Aug 02 2006
Iraqis Stand Tall And Commit To Task
Iraq leaders are standing tall by committing to take full control of security by year’s end. My hat is off to them and I wish them success. As all Americans should. In fact the world should be hoping and praying for the new Democratic Iraq to succeed. But apparently too many petulant liberals, who fear change on a scale like this, pine for the good old days of the Taliban, Saddam Hussein, Arafat and a Libya preparing nuclear weapons. Oh those were the days! Well there is hope for the Democrats yet. Maybe after the Iraqis take control the Dems can finally surrender to Al Qaeda in a manner that is safe for the rest of us.
Don’t forget that Saddam Hussein had sleeper agents inside the U.S. who are still on trial right now. This story has been under the radar yet worth following.
Details here
You know the French, Germans, etc. did not want us to go to war in Iraq because of the Oil for Food profits. I wonder if Slick and/or some of the Democrats got some of this money also. Goodness knows Slick got money everywhere else.