Mar 15 2006

Joe & Valerie Wilson circa 1999

Published by at 6:47 pm under All General Discussions,Plame Game

Update: Check out the backs of the Wilsons courtesy Mac Ranger!

Our reader SBD has discovered a February 26th, 1999 Presidential Gala announcement which proves my contention that it was well known Joe Wilson was married to Valerie (Plame) Wilson since they surfed the DC power scene. That meant anyone who worked with Valerie on Intelligence matters would know about the couple as well.

No wonder Fitzgerald gave up on the ‘outing’ of Valerie. Once word came out the CIA sent Wilson or his wife had a role it would be impossible to NOT make the connection!

Great work SBD!

Addendum: Other names of interest at the party:

Samuel R “Sandy” Berger

Rep Harold Ford (plus many other Democrat Congressmen/women)

Senator Olympia Snowe

Looks like a whole list of people to ask how Joe and Valerie discussed their ‘careers’! Too funny. The guest to Scooter Libby’s party will be immense.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Joe & Valerie Wilson circa 1999”

  1. Seixon says:

    The info was published on at least two websites about as early as that as well. The only thing that was potentially a secret was her occupation at the CIA – her name was never a secret.

    Thus, if foreign agents got wind of her, and looked her up, they would have found out that she was the wife of a prominent ex-ambassador. Tell me that wouldn’t get them suspicious.

    I think there is more than enough evidence out there that more than a handful of people knew Plame was at the CIA, as well.

  2. Plame Game – Up in Plames…

    One of AJ Strata’s readers found the background on this photo I posted last year showing Joe and Valerie attending a function during the Clinton administration….

  3. patch says:

    What I have always wanted to know:

    How were they announced?

    Presenting Ambassador Joseph Wilson and Valerie ????

    What name was used for the covert Valerie at the White House Gala?

  4. az redneck says:

    Patch: as Valerie Wilson