Oct 19 2010

99 Democrat Seats On The Wall, 99 Democrat Seats …

Published by at 9:07 am under 2010 Elections,AJStrata's GUT

You throw one down and vote ’em out, 98 Democrat seats on the wall!

With two weeks remaining until Election Day, the political map has expanded to put Democrats on the run across the country – with 99 Democratic-held House seats now in play, according to a POLITICO analysis, and Republicans well in reach of retaking the House.

It’s a dramatic departure from the outlook one year ago – and a broader landscape than even just prior to the summer congressional recess. As recently as early September, many Republicans were hesitant to talk about winning a majority for fear of overreaching.

Today, however, the non-partisan Cook Political Report predicts a GOP net gain of at least 40 House seats, with 90 Democratic seats in total rated as competitive or likely Republican.

Better yet:

Signs, Signs, everywhere there’s signs
Chasing down the liberals, busting up their minds
Mountains ‘o debt, Tea Party rants – How’d they miss the signs?

Goodbye Speaker Pelosi, and good riddance.

Update: Great beer drinking minds think alike!

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “99 Democrat Seats On The Wall, 99 Democrat Seats …”

  1. WWS says:

    didn’t you see the report? The dems were just playing rope a dope, NOW they’re going to start campaigning! At least that’s why they say.


  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Free To Prosper, AJ Strata. AJ Strata said: 99 Democrat Seats On The Wall, 99 Democrat Seats …:http://strata-sphere.com/blog/index.php/archives/14900 […]

  3. oneal lane says:

    Now that it is “out” that our leader knew “shovel ready” stimulus was a “shovel of B.S.” and lied, there shoud be lots of ammo against him in the coming presidential cycle.

  4. archtop says:

    I remember earlier this suggesting (somewhat facetiously) that we go for 100 seats. I never thought it would actually come true! With a potential for 100 suggests that 50 – 100 is a plausible range depending on the size of the wave.

    I also wonder if on election night, if the wave looks strong in the East, will it affect voters in the West (three time zones away)? I’d love to see lots of AZ, CA, WA upsets in the House races…

  5. kathie says:

    I live in Colorado, got my ballot on Friday, by mail and voted the same day. My bet is a whole lot of other people did the same. So be it for last minute campaign adds.