Nov 08 2009

The DC Liberals Did It, They’re Coming For Our Healthcare

Mad Madam Pelosi rallied, cajoled and threatened enough Democrats (and one republican) to pass the destruction of health care in this nation 220-215. We watched the vote as it happened and it saw our health care and our parents’ health care begin to slip away.

The real bipartisan vote was against the measure with 39 Dems defecting.

This is an interesting moment in politics. If 2010 is does not sweep the Democrats out of office it could be argued that it was due to passing (or trying to pass) healthcare.

However, if it turns out that the Democrats are now swept from office (would be nice to see if those 39 who stayed the course could be spared somehow) then we will have the indisputable answer to the liberal fantasy . And that is “no, American really, really, really does not want socialist health care”.

Now we have to wait a year to see if this mess sticks.

Update: Interesting article from Newsweek of all places:

All year, leading democrats from the president on down have argued that the Republican Party is in the midst of a catastrophic civil war. You know the story. Successive election defeats have narrowed the GOP’s ideological range, and now an open struggle is afoot for control of its voice and agenda.

But Washington Democrats chose a different route. While they have been peddling the story of Republican self-immolation, they have actually been creating the conditions for a Republican resurgence. President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Majority Leader Reid have launched the country on a course of massive spending, a dramatic expansion of government, and a slew of new taxes in the midst of a recession. Finding themselves in control of Congress and the White House and so possessed of an unusual opportunity to pursue their ideological agenda, they have sought to make the most of it. But they have misjudged just how far to the left of the country as a whole the Democratic base now resides—and so, rather than strengthen their own brand, they have inadvertently done wonders to build and unify the Republican Party.

In Congress, Republicans now march nearly as one, to a degree not seen in 15 years. Rather than split on the stimulus, conservative and moderate Republicans easily agreed that it went much too far to the left. The bill received zero Republican votes in the House and just three in the Senate. On many crucial votes since, and in the ongoing health-care and cap-and-trade debates, Republicans have stood together almost unanimously.

Very true. The entire conservative spectrum from left of center to far right have found reason to join forces again. As long as the purity nuts stay out of the picture things can be turned around. It is clear center right thinking is starting to take over again, as we see the more bipartisan alliance standing up in opposition to the liberal zealots.

Sadly, many of these good people may lose their jobs since the nation cannot risk much more of this liberal madness in the midst of a recession. They question is, do the majority of independents, suburbanites and seniors also agree? Polls and the recent elections indicate they do.

18 responses so far

18 Responses to “The DC Liberals Did It, They’re Coming For Our Healthcare”

  1. penguin2 says:

    Obviously the election results of this past week don’t seem to be of much concern to them. They are not listening to the American people, even the CNN poll you posted tells us that. My question AJ, where do we do from here?

  2. lurker9876 says:

    We have done so many things…tea parties, calling, robocalling, and so on.

    We may see the beginning of a revolt but not much more than that.

    Too many complacent Americans. Are they willing to wait until next year’s elections to find out?

    There are a lot of efforts by the Democrats to turn more states blue, especially Texas. The big cities in Texas are turning more blue.

    We spent the evening with our neighbors. The wife knew nothing about Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. And she didn’t seem all that concerned about the future of our country. Hubby was still hung up on that Bush lied to us about Iraq. My husband had to refocus him on the pre-war intelligence data. My husband disagreed with me about WMDs being the first reason but at least I managed to convince him to look at the real data. He switched.

    Lord, God help us.

  3. […] link: The Strata-Sphere » The DC Liberals Did It, They’re Coming For Our Healthcare […]

  4. kathie says:

    The House passed cap and trade as well…..! Does that say something about their intelligence?

  5. kathie says:

    Why do we need a trillion dollar insurance program if 85% of all Americans have insurance?

  6. Toes192 says:

    Is there any Strata Sphere reader who is dumb enough to believe that the Dems ALWAYS

  7. Toes192 says:

    sry pushed the send button accidentally….
    The Dems [Pelosi] ALWAYS had the votes… The 39 Dems [taking Aj’s number as correct] who voted against were given permission by Pelosi to vote against so they can go back to their district with a “No” vote on the health care bill on record…
    IF Pelosi had NEEDED their vote to get to 218… I’ll opine that almost every one of them would have “persuaded” to switch…

  8. crosspatch says:

    I heard it put very nicely on the radio the other day. With the health care bill, government will control everything has an impact inside of your body, with Cap and Trade they will control everything that has an impact outside of your body. In short, EVERYTHING is either inside your body or part of the environment outside of it. With these two bills, government will control EVERYTHING you do.

  9. Frogg1 says:

    I think it will be a short term victory that will blow up in their faces down the road. The facts of the bill passed will be the topic of many discussions for months now. When these facts become a comprehended realization to the average American…I believe they will reject it with great strength. Time will tell.

    I think it is time to dust off “The Road to Serfdom” from the bookcase and read it again.

  10. Frogg1 says:

    PelosiCare’s price controls will bankrupt health insurers in one year

    I’d also like to ask how the government deciding what meets an “approved plan” definition allows for any competition? It doesn’t.

    I think the Dem grand scheme is to force private insurance to comply and all become identical…..then through price controls they will force them all into bancruptcy…..leaving only the government option.

  11. lurker9876 says:

    How easy will it be to repeal and/or reverse a bill?

  12. Jinny says:

    Lurker, could medicare be repealed? Could Social Security be repealed? Once this monstrosity is forced through as I believe it will be, no, it won’t be repealed.

    I hope and pray it can’t make it through the Senate, but the liberals will probably use the nuclear option which only needs 50 votes. Who will stand up to oppose it to pass it? It’s obvious that the liberals in charge of the Senate, House and the Presidency don’t care what we want. They want complete control of our lives and they are so close they can taste it.

    I never thought I’d live to be in a socialist country but I never believed that the people in America could be fooled so easily.

  13. kathie says:

    People say the elderly love medicare. They don’t love medicare, they have NO CHOICE, NOBODY WILL INSURE YOU AFTER YOU TURN 65. I would have loved to have continued my Blue Cross Blue Shield, BUT the government would NOT let me. If I could have taken all the money that I had given the government over 35 years, I could have easily had many other choices. I wouldn’t have to wait each year to see what congress would give me or take away as if my money and medical care was theirs.

  14. crosspatch says:

    I just read an article that over 50,000 people have received H1N1 vaccinations in Chicago. That is interesting because as far as I know, not a single dose of it is available in my county anywhere at any price.

  15. crosspatch says:

    “If I could have taken all the money that I had given the government over 35 years, I could have easily had many other choices.”

    Heck, I could probably have enough put back to have a $100,000 deductible policy.

    It just burns me up when I hear people who spend $300 a month on pot complain that they can’t afford health insurance. As far as I am concerned, this notion that the community is responsible for providing for someone’s health care is nuts. If we are going to have to ration access to health care, I am in favor of rationing it this way: Those who work all their lives and put money back for their old age get the care they can afford. Same with those who sit around whining and blow all their money on drugs. They won’t be able to afford any so they won’t get any leaving more available to those who busted their rear ends all their lives.

    I am just sick of the ticks that socialism breeds.

  16. […] AJ Strata points out, “The real bipartisan vote was against the measure with 39 Dems defecting.” […]

  17. kathie says:

    This can be read in full at FREEREPUBLIC. The question that Obama must answer before he continues on his present rampage of finding a trillion dollars to fund medical care for everybody, is, if he needs to raise a trillion dollars for this program, how is he going to raise the money needed to pay off this enormous debt? It appears he thinks that those who earn $500,000 or more will continue to earn that amount or more no matter how much he taxes them. History proves him wrong, but we know Obama does not have an inclination to recognize that much existed before he became President.

    Up Against a Wall of Debt, Part II
    Newsweek ^ | 11/6/09
    Are the United States, Japan, Great Britain, and other first-world nations in danger of defaulting on their debt? In my latest NEWSWEEK column, I suggested that the unthinkable had become thinkable: some advanced society—say, the United States, Spain, Italy, Japan, or Great Britain—might someday default on its government debt. It wouldn’t pay its creditors all they were owed or wouldn’t pay them on time. Just a few days later, and completely coincidentally, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued a report that, without saying so, added credence to this unsettling hypothesis.

  18. Terrye says:

    I think the whole thing will blow up in their faces. After all, the Senate and House do not agree. The House passed cap and trade and it died in the Senate. I have a feeling the health care bill will do the same.

    They might pass something just to make Obama look better, but I doubt very much if it will be what the House passed. And even then they had to pass it at 11 at night on a weekend and barely managed to get it done.