May 09 2008

Hezbollah-Iran Attempt To Open A New Front To Distract The West

Published by at 8:31 am under All General Discussions,Iran

Iran is under serious pressure to dismantle its nuclear program by the world powers. It has been under political and economic pressure for years now as every effort has been made to use all non-military options to stop a suicidal martyrdom state from obtaining the most horrific Weapon of Mass Destruction man has created. Armed with nuclear weapons the Iranian Mullahcracy would be able to send its Islamo Fascist suicide squads out to ravage the non-believers.

Iran wants to feel powerful and is hell bent to gain the power and bring hell to Earth. The problem is they are not mature enough to handle the power they strive for, which is clear in the resistance to all reasonable offers for them to have nuclear power for electricity but to stay out of the business of making nuclear material (which can be for power or destruction depending on how pure the processing of the nuclear material makes the product).

Iran has responded to this pressure by trying to destabilize Iraq. A Pro-Iranian spokesman said as much on Iraqi TV recently. The current excuse for Iran’s arming and training the Mahdi Forces now battling US and Iraqi forces in Iraq is because America threatens Iran and its plans. The entire Mahdi Force is meant to distract the US forces, tying them down in a guerilla urban war. The plan is failing because the Iraqi forces strong enough (and backed by US air power) to do the job mostly themselves. The US is still drawing down its Surge forces as planned despite the effort to take out the Mahdi-Iranian forces in Iraq. This part of the Iranian distraction plan is not working as expected – which is pretty standard for Iranian plans (they’re another sign that Iran is just not ready to be a world power yet).

Now we see another element of the distraction plan playing out in Lebanon as Hezbollah (another Iranian trained, armed and backed illegal militia like the Mahdi Army in Iraq) starts to disrupt that country – clearly in an effort to distract Israel and the US.

Hezbollah is reported to have taken control of large areas of the Lebanese capital from groups loyal to the government following gun battles.

“There are no clashes anymore because no one is standing in the way of the opposition forces,” a Lebanese security official said on Friday.

The street battles, which erupted on Wednesday, have left at least 11 people dead and 20 others wounded.

Lebanese troops began taking up positions in some neighbourhoods in west Beirut abandoned by the pro-government groups.

The army has largely avoided getting involved in the street battles amid fears of being dragged into the conflict.

Armed men loyal to Hezbollah also forced Future News, an al-Hariri-owned TV station, off the air in Beirut.
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“Armed gunmen surrounded the building, stormed into the garage and demanded that the army shutdown the station,” a senior official at the station, said.

The security sources said Hezbollah and fighters from the allied Amal movement – both Shia groups – had overrun offices of al-Hariri’s Future group across the predominantly Muslim western half of the Lebanese capital.

The article has lots of interesting details and reactions. But the bigger question is why the flare up now? Things like this are sometimes spontaneous, but many times they are timed for some larger purpose. Is this an attempt to bolster the Democrats in the US election by using the standard Islamo Fascist PR stunt of shedding blood for the western liberal news sources to swoon over with hand-wringing headlines of imminent defeat (or Vietnam)? In Iraq that might be a possible reason, but it doesn’t make sense for Lebanon.

What does make sense for both is Iran attempting to divert attention or pressure from the western powers and pro-western regional powers. Is this the old magician’s sleight of hand, distracting the audience from what is actually happening? If so, what could all these flame ups be covering up?

Let me be clear about my speculation here. It could simple be a violent response by Hezbollah to some recent government actions which constrained Hezbollah in Lebanon. Both Hezbollah and the Mahdi Army reflect a common approach used by Tehran to use religious zealots to take control of their Muslim neighboring states. The Nazis used racism, Tehran uses the canard of religious superiority – but both groups strive for violent oppression and raw, brutal power.

And if one speculates on what might proceed a bold Iranian move to break out into the open, like Hitler did with his invasion of Poland, where all the pretenses and charades about how peace could be negotiated through appeasement were finally shredded, one could envision flame ups across the ME as a precursor to Iran starting its own religious Blitzkrieg to free oppressed radical Muslim from western control. What the world needs to keep an eye on is any indication Iran is ready for its martyrdom war to free Islam from the West and take over the world. Because that is, in the end, what the country exists to accomplish, and every action they take is towards that goal.

12 responses so far

12 Responses to “Hezbollah-Iran Attempt To Open A New Front To Distract The West”

  1. ivehadit says:

    “What the world needs to keep an eye on is any indication Iran is ready for its martyrdom war to free Islam from the West and take over the world. Because that is, in the end, what the country exists to accomplish, and every action they take is towards that goal. ”

    Right on AJ. Those who chose to subvert/ignore this fact are doing so for their own raw political power grab, Americans be damned.

    We are a nation of tough-minded people and we will “not go wobbly”, the hard-Left notwhithstanding. And for Obama: You have already telegraphed to the Islamists that you are WEAK-minded. No good.
    This will NEVER do.

  2. ivehadit says:

    “What the world needs to keep an eye on is any indication Iran is ready for its martyrdom war to free Islam from the West and take over the world. Because that is, in the end, what the country exists to accomplish, and every action they take is towards that goal. ”

    Right on AJ. Those who chose to subvert/ignore this fact are doing so for their own raw political power grab, Americans be damned.

    We are a nation of tough-minded people and we will “not go wobbly”, the hard-Left notwithstanding. And for Obama: You have already telegraphed to the Islamists that you are WEAK-minded. No good.
    This will NEVER do.

  3. crosspatch says:

    More here at Michael Totten’s blog. Lots of guest bloggers right now. And remember that Michael used to live in Beirut so he knows the area pretty well.

    And Ahmadinejad has been taking flak inside Iran for going around saying he was in contact with the 12th Imam (The Madhi) and taking direction from him.

  4. crosspatch says:

    One thing people need to understand was that when the Lebanese government threatened to take control of Hezbollah’s communications system, it was really a threat to take out what is in fact a communications system belonging to Syrian intelligence. This telecom system allowed Syrian operatives to communicate outside of Lebanese government surveillance. Hezbollah’s reaction to the government’s threat to dismantle the system is an indication of how sensitive and valuable it is for Hezbollah and the Syrians.

  5. dave m says:

    I think it is simpler than that. Iran expects to be attacked
    within weeks. They have already dispersed all their Al-Quds
    brigades from their usual bases and told them to scatter
    throughout the country. Iran has also said that any attack
    will be met with a decisive counter attack to include Israel.
    To that extent, Hezbollah has been given orders to secure
    Lebanon and take over it’s government, then prepare for
    further orders to attack Israel.
    This is war. It’s not all that complicated.
    Iran has decided to preempt our preemption. They know we
    know they will have a nuclear weapon by early 2009.
    We know they know that we won’t let them have that weapon.
    If I was trying to be funny, I’d call this a Mexican drug deal,
    but it’s not funny.
    Yankee Sailor notices that the magic “6+2” carrier battle group
    formation will materialize in the Persian Gulf in early summer.
    Hasn’t happened before.
    I didn’t expect anything to happen until after our elections, say
    maybe around November, but you can’t second guess the
    President on this one.

  6. ivehadit says:

    The question is, does Iran WANT us to start a war relative to November?

    And don’t you think Israel is the one that’s gonna do the dirty work here?

  7. 75 says:

    Sorry if someone already linked to this…I’m tying to catchup today…

  8. crosspatch says:

    “Hezbollah-Iran Attempt Another Open A New Front To Distract The West”

    Maybe but I don’t think so. I think this is us opening another front against Iran. I believe the momentum against Iran is with us at the moment considering the serious setbacks Iran has seen in Iraq. This puts Irans proxy in Lebanon on the defensive too. The Revolutionary Guards Quds HQ just got a whole not busier this week. Someone is going to make a mistake.

  9. Whippet1 says:

    Unfortunately the bulk of the dirty work usually falls to America. But that’s because we are the greatest country on earth. I just wish Europe would get a clue but I’m afraid they’ve reached the point of no return. They’ll discover that when it’s too late.

  10. scaulen says:


    Why should other countries do anything, they know we will do the dirty work. They want to spend their money on social programs, not defense. It’s one of the problems of being the last super power, you know are responsible for every one else, and they know it. I think It’s time we moved out of Germany. Not because I have anythign against Germans, but I think they can defend themselves. I’m sure there are other countries in and around Europe who would love to have American bases, with a nice influx of American dollars those bases provide. Maybe happy enough to build new facilities so we can move out of some of those 1945 barracks?? Just like military contracts for goods and services going out for bidding, maybe the base deployments can be done that way say every 10 or 20 years?

  11. Whippet1 says:

    Intriguing idea!

  12. 75 says:

    Europe’s starting to come around. Conservative elections wins in Germany, France, and now Italy.