turned furious and considered legal action after learning bestselling author Ed Klein would allege in a new book: Bill Clinton raped her — resulting in the conception of daughter Chelsea Clinton!

“[Author] Klein is going to rot in hell for this,” a well-placed source close to Hillary said over the weekend.

The explosive charge comes in THE TRUTH ABOUT HILLARY: WHAT SHE KNEW, WHEN SHE KNEW IT, AND HOW FAR SHE’LL GO TO BECOME PRESIDENT — set for release next week.

Don’t buy the book. Don’t read the stories. Don’t fall into the trap.


I cannot believe how much this has angered me. Drudge points out the author is not what one would call a conservative writer, so motivations are in question. But the blogosphere must stand up and find out what they were and expose them. I have heard the left say ‘we must take our country back’. In this case we must.

This kind of stuff must end now, here.


Trust me when I say I was so stunned I tried to send out a clarion call to every conservative blogger I have read and some I have recently had the honor to get to know. Ed Morrissey is one I blogger I do not know beyond being an avid reader of his site. But he too sees this is something beyond what we conservatives want in political discourse. Thanks to Capt Ed for joining in the condemnation of this garbage, and welcome to his readers, I hope you find the site interesting.


Lori Byrd at Polipundit and Bulldog Pundit at Ankle Biting Pundits agree it is not only ridiculous, it makes Hillary look the victim. Which is why I want to see the real motivations behind this.

The Anchoress weighs in as well

I liked this response from The QandO Blog

The Anchoress has more on how some seem confused about what this is all about. It is all about slimey accusations which should only get mentioned as examples of what we will not tolerate in our political discourse.

Mark Coffey chimes in as well.

Poliblog may be a sign that Klein’s desire for fame may be paying off in a way he did not expect. Poliblog is suspending the book’s ad which is now on many people’s sites.

9 responses so far

9 Responses to “I Support The Clintons on THIS!”

  1. em20101 says:

    That’s nuts.

    I saw links on Drudge sometime back about some book that would sink her political career. If this is the book they’re talking about it doesn’t sound the least bit credible.

    Even if that was true, which I don’t believe for a minute, why even put something that sounds so lame in a book.

  2. AJStrata says:

    I agree. I knew this book was coming out, but this is BS. I cannot believe this is in the book. What purpose does it serve? None. It can only hurt their family more.

    I cannot believe this.

  3. Hillary Now says:

    It is very hard to stop people who have no shame

    Hillary reminds me of me. She reminds me of my grandmother and my aunts, my sisters and my mother, some of the best parts in all of us.

    This is why I want to throw things when this shit happens.

  4. Chill Out About the Klein Smear, Folks

    Well, well, well. It seems that there’s yet another salacious rumor set to come out about the Bonnie & Clyde of American politics, only this one doesn’t involve ditzy beauty queens or pudgy interns:

    “I’m going back to my cottage to rape my wif…

  5. Myopic Zeal says:

    The Truth About Hillary – Edward Klein

    Drudge is splashing an exclusive on Edward Klein’s explosive new book.
    Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton turned furious and considered legal action after learning bestselling author Ed Klein would allege in a new book: Bill Clinton raped her &#821…

  6. Decision '08 says:

    A Scandalous Accusation

    Edward Klein has a new book coming out about Hillary Clinton that supposedly claims – well, you can read about it here, if you haven’t already heard. AJStrata first alerted me to this, and now the Instapundit, Ankle Biting Pundits, Lorie Byrd, Betsy …

  7. […] nto anyone’s biography — and a completely inexcusable and ridiculous claim. AJ Strata: What in the world is going on where an author claims a beloved child is the resul […]

  8. Joe says:

    Bill has already held a press conference and denied “He had sex with that woman, Hilary.” So we can put this issue away. Oh wait, did he do it again??? Maybe he needs to come back and say he swears under oath that he did not rape his wife. Yes, that will resolve the issue and put us all at rest.
    Please, lets pray the Republicans find someone not named Bush and the Democrats find someone not named Clinton in 08 and give us all a rest from this soap opera. What will all the haters from the left and right then have to do in 08? Isn’t 20 years of Bush and Clinton enough for this country?

  9. AJStrata says:

    That was pretty funny actually. I am ready for some new blood. I would like Condi Rice to run myself – really shake things up.