Feb 15 2006

60% Favor NSA Program

Published by at 2:30 am under All General Discussions,FISA-NSA

The Democrats are being pushed over a cliff by their “impeach Bush at all costs” liberal base which makes up 2/3rds of their base, but only 20% of the population (and even less of the likely voters).

Second, Democrats have become so irrationally angry about Bush that they reflexively oppose anything the president is for. When the Times story broke, most Democrats rushed to judgment and to the microphones to instinctively condemn the program and the president. What they have now discovered is that they are on the wrong side of this issue. In a recent New Models poll done by the Winston Group, we asked the question, “Do you favor or oppose allowing federal authorities to conduct surveillance on individuals’ e-mails and phone calls to al Qaeda operatives without a court order?”

Sixty percent of survey respondents favored the surveillance; 37 percent opposed. When the terrorism aspect of the program is mentioned, other polls have showed similar results, and Democrats have found themselves in 2004 all over again. In the presidential election, Democratic nominee John Kerry’s (Mass.) fluid policy positions on the war became the embodiment of the party’s internal conflict on national security issues which has plagued them since 1972. Nothing captured that conflict better than the Senator’s famous “I voted for it before I voted against it” statement, referring to his flip-flopping position on the $87 billion military appropriations bill in 2003 for the war in Iraq.

In short, the current Democratic position on the tapping of international terrorist phone calls can be summed up this way: “The NSA surveillance program is crucial to national security and should be continued. We support it. It is also illegal and a threat to civil liberties. We oppose it and, of course, George Bush must be held accountable for his illegal actions.” This is not a national security policy that makes sense, or a national political party that can be taken seriously. It is clearly an absurd position.

Absurd? That is the perfect word for the left these days.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “60% Favor NSA Program”

  1. Roberto says:

    60% of the American people favor the US Government spying on THEM without warrants?

    Show me the poll where 60% of Americans polled favored the US Government spying on US Citizens like themselves without a warrant.

    As for the $87 Billion for the Iraq War, did you know Bush had said he was going to veto this if it came out of his Fiscal Budget?

  2. streeter says:

    Gorelick should answer for all her crimes. Try Googling Gorelick Fannie Mae mistatements revenues ten billion: combinations of these will take you to stories of how when she was vice chair of fannie mae they resatated earnings to the tune of ten times what Enron did. Those mistatements just happened to trigger lucrative bonuses for the Fannie Mae board members, including Gorelick. Research that and add it to the able danger updates. Streeter