Apr 14 2006

You have Got To Be Kidding…

Published by at 3:28 pm under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

Now why would anyone object to signing a statement they are not a terrorist and do not support terrorists?

The law requires applicants under final consideration for a government job, contract or license to complete and sign questionnaires to determine if they have supported organizations on a federal list of terrorists.

I guess for some, that is a bridge too far.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “You have Got To Be Kidding…”

  1. Terrye says:

    This reminds me of the days in the 50’s when some people walked off their jobs for refusing to sign statements swearing they were not communists. They considered it an invasion of privacy. I do wonder however, how many terrorists would tell the truth anyway?

  2. az redneck says:

    But what is this–a jobs creation program? How many bureaucrats were created to insure compliance? To what end? McCarthy certainly wasn’t my idea of effective enforcement!