May 04 2006
Moussai’s Sentence
Took a while to get my thoughts together on this subject. One thing I must do is stand by our court system. The jury had its say. What stayed their hand we may never know. Was it an attempt to deny Moussai the martyr’s death? Was it something else? Interesting and irrelevant.
I would expect that Moussai should have gotten the death penalty – unless that served a purpose for him. If it was what he wanted, then a life in jail not getting his way is fine with me too.
So while people debate the pluses and minuses of a done deal, I initially thought this would look bad on the Democrats. Don’t forget – Democrats are against the Death Penalty in all cases (except for the crime of being yet unborn). It took 9-11 to get them to even utter a possible exception for terrorists. And trust when I say the mindless far left, anti-war nuts are not willing to moderate one iota with America even on that subject. The far want the death penalty completely abolished (except in the above mentioned instance of being unborn, where it is up to a single individual to give out the death sentence).
So I think we as a nation should (a) honor our legal system with all its imperfections (because it is still the best on the planet) and (b) wonder what makes a party think killing the unnorn is OK, but killing terrorists makes Bush a Butcher???
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