Jul 25 2005
The Tancredo Genie is Out
Watcher, our Council Leader, has a very disturbing take on Tancredo’s idiotic declaration that we would bomb Mecca if the terrorists attacked us. As I stated earlier, Tancredo’s idiocy is based on the reality that such an act would push all moderate muslims off the fence or away from our side and into the jubilant arms of Bin Laden. It is just this kind of gross thinking that Al Qaeda is hoping we will use to bolster their claims of fighting for Islam.
But this event has opened another, more frightening possibility that underscores why loose lips like Tancredo’s can be very, very dangerous to us.
This Tancredo controversey made me think about a very disturbing dream I had recently, where Al-Qaeda took out the softer targets of Toronto and Mexico City just to watch us get pulled down with Canada and Mexico… it leaves me wondering, what would happen if another country decided to bomb Mecca with the intention of getting us blamed for it? China in particular comes to mind for that scenario… they certainly have enough nukes to spare, and they haven’t been very shy in expressing a willingness to use them against us. What if China decided to use a submarine to discreetly launch a nuclear missile, wiping Mecca off the face of the earth… with the insanely paranoid Arab media constantly repeating lies about 9/11 being either an inside job or an outright hoax, how long do you think it would take for the United States (and Israel, of course) to get blamed by the Muslim world for a nuclear attack on Islam’s holiest city? Would the governments of Iraq and Afghanistan tell us that our help is no longer wanted? Would allies like Britain and Australia continue to stand with us in the fight against terror… or would Israel be the only friend we have left in the world?
Even worse: don’t forget about Al Qaeda as a source of the bomb too. They could care less about the carnage as long as their dream of an Islamo Fascist earth was one step closer.
Tancredo needs to back off this dumb idea and keep his mouth shut.
Dafydd at Captains Quarters is surprised the Tancredo issue is still roiling since it represents a real threat to our efforts – and he is right.
Nuking Mecca and Medina is far worse for Islam than nuking the Vatican is for Catholicism
Since my last post on Islam, which took a memetic look at Islam, a number of blogs have started talking about Rep Tancredo’s comments regarding nuclear retaliation against Mecca and Medina. You have people like Hugh Hewitt who go just ballistic …