Apr 26 2011

My Final Post On Birther Madness

Published by at 8:18 am under All General Discussions

Sorry for the limited posting – was siidelined this weekend, but now on the mend. I also apologize for this tough love post, but I feel I need to point out that some of our allies have their mental zipper down in public.

One way to demonstrate you may not have the common sense to vote intelligently this election cycle is continually falling for the trap set by the left to snare lazy thinkers on the right – i.e., Obama’s birth certificate nonsense. When this silliness broke out I weighed in on all the BS and determined quite quickly and easily that the whole fake COLB thing was all about technical ignorance by some and not about the US Constitution.

I am gratified to look back today and see that no one is still grasping at the idea the COLB (Certificate of Live Birth – which the modern the template in Hawaii for a birth certificate) was forged. It was ignorance driven then, and is still ignorance driven. Of all the good reasons to fire our inexperienced, left wing President, this topic is not one of them.

However, today we see the silly headline that people do not believe Obama was born in the US – like that makes one bit of difference to his citizenship:

Still, in the USA TODAY poll, only 38% of Americans say Obama definitely was born in the USA, and 18% say he probably was. Fifteen percent say he probably was born in another country, and 9% say he definitely was born elsewhere.

You would think conservatives, long considered rubes by the liberal intelligentsia, would learn to see a trap painting them as rubes. The tally from this poll is 66% believe Obama was or may have been born in American, and a bizarre group of 24% think not. No one won an election with 24% of the vote.

Who cares anyway? The point about Obama’s citizenship has been and will always be about who is mother was, not where she was. She is an undisputed American. Therefore her children are natural born Americans (location has nothing to do with it, just ask any American born in international waters, international air space or in foreign countries). Obama is an American because of his mother – end of story.

I am a proud southern boy. I can throw on my slow, southern accent when needed. One thing about southerners is we love to use a slow accent to lull liberal northerners into thinking our slow speech indicates a slow mind. It is sometimes too easy to give the impression of a slow mind to an arrogant liberal.

Somehow, this birther nonsense just seems to be more slow mind than slow tongue. It seems to confirm a thick head, not simply be playing on as a ruse.

Count me out of this. And trust me when I say birthers and truthers are among the same misfits as moon landing deniers and flat earthers. You won’t find R-E-S-P-E-C-T down that path folks. Not from the left or right or center.

41 responses so far

41 Responses to “My Final Post On Birther Madness”

  1. CatoRenasci says:

    I listened to Bill Whittle’s video today – interesting. I think it’s curious that Obama’s mother was in Seattle registering for college there less than two weeks after his birth. Not impossible, but odd. Was the baby with her then? With whom was she staying with a newborn to take care of? Those are not unreasonable questions, because they are so outside normal expectations.

    The fact that Obama sr and Barack’s mother never apparently lived together is also odd. Again, not impossible, but odd. Outside of the ordinary experience of most young couples, even (perhaps, especially) in 1961.

    I think it’s fairly clear Obama’s mother was a red diaper baby, and it is likely that Obama was as well.

    I don’t doubt that Obama was born to Stanley Ann in Hawaii, but like many others, I suspect there is something in the birth records Barack does not want the world to see.

    I think that the natural born citizenship question is something of a tar baby, but his paternity does seem at least open to question.

    BTW, the US position on dual citizenship AT THE TIME was different from the rules today. When I was looking into getting an EU country citizenship for my kids a few years ago, I learned that until the early 1990s, the US did not permit dual citizenship, except in very limited circumstances. Also, the effect of marriage by an American citizen to a noncitizen on the woman’s citizenship status has changed over the years. There have been times when the woman lost her American citizenship (though not when Barack’s parents were married) – I know because I had to parse it out – turned out in one of my grandparents case that had they been married a few months later, my grandmother would have lost her citizenship, but as it as she kept it.

    But, the point is, the law of dual citizenship as it pertains to Obama has to be parsed against the facts – did he (after age 18, and at a time the US did not permit dual citizenship) claim to be an Indonesian citizen? Given the travel to Pakistan when citizens were discouraged from travel there, it is a possibility one needs to consider. Did he claim Indonesian citizenship and/or foreign student status (a claim of British or Kenyan citizenship?) at Occidental? at Columbia? Release the records. That point can be definitively settled based on those records, as well as his US passport records.

    I am also curious about his academic record, and how he got into Harvard Law School. Release the files, release the transcripts, release the SAT/LSAT scores.

    These are all real gaps in the record. The reason one harks back to them again and again, is that BO could shut them down permanently by releasing the records if there weren’t something in there that is more than just embarrassing (e.g. mediocre grades). It would shut everyone up and make fools of them: if it were doable, I think it would already have been done.

    So, the question remains, why is everything still hidden? I am curious. I have no definitive views, but something doesn’t seem right.

  2. CatoRenasci says:

    A further point: it would also be very interesting to read Barack’s application to the Illinois bar after he graduated from law school. Some bar applications require you to list every temporary and permanent residence from age 18 or from when one started college, as well as much other detailed information, including any dismissals for academic or other reasons, and the reasons for leaving any college without a degree, any arrests, any significant indebtedness (i.e. school loans), and every employment, whether or not paid, etc.

  3. crosspatch says:

    Has anyone ever found anyone who dated him before he was married?

  4. WWS says:

    42 economists predict gas prices will stabilize: and the 287 economists who said “nope, they’re gonna keep going up” were all told “thank you, your services are no longer required.”

    completely off topic: our weatherman made me soil my armor tonight. Lots of bad weather in E. Texas tonight, big thunderstorms, the half dozen lightning strikes on my block already had me pretty jumpy. The public warning sirens are going off, and so he comes on teevee and says “okay, we’ve had a report of a possible funnel cloud sighted” and then he gives an intersection 3 blocks from my house. crap. Looks like there actually was some damage, luckily not too much. Trees down, mostly.

    actually at the time I asked me wife if we should drive over and see if it was real or not, but she didn’t think that was a good idea.

  5. WWS says:

    okay, I just read that story about “oil prices will stabilize” and I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so I did both.

    This line especially: “analysts think it would take something extraordinary to drive the price all the way to a new record –either supply disruptions because of a new front in the Mideast unrest or action by the Federal Reserve that brings down the value of the dollar.”

    Oh, who could possibly IMAGINE either of those things happening? What, the chances have to be INFINITESIMAL that there would be any more unrest in the Middle East, right?

    And what are the odds that the FED would cause any problems? The Fed PROMISES that they won’t do anything to bring down the value of the dollar, say like printing another trillion dollars to finance our deficit. They never lie, right? If they say they won’t devalue the dollar, it’s safe to bet your life savings on their word, isn’t it???

  6. lurker9876 says:

    RE: Inflation…that’s the problem…every time the FED bails someone out, the dollar is supposedly devalued. We’ve been living under inflation for far too long.

    Here is what Legal Insurrection is saying…that Trump is doing major damage to Obama.


    Ya think he’s really, really done?

    I thought that the economist / gas article is a fallacy. This sounds like Biden’s summer recovery, right?

  7. lurker9876 says:

    Obama’s looking for petrovillian and he is one.

  8. lurker9876 says:

    Ya think the mainstream media will be able to ignore this this time?

  9. BarbaraS says:

    Everyone can say I believe this or I believe that but the truth is no one know anything for sure. We only know what obama has told us and we all know how reliable that can be. All his records are sealed. Has anyone ever seen a marriage certificate between Anne Dunham and Obama sr.? From what I have read Obama, Sr already had a wife and a child or children. How could he have married an American citizen in Hawaii? Under our laws he would be committing bigamy. I read that obama did not start using the obama name until he was in his twenties. Was that about the time he found his long form or did he just use that name to hide his real father or was the name change an opportunistic lie?

    If he would release all his records and they turned out to be legitimate, I would say okay. My problem is that if he is not a citizen or if he committed crimes to get where he is, then we have a Consitutional crisis of major proportions. Everything he said and signed would be null and void not to mention the blacks would riot in the street and those riots would make the riots in LA pale by comparison because the blacks would be convinced he was removed because he is black. That is probably why the republicans won’t touch this issue and the dims would push it to the max. They don’t care how many people die as long as they retain power.

  10. lurker9876 says:

    I read this morning that Obama called many oil companies from outside the US soil to demand that they increase the production flow of oil and gas in order to drive the gas prices down.

    Did he call any domestic oil companies? Nope, No, NADA.

    And he wants to eliminate the tax breaks that the oil companies enjoyed. Dan Boren disagrees. Eliminating tax breaks won’t impact the big oil companies. Besides, they’re exploring and drilling outside the US soil.

    It will impact small businesses.

    So Candidate Obama wanted to raise gas prices to force everyone towards electric cars and alternate energy sources.

    President Obama isn’t celebrating the rising of gas prices. Why? Because they’re going up in the middle of a recession with high unemployment rate.

    Candidate (2008 and 2012) and President Obama still won’t budge on domestic oil development. And even if he did between now and 2012, it’s too late for the numbers to improve.

    Do you agree?

    Barbra, You may be right about the reason why the Republicans won’t touch the issue of Obama’s BC. I don’t mind everything looked legal either, which will close the issues. As long as Obama refuses to release everything, the issues just continue to get worse until he gets out of the White House…then it becomes history.

  11. WWS says:

    Dan Boren is absolutely correct. Now there may be policy reasons for ending some of the subsidies – that’s a different issue. But there is only ONE possible result – gas prices in this country will rise. Think about it – if a product is being sold in this country, and the costs of that product are increased (ie, by higher taxes and/or fees) then the PRICE of that product will rise. Guar-an-teed.

    So, anyone in favor of cutting those subsidies (which don’t affect foreign producers, btw) is in favor of raising US gasoline prices.

    Asking foreign countries to raise production – why don’t we ask the Libyans? Oh wait, we decided to shut down their entire 2 million BOPD capacity for – wait, what was the reason again?

    The only bunch in the world that has the ability anymore to raise production in the short term are the Saudi’s – but they’re pissed and aren’t going to do it. So there.

  12. MerlinOS2 says:

    President Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate

    In 2008, in response to media inquiries, the President’s campaign requested his birth certificate from the state of Hawaii. The state sent the campaign the President’s birth certificate, the same legal documentation provided to all Hawaiians as proof of birth in state, and the campaign immediately posted it on the internet. That birth certificate can be seen here (PDF).

    When any citizen born in Hawaii requests their birth certificate, they receive exactly what the President received. In fact, the document posted on the campaign website is what Hawaiians use to get a driver’s license from the state and the document recognized by the Federal Government and the courts for all legal purposes. That’s because it is the birth certificate. This is not and should not be an open question.

    The President believed the distraction over his birth certificate wasn’t good for the country. It may have been good politics and good TV, but it was bad for the American people and distracting from the many challenges we face as a country. Therefore, the President directed his counsel to review the legal authority for seeking access to the long form certificate and to request on that basis that the Hawaii State Department of Health make an exception to release a copy of his long form birth certificate. They granted that exception in part because of the tremendous volume of requests they had been getting. President Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate can be seen here (PDF):

  13. MerlinOS2 says:

    I will note that one issue still becomes troubling by this documentation.

    In one of Obama’s books he talks about looking at a copy of the long form birth record he found in his mother’s effects after her passing. He even quotes the birth weight for him in that book passage.

    The long form birth record the WH released today does not contain that information on it.

  14. Redteam says:

    Geez, this has to be the worst forgery ever produced. Enlarge almost any or all of the typed in words, his name for example and it is on a white block, it’s not even printed on the security paper. There are very many probs with the ‘document’. I predict it will be proven fake in less than 24 hours by experts.

    I could have produced a better fake in less than 24 hours, what took them so long?

  15. Redteam says:

    Merlin, yes, I had noticed that little ‘detail’ also.

  16. crosspatch says:

    Personally, I don’t believe it is a forgery. I believe he was born in Hawaii. Actually, I don’t even care about the birth certificate. An incompetent boob can be born anywhere.

    I would be more interested in his college transcript or even his Illinois state bar application.

  17. CatoRenasci says:

    crosspatch, I think you’re right that the birth certificate is real – it looks like a microfilmed copy printed out on the security paper used for certified copies.

    I think the real issues lie in his history, including Punahoe records, college and law school records, passport records, and Illinois bar application. I’m not admitted in Illinois, so I haven’t looked at those forms, but I know New York, California and other jurisdictions are very, very detailed and would provide much information from which the gaps in Bambi’s life can be filled in.

  18. lurker9876 says:

    Cato, I agree that the BC is part of a big issue, which deals with Obama’s youth and college years and his influence from those who raised him.

    Somebody needs to write a post regarding how people thinks that 1) we can easily transition to alternate energy sources and live on alternate energy source without oil, gas, and nuclear power. 2) Reduction in oil production is going to force us to transition to alternate energy source. 3) We’re past the peak oil and there’s not that much oil left in the world.

    What do you think?

  19. Dan Kurt says:

    re: “We’re past the peak oil and there’s not that much oil left in the world.” lurker9876 on 27 Apr 2011 at 8:43 pm

    Look at the historical record: since the 1860s, decade by decade proven oil reserves have continued to grow apace yet the “experts” claim decade by decade oil is running out and soon will become scarce yet it never does. Perhaps, the wolf will finally come but I bet oil will continue to be found as deeper and deeper drilling finds more and more. It’s being done with success in Siberia.

    Suggest reading:
    1) The Bottomless Well: The Twilight of Fuel, the Virtue of Waste, and Why We Will Never Run Out of Energy [Paperback]
    Peter Huber, Mark P. Mills, ISBN-10: 9780465031177
    ISBN-13: 978-0465031177

    2) The Deep Hot Biosphere : The Myth of Fossil Fuels [Paperback]
    Thomas Gold, Freeman Dyson, ISBN-10: 9780387952536
    ISBN-13: 978-0387952536

    3)Hydridic Earth: The New Geology of Our Primordially Hydrogen Rich Planet [Hardcover], Vladimir N. Larin, ISBN-10: 0969450621
    ISBN-13: 978-0969450627

  20. CatoRenasci says:

    lurker9876 – at least some of what we’re interested in is in Stanley Kurz’s recent Radical-in-Chief, which details the socialist influences on Obama (with a valuable primer, really, on the socialist movement in America after the ’60s radicalism faded) from the early ’80s on.

    Now it’s time to dig for (as Paul Harvey used to say) the rest of the story….