Jul 09 2010

Democrats Are In Crisis

Published by at 7:17 am under All General Discussions

What happens when the majority of the country is rooting against you? This is a very interesting summer, but I get the feeling the country is rooting against the Democrats and their mindless policy fantasies. Take Obama’s latest failure in the courts to ban oil drilling and jack up the cost of energy (what any good liberal desires to stem the use of nature’s byproduct of life).

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals denied the government’s emergency request to stay that judge’s order pending appeal.

The motion was denied because the government failed to show “a likelihood of irreparable injury if the stay is not granted,” the appeals panel judges wrote in a 2-1 ruling.

Is this a surprise? Hell no.  It is coming up on 3 months since the blowout and spill. It has been clear that BP cut corners and took risks. These corner-cutting actions are well known and no other drilling site is going to be repeating them, after seeing the financial toll on BP. So for 3 months no other disasters – QED no moratorium is needed.

The administration has made the spill worse by dawdling, it has been paralyzed by bureaucratic debate and paperwork. The EPA was concerned rocks in the water were a potential environmental hazard. Like there are no rocks in the oceans anywhere???

Everyone is now happy our current government lost this decision. Just like they will cheer when the Obama administration loses it court case on immigration.  How can it claim AZ is wrong when Rhode Island has had the same laws for years?

These people are so incompetent it isn’t funny.

Update: Rasmussen has the poll that proves the nation will be rooting for the Dems to lose the AZ immigration case. – end update

And now we see poll after poll after poll signaling the Democrats are in serious trouble. Where to start!

Is it a sign of Democrat troubles that the GOP will be sweeping Governor races this fall at a historic level?

A Smart Politics analysis of nearly 1,800 gubernatorial elections since the beginning of the 20th Century finds that Republicans are poised to win more gubernatorial seats in 2010 than they have in any election cycle over the past 90 years.

But Republican gubernatorial candidates are looking even stronger in 2010 than in 1928, 1966, or 1994, and could rival their best ever gubernatorial election cycle during the 20th and 21st Centuries: 1920.

The latest public opinion polls give Republicans the advantage in a whopping 28 of these states, including more than half by double digits (Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and Wyoming).

No political tsunami in that news. None whatsoever. Obama’s support is falling again, as we passed another 4th of July without any hope on the economic front. His Achille’s Heel is now with the same people who voted him and the Democrats into power – independents. Lose them and there is no hope of being elected.

Those Democrats who think there is not a historic political backlash coming are fantasizing. Just like the fantasize about liberal policies working in the real world. Dems have attacked small businesses, big businesses, seniors, people with health insurance, people who pay taxes. The list is endless. And they have the gall to then ask these same people for support in the fall elections?


5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Democrats Are In Crisis”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sara. Sara said: RT @AJStrata – new: Democrats Are In Crisis http://strata-sphere.com/blog/index.php/archives/13717 […]

  2. lurker9876 says:

    In spite of the denial of Obama’s request by the fifth court, the oil companies aren’t going to resume their activities due to uncertainty. I understand that four rigs have already moved out of the Gulf and more are being moved.

    So, no matter what, the oil companies are gong to be the losers. Someone said a six month moratorium will end up as a six year moratorium.

    Long lasting damage to our country.

    You want fantasy? I can fantasize Obama capitulating to the Republicans and sign the bill that repeals ObamaCare for good and do the right reform to the current health care system.

    Pelosi’s biggest blunder has to be her convincing Obama to pass the biggest health care bill over Rahm’s objections.

    And her second and last blunder will be her direction to the Democratic candidates to run their campaign on ObamaCare.

  3. tarpon says:

    I doubt most people realize what oil really is and how many uses it has, not just as fuel. Look around you and see what is made from oil base.

  4. Wilbur Post says:

    Democracks in crisis? GOOD! Burn baby, burn! I hope the Democrack Party is destroyed this year. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  5. AJ,

    There are 20 Democratic state legislatures and four Republicans in danger of flipping in 2010. Only 1994 was worse, and there are still 14-15 weeks until the second Tuesday in November.

    A wipe of of Democratic state legislatures in 2010 means a continuing wipe out of Federal House seats for Democrats in 2012 and beyond.

    This is Obama’s long-term gift to the Democratic Party.

    Many election cycles starting with one with him on top of the ticket, a poor economy and new district boundaries filled with angry at Democrat voters with no loyalty to current incumbents.



    The odds just got very good that Pres. Obama will get a well funded Democratic primary challenger for 2012.