Feb 03 2006

Hold Up Michelle

Published by at 3:06 pm under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT


This is at the top since I doubt I will have more to say on this today. When I look at the pictures up at Michelle’s site and Powerline of Muslims calling for the beheading of those who insult Islam, what I see is Bin Laden’s EU army. I see pictures of the next Zaraqawi, the next Atta, the next Zawahiri. I see Al Qaeda taunting the West.

What I do not see is President Karzai of Afghanistan, who legitimately voiced his dislike of the cartoons. I do not see Hosni Mubarak, President of Egypt in those pictures – who also was not happy with them. These two critical allies voiced their disgust with the cartoons.

I do not see the Emir of Kuwait who risked all to host our troops prior to invasion of Iraq. I do not see Iragis with purple stained fingers. I do not see President Musharref. I do not see King Abdullah. I did not see the leaders of Turkey.

What worries me is, if we are not careful and precise about how we react to the deliberate PR campaign of these Al Qaeda storm troopers carrying the signs, we may end up seeing these allies in these pictures some day. And all because we couldn’t summon the compassion to agree some of these cartoons are offensive?

If we would die protecting this country from harm, how come we can’t listen to our allies who have ALSO risked death to protect this country and simply admit these are offensive. Not to us – but to them?

Are we going to attack the Bush administration next?


I really admire Michelle Malkin. She has graced this site with many an appreciated link. And I know she puts up with a lot of garbage from the leftward fever swamps.

Which is why it pains me to say how disappointed I am with her latest post. From my small little niche in the blogosphere I have tried to alert folks to the fact that we need to be setting an example to the moderate Muslims how to deal with ugly free speech. The best way is to dismiss hate speech and marginalize it. Not one of the best ways is to get in an escalating yelling match:

No, you go to hell.

The calls for death to those who insult Islam is a PR taunt meant to get the West riled and chase the moderate Muslims towards the radicals. We all agree free speech is not always pleasant. And to voice outrage at outrageous cartoons is proper, while threats and acts of violence are not to be tolerated.

I fear we are seeing the start of the global war we have been trying to avoid for 5 years now. And it will be over some damn stupid cartoons.

I am not alone in this view – we just seem to be the minority trying to keep cool and focused, and not give into anger.


More than two now. Mark, want to start another Coalition?


I am getting some wild comments here – because some think I am defending the violence and intolerance found in radical Muslim orthodoxy. Just the opposite. We in the West need to retain self control and not give into emotional outburts when the radical in Islam provoke them on their side. Our job is to show how freedom works, not how intimidation works.

I do have one question though. Why is it this episode is being flamed by two elements in society so opposed to the Bush administrations efforts to spread democracy and freedom? We have the over the top outrage of the radical Islamists, but we also have the in-your-face apparently religious intolerance being promulgated by the liberal media outlets:

Publication of the cartoons in Spain, Italy, France, Germany and the Netherlands triggered condemnation in the Muslim and Arab world, where consumers turned their anger on Danish companies.

Arla, the dairy company based in Denmark, where the cartoons were first published, admitted on Thursday its sales in some Middle East countries had fallen to zero. Carrefour, the French retailer, said it had removed Danish products from shelves in its Middle East operations.

Other Danish companies targeted in the boycott include Lego, the toymaker, and Novo Nordisk, the pharmaceuticals company.

As popular protests spread, the leaders of Egypt and Afghanistan warned the cartoons had offended millions of Muslims and could be exploited by terrorists in their war against the west.

I don’t like coincidences. Why are our the two largest groups opposing US policy all of a sudden taunting each other to the brink – and egging both sides on?

Could it be Iran needs a diversion of international focus?

42 responses so far

42 Responses to “Hold Up Michelle”

  1. Kaz-Man says:

    You’re right AJ. There seems to be a fine line between rightous indignation and incitement, and Michelle has taken a flying leap across it.
    Let us sit back, quietly support freedom of speech, and see how the Europeans sort it out. Pass the popcorn!

  2. Larwyn says:

    AJ, I am a great fan and I normally am in agreement with you.
    But I hope you really think about where what you have written
    leads. It is really that “bigotry of low expectations” – a cancer
    pervading the left. What you are others are saying is no
    difference – and therefore can be considered to be somewhat
    – racist, when you think it thru.

    “setting an example to the moderate Muslims how to deal with ugly free speech.” AJ??????

    Yes, I remember it well………all those Christians rioting and threatening
    to murder the network anchors who presented “Piss Christ”, all those
    fires at the networks bureaus and the bombing at headquarters.

    I do remember, and if you go to GatewayPundit, you’ll find lots
    of church burnings around the world – rings a bit of a bell today,
    with 6 Christian (and not black) churches burned in Al *-would
    have been more – but the brick/stone ones take a bit longer and
    were saved.

    Bibles in Saudi Arabia???? Try it AJ! And it won’t take much
    looking around the web to get a good overview of the political
    view of the Islamists’ world.

    So you are saying we should allow them their behavior because
    ……what? they don’t know any better?
    they are such ignorant peoples, they must be dealt with as one
    would deal with 2 year olds? They must be excused all their
    2 year old behavior, AJ??

    Is that what you are saying AJ?

    Then there is no logic in trying to negotiate anything that you do
    not want to renegotiate a hundred times – parents of 2 year olds
    know this.

    I could continue, but the logic string ends with the best way to
    deal with them is in the parental mold. So we recolonize?

    Or we give in to the 2 year old and in 12 or 14 more years
    what do we have????

    * wish I could remember the Intelligence person who said
    “there are NO COINCIDENCES!”

  3. Seixon says:

    I’m not sure why this hasn’t caught on, but the Koran doesn’t say that picturing Mohammed is against the rules. What it does say, though, is that they are forbidden from worshipping images, which is to prevent idolism.

    So unless Muslims are worshipping the images printed in Denmark, Norway, and everywhere else, then all we have on our hands is a manufactured scandal from Islamic fundamentalists. This was done quite easily because they warped the meaning of the Koran long ago, so now this belief is held by many Muslims.

    Summary: fundamentalist Islamists warped the meaning of the Koran, brainwashing many Muslims, and used this fallacy to manufacture a scandal used to legitimize violence and threats of the Western world. Parts of the Western world they would not normally have any excuses to attack.

  4. AJ, the whole thing is just way out of control, isn’t it? Maybe with a weekend coming, it will die down…a shame, really, that with some many pressing issues, this is the one that has everyone all fired up…

  5. AJStrata says:


    It is clear you do not understand what I am saying. Read all three posts – they are quite clear. Radical Islam is using the fact that moderates Muslims in the mideast are unaccustomed to the give and take of free speech. They are flaming outrage in society’s not yet experienced in the ugly side of free speech and how to deal with it. We in the West know all too well people use free speech in ugly hurtful ways.

    My point is this is an opportunity to help the moderates explore ways to deal with the downside of speech. One thing they are doing is just fine – they are voicing their outrage and indignation. Some things they are doing are just wrong – threats of violence and violent acts.

    Where in the world did you get the idea I was proposing we act like them or promote violence?

    Did it ever occur to you that your emotional outburst is exactly what the propagandist in Al Qaeda want from you? Lashing out at Islam in general is playing into their hands.

    I will not be a puppet of Al Qaeda. I prefer to help the newly freed get a grasp on these new freedoms and how to respond to them peacefully.

  6. AJStrata says:


    Agreed. But even worse, the radicals are playing too many of us in the West like fine violins….

    We are reacting just the way they hoped we would.

  7. Decision '08 says:

    Hugh Hewitt Nails It

    I’ve been a little chagrined at the eagerness with which the cause of the Danish cartoonists has been embraced, and I’ve tried to vocalize that, along with a few others on the right side of the aisle. As is often the case, though, someone…

  8. Free speech all around

    I haven’t jumped into the fray on the Muslim cartoon brouhaha, the main reason to see what others were saying, and second, it’s just not my cup of tea.

  9. Larwyn says:

    WOW! AJ,

    Sure hope you don’t work in “Child Protective Services”!

    To equate sending a message to the Islamists that we will
    not put up with your behavior and we will not give up
    our rights to free speech, with:

    “Lashing out at Islam in general is playing into their hands.”

    No AJ, standing up to 2 year old behavior is what teaches
    and reinforces civil behavior.

    You’re a bit too touchy at my bringing up their use of
    “free speech” to demonize Christians, Jews, Buddists and
    every other religion that is not Islam – or the “correct”
    version of Islam.

    I am in total agreement with Seixon. They pulled this out
    at a very appropriate time with both Iran and the Hamas
    “rights to foreign aid” coming to a point.

    Also, I find it very interesting that stories about these
    friendly and peaceful threats and demos are not prefaced
    with the fact that 3 truly dispicable cartoons were added
    to the booklet to stir up the street.

    So tell us all about the doggie/prayer cartoon they produced.

    We need to tell them ” Act like civilized adults and we will treat
    you accordingly”. Responsible parents know this line well,
    that is one of the ways we produce responsible adults.

  10. Larwyn says:

    Some succint comments from Michelles email regarding our
    State Dept’s response:

    Reader Poul E. e-mails me from Denmark with a question:
    Is the US under sharia law?

    Reader Dave C.:
    Will the State Dept. come down on NBC and the writers of Will and Grace for their Cruci-fixins show due out the day before Good Friday?

  11. AJStrata says:


    You are a long time valued reader – don’t cross the line of civility. You seem to be unable to discern between radical islamists like Bin Laden and moderates like Mubarak and Karzai. The acting like civilized adults starts here and with us.

    In my humble opinion you are being played by the radicals who want you to lose control and lash out in anger. You are being used.

    If you don’t like that view I am sorry. When the leaders of Egypt and Afghnistan voice their outrage to the cartoons without any threats of violence then they are not doioing anything wrong. And I am listening because they may be offensive in a way I am not aware – since I am not Muslim. This is not a crime.

    Stop lumping Muslims together and you wil finally grasp what I am saying,

  12. Seixon says:

    I say we just drop the whole damn thing, let those fundamentalist bastards scream all they want until everyone starts ignoring them, and then keep on doing our thing.

    I think we’ve made our point now. Don’t apologize. Don’t “stand down”. Just drop the issue. Like a hot potato. Stop talking about the Muslim reaction. Stop giving them TV time. Just ignore them.

    Ignore a troll, and he will go away.

    And if they do attack us… well, then that’s a new ball-game. A ball game which will come regardless of what we do, anyway. The fundamentalists have already burned the Reichstag, all we can do is hope that they don’t start the war.

    Or, you know, put a moderate Muslim on TV pointing out that the Koran doesn’t say anything about depicting Mohammed, and thus this is really a manufactured issue by the fanatics, which it is. Call it a public Islamic lesson, which I think many Muslims might learn something from, having been brainwashed into believing the Koran says something that it does not.

    That would put the fight back in the Muslim world, which is where it belongs. If there’s anyone who should be talking about, scrutinizing, and discussing Islam and the Koran, it’s Muslims.

  13. clintsf says:


    I think you’re absolutely right about not feeding the troll.

  14. AJStrata says:

    I think you and I are saying the same thing Seixon – except I would easily acknowledge the fact some of these are offensive to our allies like Karzai and Mubarak. And I would also agree people have the right to peacefully voice their objections.

    The Muslims are boycotting the Danes in a peaceful protest the way we boycotted France over Iraq. To me that is progress! Those boycotting are doing something else besided terrorism – at the moment

  15. Larwyn says:

    I totally agree with Seixon and just maybe he has experience
    with 2 year olds – when they throw tantrums and are in a
    safe place and reasoning doesn’t work – you ignore them.

    But I have found more talented experienced writers to present
    my attempt to get you to understand my case.

    I am not the one implying the “low expectations” meme.

    May these excepts be my defense:

    Those not familiar with this credentialed psychiatrist may
    chuckle at my use of excerpts from Dr .Pat Santy’s site
    aptly named DrSanity.
    I hope this gives you a much better understanding of my stance and
    I am proud to be standing with VDH, Wretchard, Dr.Santy and good
    common sense.


    Victor Davis Hanson hits on all the essential topics today and highlights all the ongoing lunacy:


    Ever since that seminal death sentence handed down to Salman Rushdie by the Iranian theocracy, the Western world has incrementally and insidiously accepted these laws of asymmetry. Perhaps due to what might legitimately be called the lunacy principle (“these people are capable of doing anything at anytime”), the Muslim Middle East can insist on one standard of behavior for itself and quite another for others. It asks nothing of its own people and everything of everyone else’s, while expecting no serious repercussions in the age of political correctness, in which affluent and leisured Westerners are frantic to avoid any disruption in their rather sheltered lives…..


    It is quite alarming–even for a psychiatrist who is used to seeing a lot of insanity–to observe what is going on all over the world today. To refer to all these events combined as a “crisis” is a little bit of an understatement. The patient is already completely out of control, exhibiting the irrational and paranoid thinking characteristic of psychosis; and immediate steps must be taken to restrain that patient before the suicidal and homicidal intent becomes a reality.

    What we do in these types of psychiatric emergencies–where there is imminent danger to self and others– is to clearly articulate without any ambiguity or hesitancy our expectations of what is appropriate behavior and what is not. At the same time it is also extremely wise to make a show of force that is compelling, direct, and unflinching. Both strategies are necessary to demonstrate the exact consequences the patient can expect if self-restraint is not forthcoming.




    Not many people realize it yet–particularly on the left–but in the Danish Muhammed cartoon controversy that has inflamed the Muslim world, the multicultural /politically correct mindset has now been fully exposed as a fraud. The shocking consequences and deadly potential of that fraud are suddenly becoming all too clear.

    Wretchard comments:
    The fine, broad highway to Hell that is political correctness which has achieved the opposite of its intent: not the universal chorus of harmony but religious conflict at its most primitive level.


    One wonders how anyone could have expectd a different result?
    Having given up any objective standard by which to mediate such vastly different perspectives and feelings; having abandoned reason altogether in favor of expressing one’s feelings no matter what the cost; and, finally, having endlessly touted the critical importance and essential need to “belong” to one’s race, tribe, religion or group first and foremost; the outcome is what Stephen Hicks refers to as “group balkinization” –with all its inevitable and inescapable conflict.

    Why, in other words, would peaceful coexistence result from a movement that has done everything in its power to eradicate universalism and foist multiculturalism into the public consciousness?


    AJ, hope that helps inform my view of the issue.

  16. Alexandra says:

    AJ, you mean the same Mubarak that had his daughter married to one of his generals at the age of 12?

    I just read a gruesome story @ Memri where she tells us her story, of what it is like to be the daughter of what you call a Muslim moderate. You might find it an interesting read

    You need to read up on some articles about Jihad to truly understand that according to the Quar’an it is a Muslim obligation. The fact that most Muslims do not wage Jihad does not make it any less of an important part of their core belief.

    It is a religion of zero tolerance towards anyone who is non-Muslim. How on earth can that be moderate in any way shape and form. What we in the West categorize as moderate is simply not openly advocating Jihad, but nevertheless agreeing with it behind closed doors and in their own language.

    It is difficult to summarize in a few sentences what I have written so much about.

    Let us sit back, quietly support freedom of speech, and see how the Europeans sort it out. Pass the popcorn!

    This is the comment I find the most offensive.

    You need to wake up and smell the coffee, before someone shoves you down to your knees in the direction of Mecca. To think you can simply sit back because you think this is a European problem is simply ignorant.

    Sure hope you don’t work in “Child Protective Services”!

    Case in point.

  17. Larwyn says:

    “I do not see the Emir of Kuwait who risked all to host our troops prior to invasion of Iraq.”

    Jeez AJ!!!!!!

    The Emir of Kuwait would be spending his days between London
    and Paris —-if not for that minor thingy called

    THE GULF WAR!!!!

    REMEMBER 1991????

  18. Alexandra says:

    Sorry AJ,
    Can you fix my link, and stop it from running on, it should have at the end of “an interesting read”. Thanks.

  19. AJStrata says:


    Doesn’t help one bit. I know Dr Sanity well enough – we keep in touch.

    My point is we have strong allies voicing their feelings the cartoons are repulsive. It is a simple point – do we listen to our allied or push them towards Bin Laden’s side?

    This is your last warning. I do not spend time on this sight for your little temper tantrums. Of course I remember the Gulf war. My point is where would we be if our actions alienated the moderate leaders?

    I suggest you take a breather from here.

  20. AJStrata says:


    I am not condoning Mubarak. I am asking a simple question – do we want him on our side or Bin Ladens? And if I am right, and the people who are reacting emotionally are playing into Al Qaeda’s plans – what then?

    Why do people need to complicate the calculus with irrelevant or secondary issues?

    If we over react and start bad mouthing Islam in general out of anger – the moderates will join the Jihadists and all we worked and died for will have been lost.

    Over stupid cartoons????

    Karzai is not going to make us kneel to Mecca. He is an ally and he was insulted. Is it too much for you to agree he had a right to voice his issues with the cartoons??

    Why are you lumping him in with Bin Laden?