Apr 03 2007

CNN: Democrats “Delusional”

Published by at 8:42 pm under All General Discussions,Iraq

CNN’s Larry King Live had Lou Dobbs on as guest host discussing the impasse on the Iraq war funding and there was a startling admission by Michael Weyer, their correspondent in Baghdad. Dobbs was trying to spin the Democrat party line that the lame timeline language in the Bill Bush will veto was meant to be message to Maliki he has to get things working, that he is running out of time. He asked Weyer, from his discussions with Iraqi officials, if that message was getting through. Weyer was incredibly blunt.

Weyer noted that Maiki has been warned long before this by administration officials at all levels he was running out of time and he had better get things moving or the US would be looking at other solutions. Weyer noted these messages had begun well before the Democrats even took up the gavel in Congress. And he noted that Maliki is hearing daily from the top four star US general the same theme. Weyer then went on if the Democrats think Maliki is not aware of the situation they were “delusional”. His word, not mine.

The reporting from the Pentagon was not much better. It said that actions were being planned to cut back on training and replacement equipment, if needed, because the DoD did not see the Democrzts wising up anytime soon. The fact is the Dems are playing politics with the lives of our men and women on the front line, in harms way. Everyone got the Democrats need to runaway from Iraq in defeat. No one has missed their desires for the success of America. And we all know al Qaeda is banking on them removing the spine from America’s fight in the war on terror.

Now just get back to work and give our people the material and training they need and stop obsessing – and please stop repeating yourselves. We will not fail in Iraq simply because a bunch of armchair Benedict Arnolds are trying to sue for surrender to al Qaeda.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “CNN: Democrats “Delusional””

  1. lurker9876 says:

    I knew that Bush told Al Maliki back in November that they’re running out of time. And that Bush was very blunt with Al Maliki in regards to his relationship with Al-Sadr. And Bush did indeed change the course LONG before Reid and Pelosi’s harp about their “message” to Bush through their Defense Pork bill.


  2. TomAnon says:

    The Democrats really are playing disturbing game here. The military leadership will need to begin cutting personel, training, procurement actions, etc to keep their a operations going in the face of no funding from Congress. The House passed one meaningless budget. The Senate passes a second that is similar and equally meaningless. Civics 101 states that the two houses of Congress must now confer to find a compromise bill. Alas, however, they are conveniently on vaction. The Military’s current emergency funding ends this week. Through their lack of action the Democrats have effectively defunded the war. With a threatened veto from the President, funding may not be passed for months. The Democrats have effectively fullfilled another promise made to Al Qaeda, defund the war. All this without even a vote.

  3. Terrye says:

    Yes, it is a dangerous game and if the generals on the ground over there come out and challenge them how will that play back home?

    I remember how the Democrats would use retired Generals to go after Rumsfeld, what if the guys running things right now were to complain about them?

    I do know that the Bush administration has been putting pressure on the Iraqis for months, but it will make it harder not easier to get people to step up and fight if they think we are only going to run out them in the end.