Oct 01 2010

840,000 People Lose Health Insurance Due To Obamacare

Published by at 10:12 am under All General Discussions,Obamacare

There is not enough lipstick in the world to cover up this pig:

The Principal Financial Group announced on Thursday that it planned to stop selling health insurance, another sign of upheaval emerging among insurers as the new federal health law starts to take effect.

The company, based in Iowa, provides coverage to about 840,000 people who receive their insurance through an employer.

The NY Times tries to make this out to ”posturing”, but not only did 840,000 lose their insurance plans, untold thousands lost their jobs at Principle and it’s associate companies. The Obama duoble-whammy: more uninsured, more unemployed. This is what you get with liberal social experimentation.

14 responses so far

14 Responses to “840,000 People Lose Health Insurance Due To Obamacare”

  1. The real point of Obama care was to destroy private health incurance industry so Canadian style government single payer is the only alternative.

    In this, it is starting to work.

  2. WWS says:

    a little ot – Rahm Emmanuel is leaving the White House today. His going away present? A Dead Fish. Seriously.


    I thought this was something from the Onion when I first read it, but it isn’t.

    “In Chicago,” said Gibbs, “this is how friends say goodbye.”

    Obama’s White House is already starting to rip itself to pieces. Just wait till after the election.

  3. tarpon says:

    Awww man, another “unexpected” I am sure.

    So how stupid are Obama voters really?

  4. […] candidate in MA defects, endorses GOP ticket – hotair.com 10/01/2010 Ouch. more… 840,000 People Lose Health Insurance Due To Obamacare – strata-sphere.com 10/01/2010 There is not enough lipstick in the world to cover up this […]

  5. Jay032 says:

    Ay Dios Mio. Obama is such a horrible President he’s making Herbert Hoover, Ben Harrison, Wiliam Howard Taft, James Buchanan, and even Jimmy Carter look good by comparison. How about that hope, change, and flipping optimism now?

  6. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Suhr Mesa and AJ Strata, Free To Prosper. Free To Prosper said: 840,000 People Lose Health Insurance Due To Obamacare http://bit.ly/ac3Mkr :: Strata-sphere […]

  7. Toes192 says:

    Last post that comes up when I log onto Strata-Sphere is Sep 23 …
    “Is GOP on track for an 80 seat Landslide…” … since then… that is the page that comes up… (The one with the big wave)
    Today… Oct 1, I clicked on the RSS feed and see you HAVE been posting as usual… All posts showed up there …
    Any computer geniuses out there who can tell me what happened … ?
    Anyone else have this happen … ?
    When I look at the site-meter… Does not seem to be much variation so I am thinking it must be me …

  8. WWS says:

    we’ve discussed that on another thread, Toes. Something doesn’t always update right, but AJ’s working on it. Here’s the quickest workaround: When you see an older post on top, click on the comments to that post. After you do that, look in the middle column underneath the heading “recent posts” and you will see all the newer posts, and can select any of them.

    I’m not exactly sure why that works, but it does.

  9. dhunter says:

    toes I’m havin the same problems only way I figured it out was because of ajs facebook posts. Now I go to the wave/ landslide page and click top right all general discussions and all current ones come up.

  10. Toes192 says:

    Muchas gracias…

  11. Jinny says:

    I have been having the same problem and saw the FB posts. I thought it was me. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. lurker9876 says:

    Watching bits and pieces of yesterday’s rallies through online videos, photos, and a little bit on C-Span of its conclusion (where people have already left) and after reading several posts about this rally, especially this one: http://www.redstate.com/laborunionreport/2010/10/03/the-onenation-march-novembers-choices-are-clearer-than-ever/, this confirms the choice between Coons, the Marxist, versus O’Donnell with the weak past and mistakes (lies).

    It is a choice between Marxism and conservative values with weak morals.

    With people like Ellison, Sanders, Franken, Graham, Frank, Grayson, Waters, Boxer, etc., why increase the risks of electing another crazy person into Congress that ultimately represents me? Their votes ends up passing yet another massive legislation as long as we have Obama in the White House.

  13. dbostan says:

    It happened to me too.
    it looks like Cass Sunstein and Obama, are hijacking this blog…

  14. archtop says:

    I though AJ was on vacation or something ;^)

    As for healthcare, my wife just got her information packet for 2011 coverage and, surprise, the costs are going up! Premiums will increase along with out-of-pocket expenses. The plan at my company will be coming up in November and sure the news will be the same.

    Are others here experiencing premium increases in their healthcare plans?