Search Results for "1930"

Jun 03 2016

Leftwing/Immigrant America Echoes Nazi Fascism

Update: Michael Goodwin asks the same question in the NY Post today I pondered when news of the San Jose violence broke:

Are President Obama, Hillary Clinton and violent leftists in cahoots to elect Donald Trump? Or are they just idiots?

The evidence is overwhelming that they all belong to a conspiracy — either of secret GOP sympathizers or of dunces. Those are the only options after Democrats took turns denouncing Trump in ways that actually bolstered the potency of his arguments. Three examples tell the tale.

End Update:

Yesterday during a Trump campaign event in San Jose, CA (whose mayor is a Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter) violence erupted and average American citizens were attacked by a mob who claimed to represent illegal immigrants. It was a disgusting and despicable scene (click link to see the videos). A woman was cornered by a mob of people and pelted with eggs, another – who was pregnant – was hit and knocked down.

And of course this all made sense to the Mayor of San Jose:

An angry mob pelted eggs, tomatoes, and bottles at the spectators—as well as the police, who tried (and failed) to maintain some semblance of order. Other Trump supporters were set upon and punched. One was left with blood streaming down his face. (See representative video below.)

The mayor of San Jose, Democrat Sam Liccardo, reacted angrily to the events. Not that he was particularly upset at the violent mob that attacked innocent Americans, of course. No, his ire was directed at Mr. Trump. “At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign,” the mayor said. Apparently it was downright “irresponsible” of Trump to even set foot in California’s third largest city.

This incident (and all previous ones) is going to shore up Donald Trumps “base” like nothing else could.  If Hillary and Bernie do not come out – without hesitation and without caveats – and denounce these acts – including a DEMAND that they end – they will be awarded at the ballot box this fall with the rest of the Democrats.

I only wish the Rolling Thunder had been in San Jose to help protect our democracy from the lunatic fringe.

Let’s see the leftwing/immigrant rabble get through these folks to attack innocent people!

The violence reminded me that those who claim Trump is a fascist/racist are actually projecting their own devils onto the GOP presidential candidate. It is these leftwing/immigrant protesters who are mimicking the tactics of Nazi Germany in the 1930’s:

On the night of November 9, 1938, violence against Jews broke out across the Reich. It appeared to be unplanned, set off by Germans’ anger over the assassination of a German official in Paris at the hands of a Jewish teenager. In fact, German propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and other Nazis carefully organized the pogroms. In two days, over 250 synagogues were burned, over 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed and looted, dozens of Jewish people were killed, and Jewish cemeteries, hospitals, schools, and homes were looted while police and fire brigades stood by.

Emphasis mine.

The true fascists  are those demanding California – and the US – are really part of Mexico. Which of course was a region conquered by a different European nation – Spain (that is why Mexicans speak “Hispaniola” – and not Aztec). It is no coincidence these interlopers have been at every Trump event in California and Arizona and beyond:

A threat from the Texas protests:

“If these people get what they want, Trump in there, I guarantee you — you think the Mexicans are going to lay down that easily? We don’t ever say nothing,” Ronald Gonzales, of Dallas, said.

“It ain’t gonna happen,” Gonzales said. “You really want the Mexicans to really, really stir, really get mad? Y’all don’t understand — we aren’t the minority anymore. We own Texas. Texas is Mexican-made. I’m five generations deep right here.”

This ain’t Mexico, and the only difference  between now and 1938 is these modern political “progroms” are not being done all in one night. They are spread out across political events so as to try and run under the media radar.

People are welcome here in America as long as they obey our laws. You would not let someone stay in your house who begins trashing it and attacking your family would you? We won’t either. If the Mexican community want to live here, do it peacefully. Remember – you are also primarily of European descent! We are not naive or stupid.

Of course, this is going to push most African-Americans away from the Democrats – they have been in the US longer than the Mexican-Americans and earned their freedoms from oppression. American fought a bloody civil war (whites against whites) to fix that mess. These descendants of slaves cannot stand the Hispanic immigrants’ comparison of their free-will migration into the US to that of African slaves snatched from their homes (and I actually do not blame them – Hispanics were slavers of Africans and American Indians too).

I also see these brutish tactics pushing the working class and unions towards Trump.  These are the people who have been out of work – or working 3 part time jobs – because of Liberal nonsense under Obama. They too are fed up with infusion of outsiders taking their jobs and laying foreign flags.

Americans  fought the brutalities of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany. So don’t think these threats will cower us. I suspect and hope there will be increasing protection (like the Rolling Thunder) at all Trump events for the everyday citizens participating in our peaceful (but raucous) election. Trump is safe, but what about our fellow citizens?

These leftwing/immigrant protestors seem to think Americans won’t defend themselves or their homes. That would be a really dumb assumption:

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Jul 08 2014

Criminal, Vicious Acts At Veterans Administration

Published by under VA Scandal

My father passed away recently (no, that is not a picture of us, but it does represent his final day on this planet with us). He was a WWII veteran who fought for this country in Europe, North Africa and the Pacific. He volunteered to take on the evil in this world in the late 1930’s, before there was even a declaration of War for the United States. He was the epitome of the Greatest Generation.

His passing was gentle, but made that way from a great hospice service provided by private medical insurance. Though he was eligible for VA medical services, my father wisely stayed clear of them most of his life.

So when I see a story like this, and think of what kind of torture and pain my father would have suffered if someone had stolen his final medications and replaced them with water I seethe with anger:

Vials of morphine were systemically stolen from a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center and replaced with water and saline so that dying veterans got the wrong treatments, a longtime VA nurse told The Daily Caller.

“A nurse taking care of hospice patients over the past year had been diverting vials of morphine,” said Valerie Riviello, a 28-year veteran nurse at the Albany Stratton VA Medical Center in Albany, New York. “Those patients that were dying in hospice were not getting their intended pain medication.”

Management became aware of the recurring theft without reporting it to higher levels of governance within the VA system, said Riviello, a Florence Nightingale Award winner for nursing.

Both the thieving nurse and her management should be in jail.  I know why management hid this from upper levels.  This kind of act, going on for a year, would rightfully impact their compensation packages. Greed. Plain and simple.

Stealing a veterans pain medication is the lowest of low – right up their with child rape. It is a vicious and callous act.

Where is America’s Department of JUSTICE

2 responses so far

Jan 17 2013

Can Today’s Economic Disorder And Political Incompetence Lead To World-wide Violence?

Published by under All General Discussions

There is a worthy question in the air these days. It comes about because the extremists on all sides are going for broke and pushing everyone to the brink. Some have crudely hinted either the GOP or the Democrats are the second coming of Hitler and the Nazis. Is either side right?

I think a more appropriate analogy is we are awash in a sea of Neville Chamberlains, a well intentioned fool from the 1930’s that took a lead role in allowing hate and anger to spiral out of control world-wide through his complacency and retreat:

Chamberlain sought to conciliate [Nazi] Germany, and make it a partner in a stable Europe. He believed Germany could be satisfied by the restoration of some of her colonies and during the Rhineland crisis of March 1936, had stated that “if we were in sight of an all-round settlement the British government ought to consider the question [of restoration of colonies]”.

Sound familiar? Replace “Nazis” with “Islamo Fascists” and we get a disturbing parallel from the depths of modern history and today’s international dynamics. If we only appease, the killing will end!

One of the more famous quotes of human wisdom that reverberates as an undertone among all these wild accusations of Nazi Ghosts is this:

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it

I believe we are in danger of repeating a lot of hard lessons from the era of the Nazis (and other like political entities of the time), mainly because few us are operating with forethought and calm. On the domestic front, the President is giddy with his lame duck power, and the congressional GOP does seem to be in role of Neville Chamberlain. But on the international stage it is the President who is the too optimistic and too cavalier about events. Look at Libya, which is spiraling out of control because the fragile post-Qaddafi ‘government’ is not being supported over the long haul. This is evident by the way basic resources were pulled from even Embassy Security, leading to the assassination of our US Ambassador and his dedicated security team. That is the sign of a leader who moved on and did not finish the job he started. It is a sign of not thinking of or respecting the down side of his decisions.

So there are parallels to the time that brought humanity the Nazis, not just as simple and obvious as the crude cross charges  being hurdled by small minds would imply. But they are there – and wise people should consider the lessons of history when dealing with today’s challenges.

For one, an attempt to disarm American citizens is similar to what happened in Germany between World War I and World War II. While it was not started by the Nazis, in the end gun control was aimed right at their political enemies and did pave the way to their brutal reign:

I’ve seen references to, and bumper stickers stating, that Hitler took all the guns away from law abiding Germans in 1936.

The talk.politics.guns FAQ (, which is pro-gun,  includes a number of such false quotes in its “Pious Frauds” section and, to its credit, refutes them. The discussion there is based in large part on research done by Clayton Cramer for his book, Firing Back (currently out of print). Cramer is also a gun supporter, making his work in this area highly credible–and creditable.

I point this urban myth out to remind people to be accurate, because one of the tools of people like Hitler was propaganda and mob emotion. He used them to create conditions where good people turned very bad. The false claim about Hitler is sadly a testament to his methods, and should not be repeated now.

“The laws adopted by the Weimar Republic intended to disarm Nazis and Communists were sufficiently discretionary that the Nazis managed to use them against their enemies once they were in power.” In other words, they didn’t need to pass additional laws. The Nazis did pass a weapons law in 1938, but that only added restrictions to the previous law, especially for Jews and other “non-citizens.”

Gun control helped the Nazis keep weapons out of the hands of their enemies, but as Cramer notes, it wasn’t a major factor in Hitler’s success.

When the Nazis enacted their own law in 1938, they added restrictions aimed at Jews, such as not allowing Jews to work in any business involving guns. They also prohibited those under eighteen from buying guns, added yet another permit for handguns, and banned silencers and small hollow-point ammunition. Of course, Nazi officials were exempted from all gun permits.

So, gun control over the masses did play a role in dangerous and evil men taking over a powerful European nation and inflicting carnage world wide. Not identical to the claims, but those playing today with gun control in a heavy handed way are very likely to sow the same seeds that brought to the world to violence nearly 100 years ago. The best thing now is to drop the idea of disarming the masses. In this nation, it will not happen.

But gun control alone was not the spark that caused humane society to disappear from Europe for over a decade of bloody violence. It was economic hardship and the ability of the Nazis to make the leaders of their own society (i.e., the successful and rich) the enemies of the citizenry they had helped through their individual drive and creativity that led to their success:

 In 1929, the American Stock Exchange collapsed, and caused an economic depression [Economic depression: The slowing of economic activity, which usually results in high unemployment, a sharp drop in prices and a fall in production]. America called in all its foreign loans, which destroyed Weimar Germany. Unemployment in Germany rose to 6 million.

The government did not know what to do. In July 1930 Chancellor Brüning cut government expenditure, wages and unemployment pay – the worst thing to do during a depression. He could not get the Reichstag to agree to his actions, so President Hindenburg used Article 48 to pass the measures by decree.

Again, we see the parallels but not an identical match. Today, the President and his Party in the Senate want to do away with foundational elements of our society and economy. The want unlimited spending (which means unlimited taxation). They want control over the medical services element of our economy. These endeavors are going to cause broad economic pain and suffering on Main Street America without doing a thing for the economy. Thus we get the ludicrous statement unemployment grows the economy (via unemployment payments), which would mean high unemployment should cause an increase in economic activity.

Which even most morons know is not the case. But in DC we have a special class of moron apparently.

Anyway, the lesson of history must continue, and we also should note that abrupt removal of the safety net from the masses is NOT a good idea. Which leaves us to deal with spending, which will impact those in government and suckling from the US Treasury (present company included). But that is not a broad impact, but an isolated one. One which could be absorbed if done over time.

Anger and bitterness helped the Nazis to gain more support.

Many workers turned to communism, but this frightened wealthy businessmen, so they financed Hitler’s campaigns.

And here we have the conundrum of Wall Street playing the role of enabler to the Democrats and their dangerously dumb ideas. It was the real estate and mortgage businesses that allowed the removal of checks on people’s ability to pay their mortgage, that in turn led to the Great Recession as masses of unprepared home owners defaulted. It has been the Green Energy theorists who have been bankrolled to the tune of many billions of dollars more than ever goes to oil and gas companies, but who have left bankruptcy and the bill from their ignorance on the US Tax Payer. It was the medical insurance companies that caved on Obamacare. And it is other America super companies who to this day are given passes to Obamacare, etc. Exempted from the damage being wrought.

The masses are angry, and the elites are circling the wagons. The elite are willing to play with deadly fire to hold onto their power. And that is the parallel we should be monitoring.

I see a pattern here. We are not at the point, economically, where things have to explode. But two things are not in our favor.

One: those who remember the brutality, carnage and human suffering caused by the mistakes of the 1930’s are very few now. Much of this period in time is romanticized (e.g., Indiana Jones movies), with which comes removal of the painful and disturbing details the lesson requires.

Two: Today we are used to a much higher standard of living. And that removes us from the world of the average citizen of planet Earth. So it seems like a lot is being taken away or threatened. Sadly, this means the fear – which turns to anger, which can be exploited – is out there now.

Side note: I read  a great post over at Watts Up With That comparing the poorest American household with true poverty in the world. It is worth a read. Because those who over react under such conditions as we see today (either from over-hype or wimpy capitulation) do not employ the necessary core values and determination required to get through this. We can (and will) resist the efforts of the Democrats to play around with the foundations of this country and its constitution. But that resistance has many legal paths available before people lose their heads and violence erupts.

We living in interesting and dangerous times. We need a bulwark of sanity in Congress to literally stop all the legislative nonsense that has occurred (i.e., no federal budgets out of the dysfunctional US Senate) and is planned (no debt limit). We need to say ‘no further’, and do so with quiet and firm determination.

The question is – will we rise to the challenge, or will we look for quick, tumultuous and possibly violent solutions? Or worse, will we fold like a cheap lawn chair?


10 responses so far

Dec 28 2012

Fiscal Cliff Nonsense

The Tea Party/Libertarian insurgent voters of 2010 know the best available answer to the stealing of money from future generations is to embrace the so-called fiscal cliff.  All other options are result in more theft and more kick-the-problem-down-the-rode. So far, the best deficit reduction package on the table is the fiscal cliff.

But the Political Industrial Complex (the News Media, Pols and Lobbyists) are all trying to cry “Wolf!” over the cliff dive so they can connive more theft of our children’s futures to line their pockets. They don’t want the cliff to come, because it requires us to pay our way instead of steal from our children  in the form of supposed deficit borrowing. Less for them.

Thus, we get a lot of stupid PR stunts this weekend. Like a bunch of Pols getting together to pretend they are not actually doing nothing – which of course they are. Lots of movement, no progress:

No reporters, no cameras, just five people sitting around a table wasting each other’s time while an excruciatingly bored pundit class waits for smoke signals afterward.

O’s going to come off of his $250K offer and hand the debt-ceiling issue back to the GOP so that we can go through another standoff over spending cuts in the spring? I know how I’d vote on that if I were a Republican legislator. And I know how I’d vote on it if I were a Democratic one.

Our so-called political leadership is still plumbing the depth of their incompetence. This cartoon sums up the true victims of any attempt to avoid fiscal responsibility by avoiding or delaying the ‘fiscal cliff‘ dive.

And of course our crazy-like-a-stuffed-fox Democrats are demonstrating their usual Drama Queen act:

Less than two weeks after one of the nation’s deadliest school shootings, the No.2 Democrat in the U.S. House, Steny Hoyer, compared Republican tactics for dealing with the nation’s debt limit to someone threatening to shoot a child hostage.

Subtle, eh? Of course it is Democrat big-government policies which are stealing our children’s (and their children’s) futures by saddling them with our debts!  Hoyer attempts a little diversion and projection – and comes of looking pretty damn dumb in the process.

Personally, I say go over the cliff – bring on the Clinton tax rates!

3 responses so far

May 02 2012

So Who Really Is Against Scientific Discovery?

History is replete with the social upheaval of scientific revolution. In this repeating saga of humanity, there are always two camps: the established ‘consensus’ and the heretical new thinkers.

The most infamous of these upheavals was the debate between the terra-centric (flat earth types) and heliocentric camps of the renaissance. The consensus was held by the Catholic Church who had determined (with loose and unfounded logic) that the Earth was the center of the universe – and they it’s smartest and most wise (of course)

The heretics were those watching and measuring reality: Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Nicolaus Capernicus and Galileo Galilei – some of humanity’s most brilliant and open minded scientists. As these people began to observe the heavens and make precise measurements night after night, they began to unravel the mysteries of the night sky. They discovered planets, theorized about them orbiting a large mass, and finally discovered the Earth actually revolved around the Sun.

For these amazing achievements these people were prosecuted by the naysayers of the Church:

Nicolaus Copernicus (German: Nikolaus Kopernikus; Italian: Nicolò Copernico; Polish: Miko?aj Kopernik (help·info); in his youth, Niclas Koppernigk;[1] 19 February 1473 – 24 May 1543) was a Renaissance astronomer and the first person to formulate a comprehensive heliocentric cosmology which displaced the Earth from the center of the universe.[2]

Copernicus’ epochal book, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), published just before his death in 1543, is often regarded as the starting point of modern astronomy and the defining epiphany that began the scientific revolution. His heliocentric model, with the Sun at the center of the universe, demonstrated that the observed motions of celestial objects can be explained without putting Earth at rest in the center of the universe. His work stimulated further scientific investigations, becoming a landmark in the history of science that is often referred to as the Copernican Revolution.

By 1616 the attacks on the ideas of Copernicus had reached a head, and Galileo went to Rome to try to persuade the Catholic Church authorities not to ban Copernicus’ ideas. In the end, a decree of the Congregation of the Index was issued, declaring that the ideas that the Sun stood still and that the Earth moved were “false” and “altogether contrary to Holy Scripture”, and suspending Copernicus’s De Revolutionibus until it could be corrected. Acting on instructions from the Pope before the decree was issued, Cardinal Bellarmine informed Galileo that it was forthcoming, that the ideas it condemned could not be “defended or held”, and ordered him to abandon them. Galileo promised to obey. Bellarmine’s instruction did not prohibit Galileo from discussing heliocentrism as a mathematical fiction but was dangerously ambiguous as to whether he could treat it as a physical possibility.[53] For the next several years Galileo stayed well away from the controversy.

The sentence of the Inquisition was delivered on June 22. It was in three essential parts:

  • Galileo was found “vehemently suspect of heresy”, namely of having held the opinions that the Sun lies motionless at the centre of the universe, that the Earth is not at its centre and moves, and that one may hold and defend an opinion as probable after it has been declared contrary to Holy Scripture. He was required to “abjure, curse and detest” those opinions.[59]
  • He was sentenced to formal imprisonment at the pleasure of the Inquisition.[60] On the following day this was commuted to house arrest, which he remained under for the rest of his life.
  • His offending Dialogue was banned; and in an action not announced at the trial, publication of any of his works was forbidden, including any he might write in the future.[61]

I snipped these passages from the Wikipedia pages on Capernicus and Galileo. It is a disgusting and disturbing part of humanity’s history. These people looked at the world in open and objective ways and saw what was there, transpiring right in front of them. Yet the ‘consensus’ crowd was so afraid of the real facts they censored the real results and ruined the careers of these ‘deniers’ of doctrine.

Fast forward to today and you see the Church of Al Gore/IPCC replaying history. But this time they do not have the reigns of law, nor the ability to shut down and censor dissent so coldly and easily.

For a while they were able to abuse the scientific review process and stamp out contrary studies, but that could not hold and someone with a more refined conscience and a true sense of the scientific method let leak the emails that proved the conspiracy to shut out the heretics of AGW. The milder inquisition in hiding was exposed. Though some still hold out for a more violent response:

We know who the active denialists are – not the people who buy the lies, mind you, but the people who create the lies.  Let’s start keeping track of them now, and when the famines come, let’s make them pay.  Let’s let their houses burn.  Let’s swap their safe land for submerged islands.  Let’s force them to bear the cost of rising food prices.

This person needs help.

As with the Heliocentric Revolution, it takes time to finally wash away the chains of consensus and once again walk in the light of discovery. But with so many more scientists today, much more capable tools and global data banks this round of cleansing won’t take centuries.

The following story at WUWT is a harbinger of new scientific enlightenment, and recalls one of the last scientific revolutions to sweep Mother Earth:

Today the Royal Astronomical Society in London publishes (online) Henrik Svensmark’s latest paper entitled “Evidence of nearby supernovae affecting life on Earth”. After years of effort Svensmark shows how the variable frequency of stellar explosions not far from our planet has ruled over the changing fortunes of living things throughout the past half billion years.

By taking me back to when I reported the victory of the pioneers of plate tectonics in their battle against the most eminent geophysicists of the day, it makes me feel 40 years younger. Shredding the textbooks, Tuzo Wilson, Dan McKenzie and Jason Morgan merrily explained earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain-building, and even the varying depth of the ocean, simply by the drift of fragments of the lithosphere in various directions around the globe.

The consensus of a rigid solid crust was blown away – again by a few out-of-the-consensus-box thinkers who pulled together data into a new picture of the world around us. The story Svenmark shows is how this Earth interacts with the galaxy around us. And how that galaxy can cause conditions that increase clouds, and thus decrease global temps as we are shielded from the Sun’s life giving energy. It shows how a cool Earth with lowered sea levels loses diversity and threatens life, while a warmer Earth with higher seal levels allows diversity and evolution to explode.

It also shows how CO2 is not a driver of temperature, but a result of higher temps and more water (sort of a “duh” moment in my opinion).

There have been many other studies out recently, showing how polar ice extent today is not much different from the 1930-1940 period (which is consistent with RAW temperature records which show a similar global temp as today). Another shows how satellites have disprove the climate models, and we all know how temperatures have not increased with CO2 for going on two decades (on average).

The theory of AGW is busted and dead. Now it is just a matter of time for the media to grow up and report on it, and the politicians to disconnect themselves from the mess. And it is a mess. You would think the CRU emails would have sent a shudder through all respectable and honorable men and women of science. But the group-think surrounding CO2 is so engrained it has taken even grosser events to begin to rattle the zealots. As with the Church and Galileo, there have been outright forgeries and fakes used to try and hide the reality.

But the truth of reality will break through the fiction of zealotry. At least we can say we are getting better at getting through these disturbing moments of lax judgement.

10 responses so far

Mar 21 2012

Proof Man-Made Global Warming Is Really Man-Made

One thing that really gets under the skin of professionals in my line of business is eff’d up data, especially when the eff’ing up looks to be a deliberate act to deceive.

At NASA there are heart wrenching examples of when computations are wrong:

For those not aware, that is the Space Shuttle Challenger and Columbia, respectively, as we saw them in their final seconds.

When I see people deliberately manipulate data to give a false impression it makes my skin crawl. It’s not just some innocent lying or fooling, in some cases it is a clear act of fraud. It’s the case of the dangerous lie that causes pain suffering I cannot abide, not an untruth for a good cause (like keeping secrets). Sadly, some people are deluded that their cause is worthy of a little untruth. A peculiar arrogance to be sure.

We now have proof Global Warming is man made, in that it has been concocted by con artist pretending to be scientists. And that proof comes from the latest temperature data from that scourge of the scientific process and method, the University of East Anglia’s Climactic Research Unit (CRU).

Continue Reading »

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Dec 29 2011

More CRU “Fun With Numbers

I have been inspired by my reading of The Hockey Stick Illusion by A.W. Montford. It has caused me to revisit the Climategate 1 data files as well as the thousands of emails now made public. In doing word searches on files and emails, I sometimes just stumble over stuff that catches my eye and which  opens all sorts of questions. That very kind of serendipitous event happened the other day and what I discovered was quite enlightening

Continue Reading »

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Nov 15 2011

Man-Made Global Warming Fades Away

Is the world warming? Why Yes! Ever since The Little Ice Age the world has been recovering from a multi century cold snap and nearing prior historic levels of warmth.

The Little Ice Age (LIA) was a period of cooling that occurred after the Medieval Warm Period (Medieval Climate Optimum).[1] While not a true ice age, the term was introduced into scientific literature by François E. Matthes in 1939.[2] It is conventionally defined as a period extending from the 16th to the 19th centuries.[3][4][5] though climatologists and historians working with local records no longer expect to agree on either the start or end dates of this period, which varied according to local conditions. NASA defines the term as a cold period between 1550 AD and 1850 AD and notes three particularly cold intervals: one beginning about 1650, another about 1770, and the last in 1850, each separated by intervals of slight warming.

Emphasis in blue is mine. Conveniently, the ‘modern’ long term temperature record begins in the 1880’s – even though it is incredibly spotty and this is the time in human history before electricity, world-wide synchronized clocks, radios, computers, etc. The error bars on this earliest segment of the ‘modern record’ are in the multiple degree range. Simple logic (which escapes people sometimes) reminds us that temperature readings have to be made the same way at the same time each day to remove basic measurement noise. Something not happening in the 1880’s, and I would wager was not happening uniformly throughout the world until post World War II (which created an enormous leap in technology). In other words, the data prior to 1940 is probably incredibly noisy and could not be the basis for detecting  sub-degree changes since. Basic math folks, no need to over think this.

One recent study out from Greenland was quite clear on this matter. It looked at temperature records in the ice (which are chemically straight forward and much more consistent than 1880’s era thermometer readings) and discovered today’s warm period (which peaked in 1998) is not uncommon, nor record setting. Here are the key graphs (Click to enlarge):

The firs graph shows from 1840 (around the middle of the last big dip in temps from the Little Ice Age) and clearly shows a rise to a peak in the 1930-1940 range (which is seen in every area of the world as I noted when I analyzed the CRU raw data leaked during climategate). The issue with alarmist temp data has always been that ‘corrections’ were made by alarmists to the raw data. Corrections that have shifted the recent period (last 60 years) of temps up by 0.5° C. This has given the appearance today is warmer than the 1930-1940 peak, but it isn’t (given the error bars on the temp record itself there is statistically no difference – something even GISS admits). Here is a snap of one areas record from CRU, showing clearly how there is little difference between today and the period leading up to World War II (green line for comparison – click to enlarge):

Each graph covers a 3 month period (e.g., MAM= March, April, May). If you read alarmist claims carefully, they are very careful to make their warming claim from 1950 – when there was a dip in temps.They pick a low spot to exaggerate the warming trend. Fairly lo- brow spin in my humble opinion.

Back in the day I used to do a lot of analysis on man-made global warming. This post contains links to what I see as my most important findings.

Anyway, the Greenland study goes on in the second panel of the image above to look back 1000 years – and lo and behold there is a period of warmth on par with today’s temps. The infamous Medieval Warm Period. And in the third panel the study looks back 2000 years we see the Roman Warm period begin to show up. Another figure from the study looks back 4000 years, and finds a 3rd warm period centered on the Bronze Age – all equal to or warmer than today.

Anybody blessed with three IQ digits to rub together can see that today is not much different from the past similar periods long ago. So therefore today’s temperatures are not likely AT ALL to be caused by man-made forces from modern civilization – Al Gore’s ego aside. Man has yet to obtain the ability to push Mother Nature around.

A somewhat sharp person would also connect the historic dots and realize humanity’s leaps in science, technology, civilization, etc all accelerated dramatically during these warm periods – when we all had time to do something other than just fight to survive.

Two points are obvious here then. The historic record shows a natural temperature variability independent of human pollution. But it also shows how warm periods drive human evolution. We are not the force warming the world, but we as a species (and all others on the planet as well – let’s not get egocentric again) do benefit from generally warmer temperatures (which brings with it higher CO2). The cause and effect arrow is reversed from what alarmists have predicted.

As the universe continues on its path, throwing all the alarmist theories in the process, those in the alarmist camp with a modicum of scientific objectivity are slowly (if not grudgingly) beginning to change their tune. Instead of dire runaway warming in 5 years or less, the new spin is …

When you get down to specifics, the academic consensus is far less certain. The draft gives even less succour to those seeking here a new mandate for urgent action on greenhouse gas emissions, declaring: “Uncertainty in the sign of projected changes in climate extremes over the coming two to three decades is relatively large because climate change signals are expected to be relatively small compared to natural climate variability”.

In other words – don’t expect to see a lot of global warming for 20-30 years. Just like there has been general cooling over the last ten years.

So now we will experience 3-4 decades without warming, all the while CO2 levels continue to rise. And still the alarmists will fail to admit their theories have been shattered completely. Anyone (left or right) who utters the view we have to address global warming or the science of AGW is settled is fair game to be ignored. And I guarantee you, those still singing this mantra are less likely to have the education or background to know what the science means (yes, I am talking to all those journalist majors in the news media).

It’s hard to find the energy to keep beating this dead horse. At some point you simply have to pity those who don’t have the objectivity or schooling to see beyond the busted myths.

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Jul 08 2011

Obama-Reid-Pelosi Created Historic Economic Failure

So, unemployment is still ravaging the country:

U.S. employment growth ground to a halt in June, with employers hiring the fewest number of workers in nine months, dampening hopes the economy was on the cusp of regaining momentum after stumbling in recent months.

Nonfarm payrolls rose only 18,000, the weakest reading since September, the Labor Department said on Friday, well below economists’ expectations for a 90,000 rise.

he unemployment rate climbed to 9.2 percent, the highest since December, from 9.1 percent in May.

The government revised April and May payrolls to show 44,000 fewer jobs created than previously reported.

Why are we here?

Because of the brilliant left-wing solution that was meant to deal with a left-wing created economic disaster. Instead of giving the private sector breathing room to adjust to the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac real estate implosion (caused by radical loosening of loan requirements on the taxpayer’s dime), Obama, Reid and Pelosi concocted the brilliant scheme wherein the sluggish federal bureaucracy would spend like drunken sailors to stimulate economic growth.
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Jun 16 2011

A Cosmic-Sized Inconvenient Truth

Published by under All General Discussions

Important Updates At End

For decades now the left wing has been experiencing self-inflicted debacles of truly epic proportions. They have not been just screwing up normally. They have been screwing up in a way that has hurt millions and millions of people over decades of time.

The common thread in all these mishaps is a tragic combination of simpleton concepts born to White-Knight need-to-bes (as opposed to wannabes) who embody a large dose of ignorance and arrogance. Each concept was originally intended to save humanity, but it was never thought through, tested or managed to make sure it was not doing more harm than good. It is the result of lazy liberal thinking, where you just jump from the need to ‘do good’ to the ‘obvious solutions’ any 3rd grader could see (hint – that kind of leap in logic is 99% of the time wrong) – without the skills or intention to test the idea and thus bypassing the sanity check. Over the years, this kind of unique liberal ineptness has produced some spectacular screw ups.

One of the more tragic of these was the instantiation of the permanent welfare state. This gross injustice was finally torn down in the mid 1990’s with the combined efforts of a GOP Congress and a left-of-center Democrat President – but not before generations of Americans were born into wasted lives spent on the government dole. Until time limits were established along with some semblance of a life time cap, generations were trapped in this vicious cage.

The trigger seemed to be that many people latch onto one of what must be an infinite number of reasons to avoid personal responsibility. Growing up and standing on your own is a thrilling and daunting proposition when you are young. The life time welfare net was a perfect way out of forcing one’s self to push past the anxiety and get out and work. It is breaking through that hesitation to ‘leave the nest’ which forces us to discover our potential and realize living is not as scary as we were taught (or in the case of the welfare industrial complex, are constantly told). But if you can avoid that step and eek out a living, it seems a lot of people will take the path of least effort.

The lifetime welfare trap was the genius of like minded liberals who don’t want to have to grow up. They would prefer to avoid the challenges of obtaining education, learning a craft and spending a life time becoming an artisan of that craft. It devastated the African-American family, who were already leery of the racist society that was rooted in slavery and the race tensions of the 1950’s and 1960’s. To be cool meant to avoid society and take from it what you could. Those who took on society, used the system to gain their individual freedom and independence succeeded, the others hid out on the dole.

That was one of the greatest royal screw ups I ever experienced in my life time. But it was not the last.

The current economic devastation was the result of another combination of simpleton thinking, arrogance and incompetence. This brilliant idea was formed around the belief that if we hand out houses, we can elevate people to the middle class. Dumb as that sounds now, that is the essence of the left wing policies that ended in the financial ruin of millions of hard working Americans in the middle class. When the left loosened the requirements on home loans to simply require a fog on a mirror, they created a boon to lenders needing new victims (i.e., first time home owners) to line their pockets. The faux increase demand for homes lit a speculation explosion which inflated home prices while undermining the financial basis of the housing market.

The result was the real estate bubble bursting on all that rotten paper in 2008 – which in turn wiped out billions (if not trillions) in home values. The dominoes began falling once that mistake came home to roost, and soon the stock market crashed and completed the destruction of savings for just about all the middle class in America. Between your stocks and your property, you have little else in the way of a nest egg. And if you made the mistake of raiding your home equity prior to the market crash, you ended up owing more than you owned. We are still paying for this royal screw up from the left.

Since then we have seen the liberal screw up of deficit spending – clearly not the way to grow an economy. We are now almost $5 trillion more in debt since Obama, Reid and Pelosi started showing their stuff, and the economy is in worst shape for it. We have Obamacare already wiping out good solid health plans and bankrupting Medicare. The list goes on and on.

But today I am pleased to report Fate may have dealt the boobs on the left a Cosmic-Sized slap upside the head. For this week it has become scientifically evident that the biggest measured (not theoretical) threat to our global climate (and thus our food source and economic strength) is not global warming, but another Little Ice Age:

What may be the science story of the century is breaking this evening, as heavyweight US solar physicists announce that the Sun appears to be headed into a lengthy spell of low activity, which could mean that the Earth – far from facing a global warming problem – is actually headed into a mini Ice Age.

This Cosmic-Sized inconvenient truth stands in stark contrast to the two decades long fantasy of man-made, CO2-driven, global warming. That mythology, it turns out, was based on horribly sloppy math and a cover up of contrary data. When you exclude certain dodgy tree ring data sets we discover today’s climate is no different from the 1930-40 period, the Medieval Warm Period or the Roman Warm period. In fact, once you replace the tree ring data that was covered up to ‘hide the decline’ so infamously documented in the Climategate emails, you discover tree rings can’t detect temperature at all.

Once you take the dodgy CRU, GISS and IPCC data out of the picture you see from ice cores and other proxies that CO2 does not drive temperature, but follows it by a couple hundred years. Which, just coincidentally, is the time since the last Little Ice Age and probably why CO2 levels are rising once again – right on schedule – as they have for millions of years.

I mean, we have all these lame Chicken Littles running around claiming we need to give them trillions of dollars to save the planet, and then the Sun goes into one of its well documented quiescent periods and literally splashes cold water on the whole con. Is Fate fun or what?

If we had followed the left wing off onto another one of their epic screw ups, we would have driven the entirety of human civilization into an economic mess, which always results in war, bloodshed and mass suffering. Heck, the green misconception about ethanol has already begun starving the poor as cars compete for basic food with hungry children. What moron thought that was a good idea??

So this time we have an opportunity to avoid another round of left wing screw ups. That is as long as we don’t follow fools like Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, who share the same lethal combination of arrogance and ignorance on the matter of climate as one Al Gore. None of these people have the science or math background to determine which side is full of BS and which is actually standing on solid scientific ground. I and many others who quietly work in related (or the same) fields do have those skills and experience. And that is why many of us have spent endless hours translating science (or in the case of the alarmists – scientific sounding propaganda) back into laymen terms with clear descriptions on why the science is not pointing to man-made global warming.

The preponderance of evidence has and still does point to natural cycles on scales most humans cannot grasp, let alone measure and predict. I am not surprised that nature once again is not bowing down to the arrogance of humanity. I am just astounded as to how that arrogance continues to do more harm and on ever larger scales. Will we ever learn?

The sound path right now is to reject the certainty of the fanatics, keep expanding our knowledge of the universe and ignore any politician who thinks they can grasp the infinite complexities we face. Just because they become deluded, does not mean the rest of us need to follow.

Major Update: The IPCC has been caught peddling pure fiction so blatant even the warmists are up in arms. Dumb, dumber and dumbest.

Update: WUWT has a great rundown on the actual news behind the announcement of a possible new Little Ice Age.

Update: 30 years ago someone predicted a serious cooling off after an end-of-decade warming. Spot on!

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