May 26 2007

Imagine Iran & al Qaeda With Nukes

Published by at 8:03 am under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT,Iran,Iraq

A very influential voice has come out and emphasized the danger of Iran’s nuclear capabilities, given their current alliance with both Shiia and Sunni terrorists. The voice is that of a UN weapons inspector:

Al-Qaeda is searching for ways to create nuclear weapons for mass destruction, a former UN weapons inspection chief said during a press conference at an international convention ways to prevent a nuclear catastrophe being held in Luxembourg.

Rolf Ekeus, currently High Commissioner at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and formerly Director of the UN Special Commission on Iraq, told reporters that the threat of a nuclear attack on a European city by al-Qaeda was tangible, and that steps are being taken to protect nuclear facilities from which terrorists can obtain enriched uranium.

Addressing the brewing crisis surrounding the Iranian nuclear program, Ekeus said Iran’s non-compliance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) was a major cause for concern over its intentions.

“Iran has obviously not fulfilled NPT organizations,” he said. “That is enough of a reason for concern. Iran acquiring nuclear weapons will have a tremendous effect on the whole region. I am deeply engaged with this issue,” he added.

The idea that sectarian differences are greater than Islamo Fascists’ hate of the West, and in particular America, is naive. The Shiia and Sunni fascists are right now joining forces to rid the ME of The Great Satan. They hope they could rid the world of us. Iran is brewing nuclear fuel and al Qaeda wants to kill people in a massive scale. How much clearer can this be? al Qaeda is on the ropes in Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan – not to mention unable to gain a footing in Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. As their frustrations grow, so does their threats. Take the action in Lebanon:

A group calling itself al Qaeda’s wing in the Levant vowed to carry out bombings in Lebanon and attacks on Christians unless Beirut pulled its army away from Palestinian refugee camps.

“We warn you for the last time, after which there will be nothing apart from seas of blood,” said a speaker identified as the military leader of the group in a video posted on Friday by a media arm used by Islamist groups including Qaeda in Iraq.

“What we want is that you order the Christian Lebanese army to pull its men from around all Palestinian camps and the Nahr al-Bared Camp in particular,” he said addressing Maronite Christian Partiarch Cardinal Nasrallah Sfeir.

“If you do not stop we will wrench out your hearts with … bombs,” said the speaker whose face was covered with a checkered head dress and who had rifle magazines around his torso.

al Qaeda cannot fight head to head. They can only slink into civilian groups and lay bombs. The great Muslim warrior is now represented by some brain washed kid who blows up women and children. So when they are in a fight, the response is typically cowardly. But that could all change with nuclear weapons. The problem is they are being propped up by Iran – which has its own agenda. Iran is expanding its terrorist army beyond Hezbollah. Iran has been training the terrorists we see in Iraq who who have no ties whatsoever to Hezbollah:

U.S. military commander said Friday that militants used a mock-up in Iran to help plan for a deadly operation in the Iraqi city of Karbala earlier this year.

Maj. Gen. William Caldwell, in an interview Friday on CNN’s “Situation Room,” answered questions about funding and support from the intelligence services in Iran to extremist elements in Iraq.

“They’ve gone so far in their overall training that they’ve helped the raid that occurred on the governor’s position down in Karbala back in January,” Caldwell said.

“We know they had built a mock facility in Iran and, in fact, it helped conduct the training and planning over there before they came back and executed that here in Iraq.”

All this means Iran could easily be training the terrorists in Lebanon and Palestine and other places as well. We find Iranian agents in Iraq on a regular basis it seems. It is not hard to see them infiltrating the entire region right now.

Which is why the Surrendercrats and SurrenderMedia need to report these stories accurately, without their biases inserted. Because if Iran is the puppet master in all these bloody incidents the region will most likely react by isolating Iran even more, giving sanctions a chance of actually working. And if they are training these terrorists in the use of IEDs, along with providing them the IEDs, then what is to stop them from expanding their training courses to deal with nuclear bombs or nuclear dirty bombs?

Iran and al Qaeda represent to great a risk to leave them with the know-how and capability to build nuclear weapons. And that leaves us few options, especially since ABCNews blew our operations in Iran to have the regime toppled from within. Not to mention putting our agents and their allies in harm’s way. The media needs to stop forcing us into a military option by undermining other options. The media are dangerously naive on the stage of national security – blinded by the idea of Pulitzer Prizes no doubt. It is hoped they can pull themselves out of their self absorption and actually report on the danger of nuclear armed Islamo Fascists. Otherwise the world is on a collision course with horrific consequences.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Imagine Iran & al Qaeda With Nukes”

  1. MerlinOS2 says:


    Somebody tell me that AQ has a nuclear reactor complex somewhere and that they have a centrifuge cascade to develop nuclear weapons.

    Nope these guy only have three choices.

    1) buy a weapon on the black market

    2) capture a weapon from a government you take out

    3) get some similar wacko to give you one that you put in place and give them plausible denial.

    You don’t build these things in your garage.

  2. patrick neid says:

    if iran gets the bomb? i think the world really means when. then the question morphs into will they use it. personally i don’t know. what i do know is if they do the world will do nothing about it if is is used against israel. oh, we will huff and puff, but there will be enough doubt cast as to who actually did it to prevent action.

    even today we can’t deal with the obvious. we are supposedly in a war on terror and the states that sponsor it. is there any doubt that iran, syria, sudan, al sadr, hamas and hezzbollah are the major players? so my question over these last several years remains–why are the leaders of these countries/organizations still alive? why do they get to sip their lattes planning their next murder spree while they go on shopping excursions being feted at the UN. meanwhile our pathetic political leaders take every opportunity for photo ops discussing the next 100 million dollar aid package. if we are afraid to face the consequences of removing these monsters now, we will be positively frozen when said actions would include killing hundreds of thousands of people once the terrorists go nuclear.

    we should terminate these murders now, all on the same night without warning. there is no need to bomb entire countries. start at the top and work down. if we are in a war lets fight it to win before the stakes go exponential–as they assuredly will.

  3. Assessing the Threat of a Nuclear al Qaeda…

    Whether with a nuclear bomb (à la 24) or with a so-called dirty bomb, there is no question that terrorists (bin Laden) wish to kill 1000’s or more with a weapon of mass destruction. The real question is how likely…