Dec 15 2005

Iraq Turnout Estimated At 71%

Published by at 3:55 pm under All General Discussions,Iraq

Wow, the initial estimate is 71% of eligable voters voted today!

In a day remarkable for the absence of large-scale violence, millions of Iraqi voters, many of them dressed in their best and traveling with other family members, streamed to the polls today to cast ballots in a nationwide election as Iraqi leaders predicted that the vote would split almost evenly between secular and Islamist parties.

After the polls closed this evening, electoral commission officials said that turnout could have been as high as 11 million out of 15.5 million eligible voters, more than in October’s referendum, when many Sunnis boycotted the election.


4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Iraq Turnout Estimated At 71%”

  1. mary mapes says:

    Here that America? Iraqi’s appreciate voting more than we do!

  2. mary mapes says:

    of course …HEAR!

  3. Snapple says:

    It’s Bush’s fault!

  4. BIGDOG says:

    71 %???? wow kicked our asses….lol