Jun 16 2005
Honor Our Fallen: Stay the Course
I posted recently about a rep congressman who is asking us to throw away the sacrifice of 1700 Americans lives for no good reason. Powerline has news today from Iraq which shows why we must honor those who have sacrificed by completing our task, and not focusing on dates on a calendar.
What could be very important news came out of Iraq this morning: an agreement has been reached regarding the role to be played by Sunni Iraqis in drafting the country’s new constitution. AFP reports that the deal, which gives the Sunnis 25 seats on the panel that will draft the constitution–ten of whom are “advisers”–“raises prospects that the largely Sunni-inspired insurgency might be undermined as a result.”
Moreover, another major terrorist leader was captured:
In more good news, Mohammed Khalaf Shakar, also known as Abu Talha, who has been in charge of operations for Zarqawi’s terrorist network, was captured today in Mosul. This could well be more important than capturing Zarqawi himself.
In my previous post I was outraged (rightfully I believe) that any leader would suggest we throw away the lives lost by cutting and running. Not a day should go by where we do not remind the Durbins and the Joneses that we cannot falter. That to wilt because of polls or to focus on irrelevant minutiae, when true leadership is being demonstrated by our military men and women, should be cause for stepping down from their leadership positions. They must demonstrate at least a fraction of the courage and resolve our troops are showing every day.
Honor those who died or were wounded trying to make the world safer for everyone. Stay the course.
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