Mar 07 2006

Oh Please

Published by at 11:23 am under All General Discussions

John Hawkins (via Lorie Byrd at Polipundit) linked to this liberal cry-fest at DU. Just because America grew up beyond liberal-think these people are glad they have no kids or grandkids? You know, Darwin was right, those who cannot adapt die off. But this is pathetic. We conservatives see the world differently. We recognize the failures from 40 years of liberal policies (all that time and money and nothing fixed) and so we tried something new which is working to change things for the better. And all these losers are doing is crying about the fact no one respects their outdated views?

The nation has evolved and adapted and challenged the new world and its new tools, like the internet. We kept working to fix things instead of quitting and living with the status quo. Like I said – Oh, please. I am, thankfully, just outside this baby-boomer generation which I have, obviously, followed my entire life. Good people in general – but not the paragons of virtue they liked to tell themselves they were. This doom and gloom hand wringing because the next generation is taking its turn and a different path illustrates the problem with the boomers – they are self absorbed to the end.

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