Aug 28 2011
NY Times Publishes Global Warming Fiction – Calls It “News”
OK, this has gotten way out of control. The NY Times is running an article about Irene that is 100% rubbish and 100% Global Warming propaganda:
The scale of Hurricane Irene, which could cause more extensive damage along the Eastern Seaboard than any storm in decades, is reviving an old question: are hurricanes getting worse because of human-induced climate change?
Emphasis mine. Apparently the NY Times is not aware that 8 years is not a longer time span than ‘decades’. In 2003 a little ‘ol Cat 2 hurricane (not a middling Cat 1 such as Irene) hit the “Eastern Seaboard”, rearranging the outer banks and pitching the DC area into darkness for days.
A reminder of the power Isabelle applied to the Outer Banks:

There was no such damage from Irene this weekend, so the NY Times wrote a bald faced lie.
I live in the DC area, and recall the power issues we had from Isabelle only 8 short years ago.
The result was thousands of trees being riped apart and toppled in the area, causing extensive property damage and unprecendented power outages.
Approximately 2 million area residents were put in the dark. It took over a week to restore power in all areas, despite crews being brought in from far away.
Again, the NY Times has published a shabby bit of political propaganda that is completely false. Irene was much less powerful than Isabelle and was overblown and exaggerated, just like the AGW hype has been for decades. The NY Times is now a house of fiction and drama, not a news source. The NY Times has drunk the green Kool-Aid and is completing the destruction of what tiny credibility it had left. This is unforgivable. Either the folks at the NY Times have the attenti0n span (and IQ) of a gnat, or they are high paid liars.
Either way, they have no credibility after this POS.
“The NY Times is now a house of fiction and drama, not a news source.”
Truthfully, it’s been that for at least 20 years now.
Washington Post isn’t far behind.
Blames excessive rainfall on land for the drop in sea level according to NASA’s JPL.
A tiny quibble: Your sentence “I live in the DC area, and recall the power issues we had from Irene only 8 short years ago” is referring not to the current hurricane (Irene) but to the prior one (Isabel/Isabelle), correct?
Took me a minute to get over the confusion of which-hurricane-starting-with-letter-I you were referring to…
The thing is that total tropical storm energy is currently pretty low by historical standards:
There is no increase in energy of tropical storms. There might be an increase in the numbers of named storms because some are now given names that only survive that status for maybe a few hours.
crosspatch says:
August 29, 2011 at 12:35 am
“The thing is that total tropical storm energy is currently pretty low by historical standards:”
And Irene didn’t add a whole lot to this year’s ACE total, unless you include the energy generated by the media [heh]…
[…] successes surrounding hurricane Irene from the flakes. Flakes run around claiming bald face lies, like how Irene was caused by Global Warming. On the other hand, the National Weather Service (NWS) and National Hurricane Center (NHC) pretty […]
Mouse – good catch, thanks!
[…] A.J. Strata reminded the Times that Hurricane Isabel caused massive damage and deaths just eight years ago. Apparently the NY […]