Jun 12 2008

Obidiot Obama – Part II, Feeding They “Whitey” Rumor Mill

This morning I posted on the idiotic move by the Obama campaign to re-open the rumor about Michelle Obama raging against “Whitey” by posting some ‘truths’ about the ‘smear’ coming from Hillary supporter Larry Johnson.  In that post I noted all the Obamabots were doing was feeding the rumor mill by giving it credibility and oxygen.  And for a rumor that has no reason to show up again until the convention at the earliest, it seemed really stupid to fan the flames now, especially since it had just died down.

But lo and behold, the ‘truth’ being used to supposedly challenge the rumors did start to open new valid questions.  Timed with Obama’s new internet battle was a Time’s peace about the effort from the pliant and gullible liberal news media (they so adore Obama!).  In that article (linked in the previous post) Karen Tumulty reports the Obama campaign learned of the rumor one full month before Larry Johnson did and ran it on his website!  So clearly the Obama campaign has its own sources about this supposed tape.

Now another blogger has torn apart the ‘truth’ posted on the Obama site and notes that the Obama site confirms Michelle Obama did speak at the Rainbow/Push convention!

At his, Fight the Smears, web site Obama charges that the following statement is a lie:

The Michelle Obama Rant Tape was filmed between June 26th – July 1st 2004 in Chicago, IL at the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition Conference at Trinity United Church: specifically the Women’s Event

Indeed, the event was held at the Chicago Sheraton not at Trinity United Church.

BUT, the site goes on to say:

Michelle Obama was not on a panel… at the Sheraton.

It then links to a schedule of the event that shows Michelle Obama WAS on a panel at the event, or at least a ’special guest” which certainly suggests the possibility of a speaking role, especially since two television personalities are MC’s. What are they Master of Ceremonies of?(our italics):

Womans Luncheon

M.C.’s: Cheryl Burton and Karen Jordan, ABC 7

Keynote Speaker: Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.

Special Guests:
Shoshana Johnson, Retired United States Military
Michelle Obama, University of Chicago

I go to these kinds of panel discussion and plenary sessions for business (but they are about space technologies, etc – real geeky stuff). Michelle’s listing as a ‘special guest’ means she was attending (if not leading) one of the panels and also would have a voice at the plenary (the summary of the panel discussions).  Here is the Obama campaign’s ‘truth’:

Michelle Obama was not on a panel, and the Rainbow Push Conference was at the Sheraton.

But she was a special guest?  And are they trying to be Clintonesque between a ’roundtable discussion’, ‘plenary’ and a ‘panel’?  If the campaign wants to claim Michelle never spoke publicly on any topic in any forum at the convention in 2004, then that is a complete and bullet proof denial.  But that lame ‘truth’ is as bad as the other ones I dissected in the earlier posts.

Not only did they give oxygen to the rumor, they through a couple of gallons of gasoline on the fire to boot!  How did Obama’s campaign learn of the tape before Hillary supporter Larry Johnson posted on it? And did Michelle ever address a roundtable, plenary or panel using a microphone at the Rainbow/Push convention at any of its locations?

Want to lay best the pliant and gullible news media presses the questions or that Obama will give a straight, unambiguous answer?

17 responses so far

17 Responses to “Obidiot Obama – Part II, Feeding They “Whitey” Rumor Mill”

  1. scaulen says:

    Simple, BHO is going to set it up to look like it’s all a Republican dirty trick. That’s why the polls are asking if it’s OK to go after family in an election, and the poll questions are being led to make it seem like this has never happened before and it’s twice as despicable this time since it’s the Messiahs family. You know what certain factions say and do when you blaspheme the messiah or his family. Can’t wait to see the left fever swamps flood the streets, start burning cars, and call for McCain’s head.

  2. Snapple says:

    What you have there does make it look like the Obama site is parsing its words.

    Still, this tape will either appear or it won’t.

  3. crosspatch says:

    If there is such a video out there, it will surface and all of Obama’s twists and turns won’t matter, it is what it is and we are all going to judge for ourselves.

  4. AJStrata says:

    Folks, I agree nothing can deflect a tape from being made public if it exists. But clearly Obama’s campaign just independently confirmed the rumors of the video.

    What a bone-head maneuver.

  5. VinceP1974 says:

    Of course Obama has his own source for the video… his wife!

  6. scaulen says:

    It just doesn’t make sense, unless you consider ineptitude. If BHO can’t even put together an election team that won’t shoot itself in the foot, how is he going to put together a Presidential cabinet?

  7. BarbaraS says:

    If the tape is real then the only explanation is that Obama wants its out there now so that it will be old news when it does come out publicly. This would be if in fact he knows such a tape exists and will damage him in the GE. On the other hand it could be a ploy to denouce the republicans knowing full well that such a tape does not exist. Never deny the Miachevelian minds of the dems and this guy goes further than any of the others in deviousness. He’s slick but is so rooted in socialolgy or marxism or outright communism that he doesn’t know how most of America lives or thinks. He gives himself away with his constant talk about workers instead of just people. To the communist mind the people are only workers and nothing else.

  8. norm says:

    maybe the obama camp simply isn’t worried about right wing extremist fear-mongering gutter-snipe smear merchants like you. he’s on the correct side of most issues. he’s taking the high road – coming out against this kind of politics, while mccain himself has admitted he’s powerless to stop his own party from rolling around in the mud. most of the country is clearly tired of your kind of shit. and most of the country isn’t terrified by people who might look different of come from a different culture. how many posts did you make about reverend wright? it doesn’t seem to have mattered. obama will take 57 states and you will still be wondering when the whitey tape is coming out. pathetic.

  9. Crzy4politks says:

    I love how people still like to claim “obama will take 57 states”. Please explain where there are 7 more states hiding? Cause DC and Puerto Rico don’t count, but thats still only 2

  10. VinceP1974 says:

    Crzy4politks. Obama said that he had visited 57 states. The claim “Obama will take 57 states” is a joke about what he said.

  11. Crzy4politks says:

    Yeah I understand that, but why are people who support him repeating it. It just makes them look stupid and it definitely doesn’t add credit to any argument.

  12. VinceP1974 says:

    Are you asking me to explain to you why people mock other people?

  13. Crzy4politks says:

    VinceP, no not at all. There are times I just don’t understand why people do things. I guess I should have taken psychology in school rather than political science. but then again the liberals wouldn’t want to explain their convoluted thinking, so i guess it doesn’t matter.

  14. […] Did Obama’s stupid "Fight The Smears" website actually validate the existence of the elusive Michelle Obama "whitey" tape? […]

  15. BrandyInfluenced says:

    IMPORANT NOTE: The NationalEconomist.com site that originally reported that Michelle Obama was indeed at the Rainbow/PUSH Convention in question in the Summer of 2004 was attacked and the post on Michelle Obama was wiped out. Thus, the link in the above story does not work.

    They have re-posted the analysis here:


  16. BrandyInfluenced says:

    IMPORANT NOTE: The NationalEconomist.com site that originally reported that Michelle Obama was indeed at the Rainbow/PUSH Convention in question in the Summer of 2004 was attacked and the post on Michelle Obama was wiped out. Thus, the link in the above story does not work.

    They have re-posted the analysis here:


  17. VinceP1974 says:


    I re-read what you wrote .. and I dont know why I responded the way I did.. I think i was in a hurry at work.

    I didn’t know his supporters were actually repeating the 57 state thing