Apr 26 2006

Rice And Rumsfeld In Iraq = War Over

Published by at 6:05 pm under All General Discussions,Iraq

The visit to Iraq by Secretary of State Rice and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld signal the end of the Iraq war.  Surrender-desperate liberals and media talking heads are going to be besides themselves trying to keep the issue alive for three more years, but its over folks.

Saddam Hussein was defeated. We found plenty of evidence of WMD technology and terrorist ties to make the case the next 9-11’s could have easily come from efforts by Saddam to find diversions that would allow UN sanctions to finally fall away.

The Iraqi’s have selected their leaders of their newly minted democratic government.  The first truly democratic government in the Arab/Muslim world.  The Iraq government will be a shining example of a possible future that does not (a) blame America and (b) propose destroying the oppressive West.

Folks, the war is over.  Just like it is in Bosnia.  The difference being Iraq has a united government made up of its diverse factions.  Iraq has one of the highest literacy levels in the Middle East, so it will be an economic powerhouse in the region.  All the attempts to surrender before we succeeded have failed.  Now maybe the liberal left will surrender their silly lines about the failure in Iraq.

There are people in Bosnia, Korea and all across Africa who wish their efforts to govern themselves would fail like Iraq’s.

One response so far

One Response to “Rice And Rumsfeld In Iraq = War Over”

  1. APBIDDLE says:

    No problem with the sentiments, but I really, really wish you hadn’t said this! Fate has a way of having, if not the last laugh, at least one final chuckle at such prognostications. (But darned if I don’t hope you are right!)
