Nov 07 2006

Where’s The News?

Published by at 4:42 pm under 2006 Elections,All General Discussions

Not much coming out – will soon though, given results will be out in less than two hours in some places. I am watching (but not buying) The Corner at NRO and Hotline Call. Sound Politics will be good for the Pacific Northwest news. Take it all with a grain of salt. Recall that Dems were all ‘giddy’ in 2004 before reality struck. If readers know of other cool sites please post them in the comments. I suggest one link per comment or else it will hit the mediation queue and I have no idea how often I will be checking the site tonight. Depends on results! I feel like “that crazy ‘ol man” Ben Kenobi today – without the Jehdi past.

One response so far

One Response to “Where’s The News?”

  1. Dc says:

    Where is the news? They are all trying to figure out how they are going to reconcile their double digit errors in their polling and analysis and propeganda by tomorrow