Mar 04 2011
Deadly Incompetence

Obama’s ignorant roosters are coming home to roost. The primary fallacy with the left is they are far more impressive intellects in their own minds than in reality. I am not kidding. One of the reasons the left despises the rest of us is the fact they cannot understand why they are always behind – given their superior gifts and insights. They are the epitome of the ‘me generation‘ and ‘instant gratification‘ forces that have corroded the American brand of ingenuity and determination.
They want it now and on the cheap.
So when the left actually have to do something important and complex – they fail. Spectacularly, and at times in a sadly and deadly manner. These know-it-all incompetents are so used to lobbing straw man arguments that when the challenge of reality hits they basically leave a wake of destruction built on their inability to perform as advertised.
For the last two years we have been exposed to this in spades with the massive screw up of liberal social engineering in the housing market, made all the worse by failed liberal government spending, which in turn did nothing but extend the economic pain by piling up literally decades of debt. The only answer for this train wreck is draconian budget cuts.
Yep, what we see playing out in Wisconsin is the continuing echo of liberal foul ups started years earlier. The dominoes continue to fall.
Obama is never going to survive his mountain of screw ups, built up by his legion of liberal egomaniacs playing god (and doing a horrible job at it). Let’s just look at some of the destruction his minions have caused – starting with the dumb-ass idea of letting Mexican gangs get hold of large numbers of assault weapons:
Federal agent John Dodson says what he was asked to do was beyond belief.
He was intentionally letting guns go to Mexico?
“Yes ma’am,” Dodson told CBS News. “The agency was.”
An Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms senior agent assigned to the Phoenix office in 2010, Dodson’s job is to stop gun trafficking across the border. Instead, he says he was ordered to sit by and watch it happen.
Documents show the inevitable result: The guns that ATF let go began showing up at crime scenes in Mexico. And as ATF stood by watching thousands of weapons hit the streets… the Fast and Furious group supervisor noted the escalating Mexican violence.
One e-mail noted, “958 killed in March 2010 … most violent month since 2005.” The same e-mail notes: “Our subjects purchased 359 firearms during March alone,” including “numerous Barrett .50 caliber rifles.”
This is a sick and twisted strategy that deserves criminal charges to be brought. Caught in all this violence are numerous innocents. Whose the idiot who thought this mess up? These same liberal leaders did not like democratization of Iraq because it cost innocent lives, but they were willing to let a river of human blood and death flow so they could track it back to its source.
Just horrible.
Not to mention the great side business these gangs probably set up selling the weapons to wannabe terrorists. This has got to be the dumbest, grossest idea ever concocted by a bureaucrat.
But that is not the only realization that hit this week. It seems the Obama administration caused the Gulf Oil leak to be much worse than it had to be by letting another inexperienced incompetent over rule seasoned, career drillers:
For 48 days and nights, the Deepwater Horizon well spewed oil into the Gulf of Mexico, when it could have been shut down.
… the Macondo blowout could have been stopped between May 26-28, 2010. Given that the well was successfully shut-in with the capping stack in July, and that the subsequent bullhead (static) kill was successful, certainly a higher rate top kill would have been successful at that time.
That damning conclusion is from the federal government’s own after action review of the incident. It seems the person who stopped the top kill process from being completed was:
The New York Times reported that Energy Secretary Steven Chu was responsible for stopping the effort against BP’s wishes.
Chu is a nut job plain and simple. He is one of those Al Gore alarmists who runs around screaming the end of the world is upon us. All his claims in the linked article are without a shred of scientific basis – not a one. He is the classic example of a liberal who has risen through the tenure system way beyond his intellectual capacity.
And what about the prospects for an economic recovery under these fools? Not so good say Alan Greenspan:
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said a surge in U.S. government “activism,” including fiscal stimulus, housing subsidies and new regulations, is holding back the economic recovery.
A wrecked national economy, a risky social engineering scheme which wiped out the life’s savings of millions of people, a foolish and incompetent ‘gun control‘ strategy that has left hundreds dead and untold weapons on the streets, an oil spill that wrecked the lives of millions of people along the Gulf Coast and a mountain of debt that rivals the amount of debt created over the prior to 200 years.
That is what President Obama goes into the 2012 election with as his legacy. And I suspect that is just the tip of the ice berg called liberal incompetence
Unfortunately, Obama and his useful idiots will blame everyone else but themselves, the Make-Believe-Media will trumpet this baloney as the absolute truth and the naive, the stupid and the wishful thinkers and true believers amongst us will suck it up like an uncashed stimu-less check. The question is will the scales have fallen from the eyes of enough voters to overcome this deceit and save the country? I don’t know the answer to this question but everything depends on it.
[…] Deadly Incompetence Obama’s ignorant roosters are coming home to roost. The primary fallacy with the left is they are far more impressive intellects in their own minds than in reality. I am not kidding. One of the reasons the left despises the rest of us is the fact they cannot understand why they are always behind – given their superior gifts and insights. They are the epitome of the ‘me generation‘ and ‘instant gratification‘ forces that have corroded the American brand of ingenuity and determination. […]