Oct 05 2006

Foleygate Tidbits

Published by at 8:01 pm under All General Discussions,Foleygate

Well, the liberal media is all up in arms trying to fight back against all of us who don’t live in herds and think alike. Seems its not fair to question those who cried “wolf” with trumped up and inaccurrate charges against Hastert and company (Foley is facing criminal investigations – which is all that can be done now). One CNN anchor sitting in on Nancy Grace was demanding public witch hunt trials in Congress (to hell with our legal system).

Well, as the liberal cattle ‘moo’ their frustration, more tidbits did come out on CNN’s Paula Zahn. One is reporting that the FBI, when it reviewed the emails from the Page in Louisianna (whose parents are more upset with the predatory media than Foley) the FBI concluded there was insufficient evidence. (of course, CNN found homophobe talking heads to like Baye Buchannan and Neil Boortz to claim the signs that a gay man is interested in young men is sufficient cause to legally go after them). The sideshow aside, the interesting tidbits came in the FBI response to CREW’s claims and CREW’s response back.

The FBI said the emails provided by CREW had the Page’s name redacted and made following up impossible. They also said CREW edited the emails (they are not scans, they seem to be recreations – signs of RaThergate and Downing Street all over again). CREW challenged these claims and let slip the emails included the name of the Page and the Staffer (my guess is the name of the staffer is key to the investigation). I think it is fair game to demand CREW to make public the staffer’s name (it will come out anyway). Was it Fordham? Doubtful. Was it an aide to Pelosi or Emanuel? Mmmmm. One wonders. So we have charges by the FBI that CREW tampered with the evidence. I am glad to see CNN gave that little nit of news even glancing mention.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Foleygate Tidbits”

  1. roonent1 says:

    It is becoming clearer by the day and hour something is severely wrong with the Foley scandal.

  2. clarice says:

    ********According to the Washington Post Thursday, at a recent sold-out Empire State Pride Agenda dinner, gender-bending ‘auctionatrix’ Sybil Bruncheon was auctioning off “a lovely matching set of Biarritz leather chairs. There’s a big one and a little one, she helpfully points out, ‘perfect for those of you in the Man-Boy Love Association!’

    The reference was to the North American Man-Boy Love Association, a.k.a. “NAMBLA,” that advocates “consensual” sex between aging men and little boys — what, in other words, is commonly considered rape. Hillary has, of course, not expressed any outrage about or discomfort with this bit of humor.

    Lazio spokesman McLagan continues: “It’s part of a pattern: Mrs. Clinton has a history of sitting idly by while her supporters say outrageous things. If she can’t stand up to her liberal Hollywood pals on something like child molestation, how can she stand up for New York in the Senate?”

    No one in the press has yet followed up on the story, even though the Hillary-Lazio race is the most closely dissected campaign in the nation. Conservatives chalk it up as yet one more example of the media’s double standard when it comes to high-stakes political races.

    If this happened at a Lazio event, says New York State Conservative Party chairman Mike Long, “there would be outrage. The Times would be writing editorials, editorials would be in Newsday, columnists from the liberal media would be attacking him.”

    So far, only silence.