Mar 15 2006

Did Pincus Know About Plame Or Not?

Published by at 8:41 pm under All General Discussions,Plame Game

CJR and Walter Pincus seem to be attempting to make the case Pincus was not privvy to Valerie Plame’s role with Joe Wilson’s trip – but end up with completely conflicting claims. Tom Maguire commented on the changing story across CJR and Vanity Fair, but I want to focus on an inconsistency in the CJR story itself:

On June 12, 2003, Pincus wrote about a former ambassador who had gone on a fact-finding mission to Niger in early 2002. Expanding on earlier coverage by Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times, Pincus reported that the ambassador had found no evidence that Iraq had tried to purchase uranium there.

Three weeks later, on July 6, the ambassador revealed his identity in an op-ed essay in The New York Times and in an interview with Pincus and Richard Leiby in the Post. For better or worse, the world had been introduced to Joseph Wilson.

Then, on July 12 — two days before the immortal column in which Robert Novak mentioned that Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame, worked for the CIA — Pincus was on the phone with a person he describes as an administration official (and not Lewis Libby). They were talking about a somewhat different topic, and then the official began to complain about the attention that Wilson’s arguments had been receiving. Didn’t Pincus know, the official said, that Wilson’s wife was at the CIA, and that she had cooked up the Niger trip? “It was, ‘Why are you writing about it? It’s a boondoggle. She arranged it,’” Pincus recalls.

Note the dates I have highlighted. So he writes his story, talks to someone about Wilson’s wife (for the first time?) and then Wilson comes out with his story and Pincus comes out with one on Wilson as well. So for one, he knows about Valerie before his July 6 story that comes out in tandem with Joe’s editorial. But then there is this:

Pincus never wrote about Valerie Plame — in part, he says, because he already knew a fair amount about the origins of Wilson’s trip from various sources, including some in the CIA. He did not think it was true that Plame had arranged the trip; and even if that were so, he thought, it had little bearing on the merits or lack thereof of Wilson’s report. After Novak’s column ran, he says, “I talked to the agency people, and they said it wasn’t true.”

Hold on here. Is this a Dan Rather denial of reality? Joe Wilson would never have gone on the trip but for Valeries (a) volunteering him and (b) convincing the CIA to do it anyone after all the Intelligence groups briefed on the idea thought it a waste of time and redundant to ongoing efforts. This is all clear from the Senate Report. But what is stunning is he says he knew about Valerie in his reporting (June 12 and July 6) but did not hear about her until July 12??? How could he know about Valerie in his two earlier articles well before he first learned about her?

Also, the stories in May, June and July were not simply about Saddam attempting to buy yellowcake, they were about how Joe Wilson debunked the Niger forgeries – a big news item only 3 months old at the time. How is it Pincus missed all these salient reasons to not believe Wilson in his two reports regarding the Niger forgeries? These ‘alibis’ sound more like Pincus is rewriting history in his mind. He can’t even remember the focus of his own articles.

One more ‘slip of the tongue’ – Pincus had multiple sources and I bet some were the Wilson’s themselves:

Once his source had made it clear, through their attorneys, that it was okay for Pincus to talk, and after agreeing on some ground rules — including that the source’s name would not be disclosed publicly and that Fitzgerald would not explicitly ask Pincus to confirm the source’s identity — Pincus sat down to speak with Fitzgerald.

Hmm, ‘source’ could be the ‘family Wilson’, and their attornies. And even Pincus admits the trumped up crime idea was Joe Wilson’s and probably the Kerry campaign (Rand Beers):

but he has never been convinced by the argument that the leaks violated the law. “I don’t think it was a crime,” he says. “I think it got turned into a crime by the press, by Joe” — Wilson — “by the Democrats.

That is a huge revelation and confirms some of my earlier ‘speculation’ on how this all came about because the Niger forgery angle had unraveled on the Wilson’s and their cohorts (Beers and Kerry?) and they used the outing of Plame to divert attention from the Niger forgery angle because it was leading to a troublesome revelation.

7 responses so far

7 Responses to “Did Pincus Know About Plame Or Not?”

  1. Snapple says:

    Drudge Has this:

    Libby subpoenas the press… served subpoenas on NY TIMES and reporter Judith Miller… Developing…
    The story is not there yet.

  2. patch says:

    Did Pincus Know Valerie Plame since 1996?

    Lots of specualtion here:,21

  3. BIGDOG says:

    The yellow cake oven was set to preheat when Joe Wilson had left the US government and started JCWilson International Ventures Inc in 1998, which specialized in trade with African countries, particularly uranium producing and exporting countries.

    Yepp a CIA front company. Sure its legit…lol

  4. MaidMarion says:


  5. MaidMarion says:

    Regarding Pincus, Beers, and Wilson…

    Mr. Pincus wrote a WaPo article on Sunday, March 16, 2003, titled “US Lacks Specifics on Banned Arms” which begins like this:

    “Despite the Bush administration’s claims about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, U.S. intelligence agencies have been unable to give Congress or the Pentagon specific information about the amounts of banned weapons or where they are hidden, according to administration officials and members of Congress.”

    Pincus doesn’t specify who his Administration sources were, but it so happens that the following day Rand Beers resigned his position as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Combating Terrorism, according to a March 20 WaPo article by Karen DeYoung.

    According to the State Department’s website, Beers served for a time as Deputy Political Advisor to the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, but does not specify the timeframe.

    Was it just prior to 1998?

    This bio of Joe Wilson says Joe was Political Advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of United States Armed Forces, Europe, 1995-1997. Since SACEUR and CINCEUR are one in the same commander, I wonder whether Beers served as Wilson’s deputy at some point during 1995-1997?

    According to Vanity Fair’s profile of the couple, it was while he was serving as political advisor to SACEUR (General Joulwan) that Joe met Valerie at a Feb 1997 reception in Washington.

  6. MaidMarion says:

    Regarding Pincus, Beers, and Wilson…

    Mr. Pincus wrote a WaPo article on Sunday, March 16, 2003, titled “US Lacks Specifics on Banned Arms” which begins this way:

    “Despite the Bush administration’s claims about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, U.S. intelligence agencies have been unable to give Congress or the Pentagon specific information about the amounts of banned weapons or where they are hidden, according to administration officials and members of Congress.”

    Pincus doesn’t specify who his Administration sources were, but it so happens that the following day Rand Beers resigned his position as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Combating Terrorism, according to a March 20, 2003 WaPo article written by Pincus’s colleague Karen DeYoung.

    The State Department’s website indicates that Beers served for a time as “Deputy” Political Advisor to the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, but does not specify the timeframe.

    Was it just prior to 1998?

    An online bio of Joe Wilson says Joe was Political Advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of United States Armed Forces, Europe, 1995-1997. Since SACEUR and CINCEUR are one in the same commander, could it be that Beers served as Wilson’s deputy at some point during 1995-1997?

    According to Vanity Fair’s profile of the couple, it was while he was serving as political advisor to SACEUR/CINCEUR (General Joulwan) that Joe met Valerie at a Feb 1997 reception at the Turkish Embassy in Washington.

  7. sbd says:

    Apparently Valerie’s outing put her in so much danger, that the CIA never sent security to guard their house.

    A neighbor’s view of Valerie Wilson’s ‘outing’

    So I was more than a little surprised that after Valerie was outed, the CIA did not (and never has) posted security at their house. Some neighbors are so jittery that they have called the police reporting people lurking in the bushes. One report produced a squad of police in our house as we arrived home, having entered through a back door inadvertently left unlocked.
