Jul 20 2005
Done – No Filibuster
Between the comments of the republican moderates as posted here and these comments a filibuster is out.
The possibility of a Democratic filibuster against Supreme Court nominee John Roberts in the Republican-controlled Senate seemed to all but disappear Wednesday.
One influential Democrat said Roberts was “in the ballpark” of being a nonconfrontational selection. A Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, which will hold hearings on Roberts’ nomination, said she did not think the appeals court judge was “filibuster-able.”
“Do I believe this is a filibuster-able nominee? The answer would be no, not at this time I don’t,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif., a strong abortion-rights supporter and a committee member.
Now the democrats have a decision: play to their mindless base and pretend to disparage a good man or be examples to the moderate middle of statesmen.
Depending on which way they go depends on how many senate seats dems lose in 2006
Seems Pat at Brainsters agrees, the Roberts nomination is over except for the voting – and how lame the democrats want to act to appease their base before they fail again.
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