Jun 17 2005

Laura Ingraham Broke Durbin Swarm

Published by at 9:26 am under All General Discussions,GITMO-Durbin

It is great to see the blog swarm hitting Durbin and the dems who sat quietly by while he disparaged the men and women of our military who are putting life and limb on the line to protect us all. I would like to thank Laura Ingraham for bringing this issue to light early on, and possibly first, on her Tuesday radio show. She had the audio from the previous evening’s C-SPAN where Durbin was the last senator making remarks to a nearly empty chamber. Way to go Laura for keeping these politicians accountable for words.

And a big thanks to Michelle Malkin for capturing the storm as it has blossomed.

And thanks to every blogger and reporter and citizen for being stand up Americans and speaking out. It is a great day in America.

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