May 01 2006

Hate To Say I Told You So

Published by at 11:06 am under All General Discussions

But I do believe I did say on occasion that the War In Iraq is over and Al Qaeda is being turned in by the Iraq’s (here and here):

Just over four and a half years, al Qaeda has gone from being the dominant terrorist group in the world to a defeated shell of its former self. In trying to defeat the United States, al Qaeda made three big mistakes: They fought the last information war, they underestimated the American leadership, and they also managed to anger the Iraqi people.

Looks like Murtha and Dean and Kerry will not have their opportunity to surrender to defeat.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Hate To Say I Told You So”

  1. roonent1 says:


    Have you seen this report by CNN of Iraqi and coalition forces killing 100 insurgents in Ramadi? Great news from Iraq!

    What do you think now Kerry, Reid, Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Durbin, Zinni, Murtha, Wilson, Plame, McCarthy, et al – the party of surrender, defeat and treason? HA HA Losers! Your nightmare is coming reality because we are winning!

  2. luc says:

    well….Biden has a plan on how to “fix” things…. I am sure facts will not bother the other honorables mentioned… they will come up with something… since winning is not acceptable to them..