Jun 15 2010

Narcissist In Chief

Published by at 7:46 pm under All General Discussions


Major Update: Good God, I was easy on Obama versus Olberman, Mathews & Fineman on MSNBC

These are the sycophant Obamabots for goodness sakes!

More here at Hotair – end update

The president’s speech was a pathetic dud.  The take away line – contrary to the pundits – was his admission that “we don’t know how to get there”. Brit Hume said it well last night, cleaning up the Gulf is too small for this egomaniac. This president wants to wean the world off oil!!!

Talk about your Walter Mitty moment. The idea we should tax energy AND cut off 30% of our oil supply with a 6 month embargo of off shore drilling (which will grow into a many year drought as oil rigs move to other nations) is stupendously reckless. Want a double dip recession? We just got one.

I tried to think of an analogy with Bush and 9-11. What would have happened if Bush came out after 9-11 and focused half his bull-horn speech to deficit cutting? There is no connection between carbon taxes and unsafe drilling and dealing with this mess.

And why does Obama need a commission to determine how his administration gave BP a reckless waiver to basic drilling safeguards, which in turn led to this disaster getting out of control? We don’t need ‘new’ regulations, we need people to follow safe practices. Why do the Dutch demand secondary relief holes for all new wells and BP was allowed, by this administration, to skip that basic step?

Get real – we know the cause! We had a huge Obama-fundraiser get waivers on safety by the Obama administration. This ain’t complicated.

And what was that crap about a speedy response? All his claims about booms and ships were completely misleading. Does Obama really think no one knows his administration held up Dutch assistance, left booms sit in a Maine warehouse and delayed permits for LA to build sand berms? Does he think we are as ignorant has his team is?

Who is this clown kidding?

When Obama said he would not allow inaction –  after 4 fundraisers, 2 vacations and 7 rounds of golf before he focused on THE Gulf in the last 2 months – the guy sounded mad as a hatter. Maybe Alvin Green would do better?

This was not a ‘save the Gulf’ speech, it was ‘save Obama’s agenda’ speech.

He did not connect, he repulsed and let down. In fact, I felt like I was watching someone totally losing it. Instead of admitting to his administration’s and BP’s mistakes and focusing on the issue at hand, the guy went cosmic and rambled on about an oil free world.

Dude – you need a physics lesson. Let me explain some hard facts of reality. You cannot transport massive amounts of sea cargo using sails (if we could, we would!). You cannot fly jetliners on wind power. You cannot move freight trains on solar panels. Get an eff’ing clue!

Our dreamy President is acting like life is a Disney-Pixar movie or a Star Trek episode.

Sorry, but for anyone with a modicum of science, engineering or math background they know what he said was incoherent and naive. And do we need to remind him he CANCELLED our trips to the moon, he did not enable them or make them happen.

As one nation, we will rise up and get people in office who know something about reality.

Be afraid folks, … be real afraid. Obama is the original, albeit more loquacious, Alvin Greene candidate. Someone voters randomly turned to without realizing the need for experience, knowledge and wisdom in our leaders.

Update: Not surprisingly the left whines Obama did not go far enough on crippling this nation’s energy production, and therefore its economy. Dreamy morons. This is why people need basic science in school.

Update: Goodness, even Maureen Dowd is now slamming ‘The One”.

45 responses so far

45 Responses to “Narcissist In Chief”

  1. aerospook says:

    Entirely agree with AJ…..I see it as a disinformation distraction attempt, albeit a very clumsy one…….It will be spun as a terrific speech, reminiscent of JFK, offering solutions…..Work yur hardest on the November elections, might be our only hope……rumors of impeachment plans, not sure of the legal standing or basis….

  2. owl says:

    Either he’s nuts or he believes his base is nuts.

    MSM would have laughed Bush out of town with this speech. What he is doing with his 6 month shutdown is criminal. I do not understand why we are not having riots by our congresscritters over HIMSELF firing that many working Americans.

    Where are you congresscritters? It is things like this that put your disapproval ratings in the dumps. Do something if it is nothing but screaming and shouting. These people have enough problems without so many of them being deliberately fired.

  3. Rick C says:

    Alvin Greene doesn’t actually want to do anything. As such, he is preferable to Obama.

  4. Mike M. says:

    We’re getting a brutally hard lesson in the results of turning the entire government over to a pack of lawyers with no real-world experience.

    We use oil-based fuels because they provide a lot of energy per cubic foot, and are liquid at room temperature. You can pump them. Pour them. Without messing with high-pressure gases or cryogenic liquids.

    A smart solution would be to drill here and now for the short term, while working on biofuels and nuclear for the medium term. Push fusion and space-based solar for the long run.

    And stop squandering money on cute ‘green’ garbage. Those are not much more than con games.

  5. kathie says:

    Did you know that Ken Salizar was AG in Denver when all the monkey business was happening with MMS in the Denver office. He knew about it, the sex, parties, etc.

    Why won’t someone other then John Stossell tell the truth about getting off of oil. The method has not been invented. Obama talks about all the green jobs that he has created…….really how many 500 5,000………we have lost 8 million jobs. His green jobs are pittly shit, but he talks about them as if they were the coming.

    Let’s face it, nobody knows if the well can even be capped. I suggest someone finds a way to keep the oil away from land….no matter what they have to do, who they have to talk to, and who they need to bring in to do it.

  6. dhunter says:

    Direct hit AJ 100% dead on.
    MSNBC is even savaging this guy but I have no doubt they will be behind him 100% on Cap and Tax and the biggest rippoff of the public ever in the history of the world to create a socialist slush fund that will guarantee slavery for the workers for generations.

    We had all better be burning up the phone lines to our congress critters and Senate scum as Pinocchio fully intends to cram this down our throats as he did deathcare!

    Round up your useful idiots Grahamn and McCain, Snow and Collins and explain this to them. This cannot pass we do not have the money to fund this guys folly without becoming slaves of the government.

  7. Wilbur Post says:

    Hmmm, so he and his administration cannot do the routine thing properly (ensure the driller followed the regulations) and he cannot do the difficult but not-above-his-pay-grade thing of managing the oil spill crisis effectively but somehow he expects us to believe that HE can lead us on the technologically difficult and probably-near-impossible-to-do-without-killing-the-economy challenge of weaning the country off of oil????? Yeah, I guess where he went to school, everybody that flunked arithmetic was moved on to try advanced calculus. But nobody in the real world (i.e. outside of the political class) thinks that makes sense.

  8. kathie says:

    Found this at WISBANG, INTERESTING

    The Bush team has spent more taxpayer money on issuing and enforcing regulations than any previous administration in U.S. history. Between fiscal year 2001 and fiscal year 2009, outlays on regulatory activities, adjusted for inflation, increased from $26.4 billion to an estimated $42.7 billion, or 62 percent. By contrast, President Clinton increased real spending on regulatory activities by 31 percent, from $20.1 billion in 1993 to $26.4 billion in 2001.

  9. dhunter says:

    Pinocchio is holding the entire country hostage to his liberal alternative energy fantasies. He has no intention of fixing this.
    He is denying the very help that could mitigate the problem.
    He is holding the country hostage until he gets his Cap and Tax and his greenie weenie slush fund.
    He is holding us hostage because as he and his enviroappointees have said, “we need $10.00 per gallon gas like Europe.
    He fashions himself a citizen of the world and is not an American.
    He is out to destroy this country as we know it.
    He has no authority to steal the capital of BP of whom I am no fan, but he would steal their capital guaranteeing they do not have the profits to fund their disaster. He would hold the funds to dole out as reperations to his preferred groups.

  10. lurker9876 says:

    How about the Gulf states exercising their 10th Amendment by thumbing up against the federal government and allow SMALL oil companies (instead of those BIG OIL that wanted Obama to raise taxes on carbon) to continue drilling or something like that?

  11. lurker9876 says:

    And…good thing I went to a dance class tonight instead of watching this ding dong dog and pony show.

  12. Frogg1 says:

    If I start hearing Obama/Al Greene analogies from here on out….I’ll remember that I heard it here first. 🙂

  13. lurker9876 says:

    Kathie, I recall Obama cutting back on funds from a program that audited the records of the unions as opposed to Bush allocating enough funds to increase audits of the unions.

    Results? No oil spill under Bush’s watch. Unions behaved under Bush’s watch. No major terrorist attacks after 9/11 attack under Bush’s watch.

    Perhaps someone will do a major billboard with something like above?

  14. rhrescak says:

    This is getting way too easy to disagree with this president, even the liberals are running away from him. This is setting up a dangerous situtation, I do not like him as President. I did not vote for him and are shunning my friends that did vote for him. I do not want many of his policies to prosper because they are way too liberal, but I do not want the man to fail to this extant. He has way to long to go into his administration. So much can go way wrong and he has far too much time left in his adminstration. What will be left……. to much damage left to clean up.

  15. […] you’re in the mood, go here, here, here, here, here or here for excellent analysis of O’s speech. My favorite? Pundette’s nicknames for Olbermann […]

  16. […] you’re in the mood, go here, here, here, here, here or here for excellent analysis of O’s speech. My favorite? Pundette’s nicknames for Olbermann […]

  17. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Suhr Mesa, AJ Strata. AJ Strata said: new: Narcissist In Chief http://strata-sphere.com/blog/index.php/archives/13602 […]

  18. AJStrata says:


    In other words Obama is like an epidemic which we will have to be cleaning up after for years to come.

  19. MerlinOS2 says:

    He specifically said the drilling ban was on ‘deep water’ drilling. Now the day rate for those type of rigs is in excess of 400k per day and they won’t sit idle for 6 months.

    Those rigs are in demand mostly in the deep water finds in Brazil and industry sources are predicting that is where most will migrate to.

    There are about 90 deep water rigs available (70 of them active) and Brazil can’t poke holes fast enough to exploit their major oil reserves.

    If those rigs move to Brazil they will be on minimum 2 year commitments due to the time it takes to drill a well.

    He is also totally wrong on shallow water and shore based oil sources. We have plenty of both available but only restricted due to bans and other regulation.

    Interior has been pushing back and holding off on land leases from the start of this administration and we have trillions of barrels of potential supply in the formations in North Dakota and other areas near there.

    Factually he is wrong but who will call him on it.

    When this went wrong the rig was in the process of a P&A move (temporary plug and abandon) till it could be hooked into the piping system to move the oil ashore. The expensive rig was getting ready to move on to it’s next drilling location in their leases.

    This has been a screw up from day one. If they had stepped back and let the rig burn to the waterline once it was lost instead of keep pouring water on to sink it they could have fixed the piping issues without breaking it off due to sinking the rig from all the water they put on it.

  20. MerlinOS2 says:

    It is pretty much known now there is casing damage subsurface and that is why the top kill failed.

    By known methods the only way this will be stopped is the relief wells and pushing in a plug to the bottom of the problem well to plug it well below the casing failure points.