Nov 07 2006

Allen Will Be Called Soon

Published by at 9:06 pm under 2006 Elections,All General Discussions

71% reporting, Allen has a 37,000 vote lead which is 2%. Drake (VA-02) has a 3% lead. Now 72% reporting, Allen still ahead by to and 32,000 votes.

Update: The race, with 77% closed dramatically as Moran’s district reported up to 94%, bringing the race within 10,000 voters. But Wolf’s and Davis’ more Rep districts with a third of the voters left to come should give Allen the win. We shall see.

Update: Race is tightening as NoVa drains its last reporting. Moran’s district is 93% reported, so the NoVa wave should have peaked. We shall see.

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “Allen Will Be Called Soon”

  1. Mark78 says:

    I’ll sigh some relief when it’s called.
    What holds does the GOP need to maintain a majority?

  2. crosspatch says:

    Let’s not forget PA-12 … Irey/Murtha

  3. Mark78 says:

    Is Steele the next race to watch then?

  4. Mark78 says:

    Steele updates are available here

    still early now but he’s way up.

  5. Mark78 says:

    Ouch, Webb tied up again.

    VA SEN [77.16% IN]
    ALLEN 858,105 49.68%
    WEBB 848,445 49.12%

  6. clarice says:

    Fox called Md for Cardin