Apr 18 2006

Joe Wilson, Dim Bulb

Published by at 12:01 pm under All General Discussions,Plame Game

It is becoming clearer and clearer Joe Wilson is not what you might think of as an ‘intellectual’.  That would require having something akin to an ‘intellect’.  The guy is one of the worst liars I have ever seen.  My 6 year twins can make up better excuses than this bafoon.  In this recent post on the INR memo which was just released, I noted this lame excuse with my response:

“The meeting was not convened by my wife,” the former ambassador said. “She had, as it now turns out, the misfortune of having escorted me into the building. … She left before the meeting started.” He also said that the subject of his going to Niger did not arise until halfway through the session.

Joe, Joe, Joe…. Did you forget the memo predating this meeting, FROM YOUR WIFE, suggesting you for the trip since you had been to Niger before for the CIA? And Joe, why were you in the meeting in the first place if it did not have on the agenda the topic of you going to Niger? If there was not going to be a discussion of your going, you had no authority or clearance to be in the meeting! Joe’s lies are getting lazy and pathetic.

Today Christopher Hitchens harpoons Joe on another knidergarten-style excuse:

Wilson was asked about my article and about Zahawie. He replied that Zahawie:

is a man that I know from my time as acting ambassador in Baghdad during the first Gulf War. … He was ambassador to the Vatican, and he made a trip in 1999 to several West and Central African countries for the express purpose of inviting chiefs of state to violate the ban on travel to Iraq. He has said repeatedly to the press, he’s now in retirement, and also to the International Atomic Energy Agency, to their satisfaction, that uranium was not on his agenda.

…. In the same press interviews to which Wilson alludes (and which I cited last week), Zahawie went a bit further than saying that uranium was “not on his agenda.” He claimed not to know that Niger produced uranium at all!

The lead Iraqi diplomat on acquiring uranium, who IIRC was around when Iraq bought its first uranium from Niger, doesn’t know Niger exports uranium?  Has the guy been taking lying lessons from Wilson?  Or is Wilson covering up for something much more sinister – like his first trip to Niger for the CIA (excuse me – his wife) in 1999 right after Niger’s military coup d’etat?

One response so far

One Response to “Joe Wilson, Dim Bulb”

  1. tgharris says:

    I’ve got a better question: If Wilson’s wife was covert, why did she “escort” him into the building?