Jun 02 2008

Disturbing Spike In Violence Over The Weekend Begs Question, Should America Withdrawal?

Published by at 10:31 am under All General Discussions,Iraq

Chris Plant today noted a disturbing spike in Americans killed and wounded over the weekend just past. Eight dead with eight more wounded. In the space of one weekend the death toll was 40% of the death toll in all of Iraq for Americans last month. At this horrific pace (8 deaths in 3 days) a month of this would result in 80 dead Americans, making one ponder whether America might want to consider withdrawaling, given the toll in blood and treasure:

The weekend’s tally: eight people dead and at least eight wounded. (One death resulted from a police shooting in a domestic dispute. The man killed was identified yesterday as Clyde Tinch, 52, of Northeast Washington.)

Most of the weekend’s killings took place in the 5th Police District in Northeast, despite increased police patrols since a crime surge in April.

No word yet as to whether the Surrendercrats in Congress plan to withdrawal from Washington DC after this weekend’s violence in our nation’s capitol city. As Chris Plant noted, it might be safer for the young men in DC to be serving in Iraq about now.

10 responses so far

10 Responses to “Disturbing Spike In Violence Over The Weekend Begs Question, Should America Withdrawal?”

  1. crosspatch says:

    I believe it was all the hype in anticipation of May being the lowest casualty month of the war. The insurgents read the papers and browse the Internet. That is one reason I posted a couple of weeks ago that I saw good news on the horizon but didn’t want to “jinx” it by saying anything. Those people have access to the same news and commentary that we do and they probably look at many of the same sites we do. So I would post on the Internet with the expectation that the enemy is reading what is posted.

  2. Crzy4politks says:

    I heard there were nine dead this weekend in DC. Could be wrong. I don’t know if you want to add that it was in DC this weekend.

  3. AJStrata says:

    LOL! Maybe I was too subtle?

  4. pjo says:

    Me thinks Crosspatch, did not catch that subtle reference about where this was happening. It took me two run throughs to figure it out.

  5. crosspatch says:

    Yeah, I didn’t follow the link and made an assumption. My bad.

  6. AJStrata says:

    OK, next time a dash less subtleness…..

  7. kathie says:

    A little change of subject, but well worth reading at “Freerepublic”.
    Liberals & Libertarians ‘Dead’ Wrong on National Security
    The New Media Journal ^ | June 2, 2008 | JB Williams
    Posted on 06/02/2008 9:31:39 AM PDT by NewMediaJournal

    Hillary Clinton was for the war on terror including in Iraq, before she had to become against it to attract her Code Pink feminazi core for a White House bid. Barack Obama says he would have been against it from the start, had he been out of his political diapers at the time those tough decisions had to be made. Both are running on ideological hindsight and campaign rhetoric.

    But 300 million Americans expected President Bush alone to make certain that there would be no second 9/11. He has done just that, no matter how politically uncomfortable leftists have made it for him in their quest for political power at any cost.

    Libertarians like Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan are equally foolish in their isolationist blame America first and often national security rhetoric.

    Since these mental midgets have such big mouths on such an important subject that they clearly know nothing about, it’s time to KISS national security, keep it simple stupid, before the American voter makes a treacherous mistake this November.

    Both liberals and libertarians seem to have missed their security 101 courses, even the basics learned by the average voter before they reach the 3rd grade. Defense alone won’t win anything. Winning anything requires an offense.

    Name your analogy…

  8. VinceP1974 says:

    I love this… everything you need to know about the traitors in the press is here:


    Timeline 1Afghanistan and the War on Terror,
    September 2001–December 2002

    Sept. 9 Assassination of Ahmed Shah Massoud
    Sept. 11 Terrorists strike the United States
    Sept. 12 President meets with Joint Chiefs at Pentagon
    Sept. 15–16 Camp David meeting of National Security Council
    Sept. 20 President addresses Congress
    Oct. 7 Beginning of war in Afghanistan
    Oct. 19 First entry into Afghanistan of U.S. Special Ops Forces

    Oct.–Nov. American press reports: “quagmire”

    Nov. 9 Fall of Mazar-e-Sharif
    Nov. 11 Fall of Herat
    Nov. 13 Fall of Kabul
    Nov. 14 Fall of Jalalabad
    Dec. 5 Bonn Process agreement on Afghan interim
    Dec. 6 UN resolution calls for new government
    Dec. 7 Fall of Kandahar
    Dec. 22 Karzai government installed
    Throughout Dec. Tora Bora
    Dec. 20. Creation of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)

  9. MerlinOS2 says:

    Recent Bumper Sticker sighting

    Bush Led

    Terrorists are Dead

  10. Dc says:

    Bush Lied. Terrorists Fried.