May 18 2010

Specter Loses, No Duh!

Published by at 9:15 pm under 2010 Elections,All General Discussions

Fox News calls it – Specter loses!

In what has to be the exclamation point on why dinosaurs should retire we see the young Democrat Sestak ending the long time over career of Arlen Specter, who had to run to the opposition party to try and stay in office. It was an embarrassing night for Specter, who had to see replays of his comment about how he switched parties to help is reeeee-election. Good riddance to Arlen, you should have retired two years ago.

That confirms two of my predictions (Sestak and Paul).

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Specter Loses, No Duh!”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by AJ Strata. AJ Strata said: new: Specter Loses, No Duh! […]

  2. Neo says:

    Specter doesn’t expire for another 7 months.
    Everybody in DC should look out for another “Magic Bullet”