Aug 31 2011

Perry’s Rise Shows Small-Government Fires Still Burning

Published by at 8:08 am under 2012 Elections

I am a bit surprised on how well Rick Perry is doing so quickly. I was concerned the libertarian, anti-big-government fires may have died down a bit since the 2010 elections. All indications are that is not the case.They are as white hot as ever (since DC has produced nothing but empty promises and massive spending since).

Romney was always the big concern for much of the right because:

  1. His Romney-Care in MA was a big-government take over of commercial, private insurance – just like Obama-Care
  2. His belief in man-made, CO2 driven global warming would send him down the same route of expensive energy and ridiculous regulations Obama is on
  3. His belief government had solutions to most problems is identical, if only less radical, than views held by Obama, Reid and Pelosi.

All of these factors made Romney toxic to this right-leaning independent. I would take McCain over Romney any day, and I was not a big McCain fan in the first place. I wager I am not alone in seeing Romney as just another political variant on the current madness

When Perry came into the 2012 presidential race he said things in Texas-clarity that are strongly held in the electorate. He immediately promised to work to limit government messing with our lives (i.e., pursuit of life, liberty and happiness). He has properly belittled the debunked theories of AGW (man-made global warming), as more and more data comes in and scientifically disproves all aspects of that dead concept. And he has taken aim at Obamacare and our financially shaky entitlements.

Now I know Perry has a lot of issues with him, and some of his current stances are in direct opposition with prior actions and statements. He runs the risk of being a ‘convert’ against government run health care, which is an area We The People may not want to take any chances with the next leader of our great nation. This current bump in support is likely transient – but it is also very indicative.

When Michelle Bachman rose quickly and briefly in the field, it was probably due to her Tea Party bona fides (yes, I know the term has falling out of favor, but the libertarian drive behind the term has not). Perry is just another example of the electorate searching for a true small-government champion. Not one who will slash and burn government to the ground recklessly, but one that will dismantle its myriad of useless and expensive elements with professionalism and compassion for those whose careers and lives will be disrupted.

The fact Perry scares liberals into incoherent babble is also a good thing:

Perry, Sharpton said, “is looking to go to the O.K. Corral and start shooting. … Rather than the left get caught sleeping, we better load up, because he is bringing it.”

Apparently Sharpton missed the post-Gifford’s shooting memo on allowable PC metaphors.

“His work as governor is unparalleled in its frontal assault on women,” said Siobhan Bennett, the president of the Women’s Campaign Forum, citing statistics on women living in poverty and without health care in Texas and Perry’s active opposition to abortion.

Yeah, Perry is responsible for women in poverty – a trend in the black community  that has been unfortunately growing for decades as black men have fled their role in the family structure. Or it could be all those out of work illegal immigrants that have been flooding Texas for decades. Or it could be Obamanomics, which has bankrupt the country and piled generational debt on all our children and families. I doubt it was Perry and that was his desired result. That liberal dribble is childish and moronic.

The drama crap just ain’t going to work any more for the left. They have cried “Wolf!” way too many times and been wrong. They can play that tired tune all day long (along with the union bullying and the cries of racism – which make for an interesting and damning juxtaposition), it is not going to change the mood of the country. And that mood is to shrink government down to its barest minimum.

This is the new political ‘truth’ out and about the land:

First, the debt crisis and persistent economic woes have made it clear that the progressive agenda is unaffordable and unsustainable.  The money pumps in the forms of more borrowing and taxes cannot possibly keep up with the tons of green water spending coming aboard.

Second, beyond the limited government ideology now gaining real traction, Americans without an ideology are finding that central planning madness from Washington is making their lives worse, not better.

As the author notes, Perry hit the sweet spot on these matters:

Perry proclaimed his mission was not to make government more accountable, effective, or efficient — that’s standard issue bromide from populist reformers.  No, Perry was bold enough, and as his critics will assert reckless, to suggest government should be irrelevant — his words “as inconsequential to your lives as possible.”

That is the heart of the angst in the country – a government run amok which needs to be reigned back in. Big time. Any candidate that promises to make us as self sufficient as possible, and government as limited as possible, will win and win big. Remember that, because all the left has is handouts from an ever more nosy Nanny state, a state that demands fealty and obedience – not freedom and success. When that is the choice, the choice is clear and one sided.

One response so far

One Response to “Perry’s Rise Shows Small-Government Fires Still Burning”

  1. WWS says:

    I find it fascinating that both the Hard Left and the Washington GOP establishment are panicking about Perry, and now they’re beginning to compete to see who can come up with the juiciest attacks!

    But their panic is making them miss the fact that it’s too early for that, and by shooting all of their ammo now it leaves them nothing to go after later. They would be much better off engaging him honestly now, and criticizing later. I do think Romney is doing that; as another writer has said, the contest between them is really going to come down to the 5 debate appearances they have scheduled. Now those are going to be interesting!

    Perry is a good stump speaker; I don’t know if he can turn that into an effective debate performance, he hasn’t had to do that much before. Romney will have to strive to be less aloof than he seems.

    Meanwhile, all of the attacks on Perry are going to be very predictable, just as they would be for *any* conservative candidate:

    1) Ignorant
    2) Hater
    3) Violent
    4) Racist
    5) Bigot
    6) Religious fanatic
    7) talks funny

    a frequent conservative complaint has been that Perry isn’t hard enough on immigration issues. Allow me to say that this is one area where I have agreed with his actions completely, *especially* when they have not been doctrinaire conservative positions.

    The situation is that Texas, with it’s Mexican border, is on the front lines of the immigration issue. What’s more, 35% of the state population is now hispanic! Those who advocate harsh anti-hispanic measures simply don’t or won’t understand that you cannot run any state while trying to make war on 35% of your population – you HAVE to come up with ways by which everyone can work things out to the benefit of all!

    California is an example of a state that has gotten this balance horribly wrong – Texas is a state that has gotten it more right than anyone else ever has. What’s more, Perry has been demonstrating how and why hispanics, as a group, should see conservative, limited government as their *best* hope for a bright future! Important in Texas since by 2031 this state is going to be 51% hispanic, and there is nothing we can do to change that.

    Perry’s vilified “compromises” on this issue are all decisions made with his eyes on those goals and those realities. This is why experience is so important – someone who’s never run anything before (Like Obama) has no idea why compromise, while holding on to your core goals, is so important. Critics are mad that Perry has supposedly “compromised” on immigrant issues. I think that, given the position he was in, he has made a series of extremely good choices in this issue that have *always* had the greatest long term good of Texas as their goal.

    I think he’ll do the same if he moves to the next level.