Mar 23 2006

Joe Wilson: Biological/Chemical Weapons Not A Threat

Published by at 1:23 pm under All General Discussions

OK, we all know Joe Wilson is a egotistical blow hard, but now we can add ‘naive idiot’ to his character. In a speech Wednesday night Wilson claimed the only threat from Iraq was nuclear weapons.

During his lecture in front of a packed Bell Memorial Union auditorium at Chico State University, Wilson laid out the implausibility of a nuclear threat — the only thing that could truly imperil the United States.

In essence dismissing Wilson is dismissing biological and chemical weapons in the hands of terrorists. Talk about your stupid conclusions. You have to be a true mindless moonbat to accept that one.

Nuclear weapons have a little feature called ‘radiation’. Even dirty bombs (as opposed to nuclear fussion or fission devices) emit radiation which can be easily detected by a Geiger counter. That is why we can actually set up detection sites in cities and triangulate a nuclear source. The radiation penetrates just about everything to some degree.

You need to import the nuclear material for a WMD or fire it on an intercontintal missile to hurt America. Iraq has no ICBMs and neither does Al Qaeda. Biological and chemical WMDs are a totally different issue.

For one, detecting biological agents is nearly impossible (since humans and their bacteria and viruses are biological elements themselves and can mask a lot of agents). Importing is not difficult, and in fact the sale of certain agents that can do a lot of damage is normal to universities for studies and teaching. Ricin, for example, is a natural product easily obtained in its native form.
Chemicals are even easier. You can take available materials and cook what you need from them. Chemistry 101 is sufficiently dangerous if you have enough useful idiots to distribute what you want at large events like football games.

The point is that Biological and Chemical weapons are orders of magnitude harder to detect and stop. Which explains why Joe Wilson trusted Saddam Hussein – Wilson is a total idiot prime for some Darwinism to befall him. He doesn’t even understand why most people prefer not to join him in his dangerous ignorance.

Addendum:  More on crazy Joey from Clarice Feldman at AT.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Joe Wilson: Biological/Chemical Weapons Not A Threat”

  1. HaroldHutchison says:

    Seems like Joe Wilson is now going to move the goalposts…

    Why am I not surprised?

  2. OleJim says:

    Gee, I thought that plutonium used in bombs was a pure beta-emitter. If that is right, then you might cover it with a piece of paper and never have a geiger counter make one blip.

    I think Joe forgot to take physics.

  3. Tacitus says:

    Here is what I think I remember:

    A few years ago, Wilson said we should not attack Iraq because they might retaliate with WMD.

    Later he claimed we should not attack Iraq because they didn’t have WMD.

    Am I right?