Oct 06 2010

Open Thread Wednesday

Published by at 6:34 am under All General Discussions

On a business trip today. Might get a chance to post something this afternoon. But in case anyone wants to debate in the comments, here ya go!

8 responses so far

8 Responses to “Open Thread Wednesday”

  1. AJ,

    This AP poll says that non-college educated working class whites are going to vote against Democrats by a 22% margin!



    AP-GfK Poll: Working-class whites shun Dems

    An Associated Press-GfK poll shows whites without four-year college degrees preferring GOP candidates by twice the margin of the last two elections, when Democrats made significant gains in the House and Senate. The poll, conducted last month, found this group favoring GOP hopefuls 58 percent to 36 percent – a whopping 22 percentage-point gap.

    In 2008, when Obama won the presidency, they favored GOP congressional candidates by 11 percentage points, according to exit polls of voters. When Democrats won the House and Senate in 2006, the Republican edge was 9 percentage points.

    Working class whites make up 4 in 10 of all whites and the “Mancession” in the private sector hit working class white males especially hard.

    For this Demographic to toggle over this hard means that white working class males have suddenly started to vote against anyone with a Democratic Party brand the way urban blacks vote against anyone with a Republican Brand.

    And this won’t change anytime soon.

    Any state wide office in a state where working class white approach 50% of the population is lost to Democrats while Obama is in office and Obamacare is on the books.

  2. lurker9876 says:

    Election roundup by Bryan Preston plus his article about Texas.


    I read that in Texas that the latest number of voter registrations for the Democrats is higher than the Republicans’ (15,000 v. 5K) but I’m sure that the final tally still and strongly favors the Republicans.

  3. dhunter says:


    Not only are the wheels comin off the Obama bus and dragging the totality of the Demrat Party with it, it seems the teleprompter President is losing his Presidential Seal in addtition to all the other things he has lost:

    Support of the American People
    Chicagos’ bid to host the Olympics
    Grasp of the Economy
    Our healthcare
    Respect of foreign leaders and enemies
    Millions of Jobs

    but he does have:
    record deficits
    record unemployed
    Muslims building a trophy Mosque on the site where they killed 3000 Americans
    approval for Black Panthers to enforce voting rights
    a Nobel Piece Prize

    Can we say the Affirmative Action, Liberal College Professor Theorist (Professional Students) Experiment has failed yet?

  4. lurker9876 says:

    I see that Al Franken is going to campaign for Coons in Delaware.

    What a hoot!

  5. Terrye says:


    I guess they figure it can’t hurt. After all, O’Donnell is so far behind the Grinch could campaign for Coons and he would still win.

  6. lurker9876 says:

    Yup. I thought it was hilarious that two crazy ones like Franken and Coons would pair up.

    Frankenstein and a Coon? LOL!

  7. crosspatch says:

    Huh. Aren’t working class whites the traditional base for the labor unions?

    I believe we are seeing the end of the socialist movements because they are finally out of other people’s money on a global scale. We are running out of wealth to redistribute.

  8. Redteam says:

    “I see that Al Franken is going to campaign for Coons in Delaware”

    That can only help O’Donnell