Jan 31 2006
SOTU: Stay The Course Or Give Up
What a powerful speech!
Bush knocked this one out of the park, and the Democrats made so many unforced errors it was pathetic. I will leave the detailed analysis to the seasoned bloggers (besides I have a movie date with my wife to finish Star Wars Episode II). But Bush just nailed some issues and creamed the Democrats. He asked the nation on every front whether we would give up on all our efforts, admit defeat even when we have come so far, or if we will finish our efforts and show the world what America stood for.
A tour de force.
First he justified the NSA monitoring in such a manner that I was stunned the Democrats were so beligerant they stayed seated. Paraphrasing, Bush promised we would no sit around and let the Al Qaeda hit us agains. He stands by his terrorist monitoring program and if it nabs people in the US – so be it.
But the Democrats just sat there and the camera panned to Hillary who had this career ending smile on her face like ” well you just do that”.
On Iraq Bush was excellent. He reminded everyone what we had done and why quitting now would just hand everything to Bin Laden. Murtha was rhetorically slapped so many times I doubt he is even aware of what hit him.
On tax cuts Bush reminded everyone we need a strong economy. And while we have had a temporary economic boost, we do not need to have it go away simply because the tax cuts are not yet permanent. The President gave a staggering number: $880 Billion. That is how much money has stayed with America’s workers and small businesses due to the tax cuts he pushed. That is nearly a Trillion dollars! I think we Americans deserve to keep this hard earned money since we now know the Government can run just fine without it.
The other item that really struck me was when he talked about the sale of humans in the form of embryos. That hit home. For a country that abhors slavery and still deals with its ramifications, the thought of selling humans at their earliest stage of life, and their most vulnerable stage of life, just hit like a sledge hammer against the soul.
That was an incredibly powerful speech that rocked the Democrats. They sat on their hands while Bush promised to protect us from another Al Qaeda attack. The symbology could not be stronger. The Democrats needed to be wary of their myopic anti-war base, so they allowed Bush and the Republicans to promise to watch over Al Qaeda’s contacts here in the US to avoid the next 9-11. And they just sat there not even clapping.
Michelle has the round up here, Ed Morrissey here, Stop the ACLU here and the lovely La Shawn Barber who I had the honor to meet recently – to name a few.
I had to listen today at work while people made snide comments about tonite’s speech, but Bush was great; and I expect that people at work will also have the same dumb Hillary smiles on their faces tomorrow.
His is a historically great President because of his belief in the importance of Democracy for peace and stability in the world.
Go W! A great night.
SOTU liveblogging (UPDATED)
I won’t be liveblogging it (putting together a TV stand tonight) but I am going to be watching it. Michelle Malkin has a list of bloggers who will be liveblogging it so if you can’t get to a TV, check out those bloggers or visit CSPAN fo…
And here’s another thing: Bill Kristol is a sourpuss.
What a President ….what a SOTU !!
Can we get a re-play of the look on Shrillary’s face ??
President Gave Solid Speech; Cindy Sheehan Removed
Power Line has a brief, reasonable wrap up. If you want to read the whole speech yourself, go here. According to the Washington Post, Ms. Sheehan was evicted from the Gallery of the House Chamber for being noisy and disruptive