Dec 28 2010
An Abysmal Historic Record For Liberals
It doesn’t get much worse than this:
The federal government has accumulated more new debt–$3.22 trillion ($3,220,103,625,307.29)—during the tenure of the 111th Congress than it did during the first 100 Congresses combined, according to official debt figures published by the U.S. Treasury.
Obama and the spend-mad liberals in Congress did more damage in 2 years than was done in the first 200 years of this nation. Dots connected. Lesson learned.
Democrats don’t learn lessons.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Free To Prosper. Free To Prosper said: An Abysmal Historic Record For Liberals :: Strata-sphere […]
[…] increase in 5 years – 12/28/2010 Plus, a home values double-dip? more… An Abysmal Historic Record For Liberals – 12/28/2010 It doesn’t get much worse than this: The federal […]
The Democrats lie and lie and lie.
This is the democrats saying that Bush wanted “death panels”, of course that is not true………but who cares, they will say anything.
What The Hill’s Jason Millman forgot to mention in his article was that President Bush VETOED the 2008 bill and the Democrats, along with some “good-willed” Republicans OVERRODE Bush’s veto forcing him to sign the legislation into law. The bill dealt with doctors’ reimbursements and more, but the Democrats slipped in the end-of-life planning by opening up the Social Security Act, which I have stated many times is dangerous, because once changed, it is difficult to amend again and allows for tinkering with the Medicare fee schedule and covered services definitions and requirement