Jan 27 2006

Iraq, Al Qaeda and Hamas

Published by at 12:05 pm under All General Discussions,FISA-NSA

Why is it Big Media cannot see the importance of a story linking Saddam to Al Qaeda and Hamas and attempts to sneak into the US? Ed Morrissey caught this stunner:

Colombian authorities have broken up a counterfeit ring that manufactured passports for al-Qaeda and Hamas terrorists, used by the lunatics to enter the United States, according to the Colombian attorney general in charge of the investigation.

Three Iraqis traveled to Colombia in 2002, before our invasion, on Israeli passports supplied by al-Qaeda and Hamas. That sounds like a good indication of a connection between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda, I would think. Does anyone wonder what their final destination was, or how they planned on getting there? And does anyone else find it interesting that Hamas and al-Qaeda launched joint operations to send people to the United States back in 2002, or even earlier than that, well before we invaded Iraq?

The NSA program just went from an academic exercise to a practical application. The Colombians know that at least eight people snuck through on faked passports and are now in the United States. Do you suppose that an NSA program designed to check international calls might help locate these suspects — and perhaps help stop a planned attack on an American target?

I don’t need to add anything, except that this story is a potential death knell for those who were too reactionary and who came out against the NSA program without thinking.

One response so far

One Response to “Iraq, Al Qaeda and Hamas”

  1. Snapple says:


    This is NOT said in that article:

    “Three Iraqis traveled to Colombia in 2002, before our invasion, on Israeli passports supplied by al-Qaeda and Hamas.”

    Captain Ed is writing this and he doesn’t say any source.