Oct 23 2011

Occupiers Signal Liberal Failure By Being Complete Laughingstocks

Published by at 12:29 pm under 2012 Elections,All General Discussions

I have to laugh at the Occupy “fill in the blank” silliness transpiring across America. Talk about your political tone deafness. Unlike The Who’s Tommy, these folks are truly deaf, dumb and blind. And I mean dumb in the intellectual sense, since they clearly can chant and spew nonsense.

While the liberal left drools over these ‘protests’ through rose-colored, nostalgic hindsight they fail to see this circus through the eyes of middle America. These protests are trying to take sovereign public land, occupy it and set up new forms of government – much like young children role playing in the tree house fort.

Take me for instance. I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s and relished the dying days of the protest movement of those times. I grew up with protest rock, the generation of defiance, etc. But in the end my generation learned that while it was great to have and experience fantasies, reality was very, very different. We immersed ourselves in the near-perfect future human society of Star Trek, to the militaristic oppressive world of Star Wars, from Tolkein’s Lord battle against industrialization found in the the Rings trilogy, to the communist/marxist/progressive world run amok in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four and Bradberry’s Fahrenheit 451.

We were one of the post World War II generations that had to sort out the evil of humankind from its potential promise. Imagine the dichotomy established between the Holocaust and the Moon Walk.We have seen a lot. We know the full spectrum of optimistic to pessimistic predictions. All of which were wrong. What survived all this predictive gyration? Family, neighbors, hard work and self respect that turned into respect from others.

One thing we learned is fantasy is interesting, but completely useless as a life lesson. We worked hard, carved out our lives, established our families and discovered that success is not evil, competition is not that bad and sitting on your arse stoned out of your mind is a complete waste of time. Actually, stoned is not all that fun, not compared to taking on and living life. Those who got stuck in the 60’s failed, those who moved on found the American dream.

So when I watch a tent city culture play government and cry for equality I see if for what it really is. Look at these people living in tents, calling one a kitchen and another a council center, fighting law enforcement while crime runs rampant amongst them. It’s a sad joke!

What, am I supposed to trade in my upper middle class home I worked a life time to obtain, turn in my cars and motorcycle, give up all I have to go play communist commune in a park somewhere?

Are they nuts? Herman Cain wants to change the tax code and is getting nervous ninnies taking shots at him from all sides. These silly people in these occupy zones want to replace our entire society!

Good luck with that one.

What we see in  Occupy “fill in the blank” is pathetic. If this is their vision of America’s future then I say thanks for sharing, now go back into the closet. If there ever was a better reason to just move on from the left’s childish temper tantrums, these examples of political pouting are it.

The reason protests like this are not going to work is there are too many voters like me who are neither intimidated nor impressed by these actions. Having tasted this kind silliness in our youth, and discovered the lies these leftists claim against the family, hard work, corporate competition, etc just makes it a bunch of marginally interesting nonsense.

I mean truly laughable nonsense. If I was worried about a new left arising from the ashes of Obama, Reid and Pelosi I am now quite relaxed and confident. I worry more about the desperation in the Obama White House, which is going to rue the day it surrendered Iraq in a lame attempt to hold its ever shrinking base. Even if Obama got 100% of the lunatic left vote, it represents less than 20% of the sane America Main Street.

Whenever these people decide to stop their silly role playing, the one thing they will have achieved is cementing the total mockery of the far left. I mean really kids – this is all you got?

Update: Talk about timing. Checkout the infighting by the haves (1% leadership of the OWS movement) and the have nots (the 99% of the protestors):

“The other day, I took in $2,000. I kept $650 for my group, and gave the rest to Finance. Then I went to them with a request — so many people need things, and they should not be going without basic comfort items — and I was told to fill out paperwork. Paperwork! Are they the government now?” Smith fumed, even as he cajoled the passing crowd for more cash.

The Finance Committee dives on whatever dollars are raised by all the OWS working groups, said Smith, and doesn’t give it back.

The Comfort group has an allowance of $150 a day, while larger working groups, like the Kitchen group, get up to $2,000.

“What can I do with $150?” said Smith. “We have three tons of wet laundry here from the rainstorm — how do I get that done? We need winter gear, shoes, socks. I could spend $10,000 alone for backpacks people need. We raise all this money. Where is it?”

Like I said, what a joke.

30 responses so far

30 Responses to “Occupiers Signal Liberal Failure By Being Complete Laughingstocks”

  1. Frogg1 says:

    A recent article captures a lot of the silliness from disagreements within the group on the financial aspects:

    They want $lice of the occu-pie

    Drums? Big Screen TV’s? ‘Comfort Group’ wanting to know what the ‘Financial Group’ is doing with the money? It really is like they are trying to squat on a piece of property and create their own utopian government. Some of it is silly. Some of it is so “Lord of the Flies”.

    However, the internal emails about the core who established the group, with hopes to grow “a mob” for use in achieving their ultimate goals isn’t so funny:

    #Occupy Emails Reveal ‘Trojan Horse’ Strategy to Hide Socialist, Anarchist Goals of #OccupyWallStreet ‘Mob’

  2. lurker9876 says:

    What a laugh….this whole thing.

    They won’t last long once winter sets in. Where will they go?

    Obama’s still pushing Congress to pass something. Republicans, don’t pass something just for Obama.

    I can’t believe the conservative pundits…trying to smear Herman Cain…tear him down…trying to tell us Herman won’t get the nomination…won’t win…blah blah blah.

    Hell, there are reports indicating that Herman is now raising at least 1 million per week.

    Bachmann is done. I don’t think Perry can come back. I don’t see what the GOP elites see in Mitt but dang it…I hope he doesn’t win the nomination!

  3. momdear1 says:

    The intellect of these protesters is revealed by how little they know about what created this crisis they are protesting. NAFTA and GAT, the free trade agreements eliminated a major source of federal funding, tariffs on foreign made goods. To make up for this loss of revenue, these idiots advocate increasing taxes on businesses which will make them even more non competitive with foreign manufacturors because foreign manufacturers are not taxed directly. Most of our competitors have a value added tax system which taxes domestically sold goods after they leave the manufacturing facility. Exported goods are exempted from this value added tax which gives them an unfair advantage over US produced goods which are priced to include our federal taxes. Further taxes on US manufacturers will only make our problems worse. This whole Laizze Faire Free trade fantasy is proving to be just as detrimental as the isolationist protectionist policies which were blamed for the Great Depression of the 1930s. Free
    Trade might work if every country played by the same rules. But we have seen how China has manipulated it’s currency to take over most of the worlds trade by keeping their products the cheapest available. It’s time to rethink these free Trade agreements which have transferred our manufacturing base to china, India and othe third world countries. The problem with complaints about business leaders and investors making so much more than American workers derives from the fact that most of these profits come from overseas investments and American owned overseas manufacturing plants. The only way to restore American Workers’ manufacturing jobs is to restore the tarriffs which protect American made products from unfair foreign competition.

  4. lurker9876 says:

    Question for www, crosspatch, merlin, et al:

    So Obama wants to bring home about 50K troops and leaving 160 behind.

    How will that affect the unemployment rate?

  5. Redteam says:

    “I have to laugh at the Occupy “fill in the blank” silliness ”

    I share your feeling. I think it’s revealing that they don’t even seem to realize they are ‘tools’ of the rabble rousing organizers. I’m a little older than you but I well remember how I felt the same way about the fools that were out protesting the Viet Nam War.

    Yep, within 6 months it will be very obvious that Iraq will belong to someone other than the Iraqi’s. (I’m counting Mutada el Sadr as an Iranian tool).

    Getting rid of Qadafi is a good thing, but what will replace him? It won’t be good for the USA, you can bet on that.

    About 3 nights of 15 degree temp in New York will end the OWS society.

  6. WWS says:

    That’s an easy question. It won’t affect the rate at all, since bringing soldiers home doesn’t mean they get kicked off the boat without a job the minute they get here! They’re still in the army, just stationed at their home base.

    Now if recruiting levels are cut, then unemployment might be affected. But Congress has got to budget for that.

  7. lurker9876 says:

    Yeah but the super debt committee won’t reach a deal…then the defense budget will be severely cut…so will that force the troops out to the streets? So stationed at their home base with very little to do????

    As for the 1960’s, I was just a young kid but I very well do remember the mainstream media and the front page blasting us with those kind of news…oh…yeah…that black and white TV with NO remote control! Oh, that antenna needs adjusting…with tin foil.


  8. Frogg1 says:

    OWS protesters are even fighting about what to do with the trash. And, the the drummers are becoming very upset with the hierarchy:

    “They are becoming the government we’re trying to protest, they didn’t even give the drummers a say.” – OWS drummer-

    Much, much more here:

    The Organizers vs. the Organized in Zuccotti Park

    “All occupiers are equal — but some occupiers are more equal than others. In wind-whipped Zuccotti Park, new divisions and hierarchies are threatening to upend Occupy Wall Street and its leaderless collective.

    As the protest has grown, some of the occupiers have spontaneously taken charge on projects large and small. But many of the people in Zuccotti Park aren’t taking direction well, leading to a tense Thursday of political disagreements, the occasional shouting match, and at least one fistfight.”

  9. Fai Mao says:

    Another thing that is not going well with these protesters is that are for the most part being ignored

    I think part of their goal was to create a huge confrontation with the police so that they could justify their claims of the “Brutal Police State”

    They thought they’d be beaten back and that would make the public sympathetic

    By ignoring them society has marginalized them. They simply become silly. Yes, I know about their core leaders hard left views but their protest has failed. If they start breaking windows now people will see that is they who started and instigated it.

  10. lurker9876 says:


    As The Shadow Banking System Imploded In Q2, Bernanke’s Choice Has Been Made For Him

  11. Redteam says:

    “Yeah but the super debt committee won’t reach a deal…then the defense budget will be severely cut…so will that force the troops out to the streets? So stationed at their home base with very little to do????”

    If the super debt committee doesn’t reach a deal, the cuts you mention would not take place for a few years, so there obviously will be time for the Republican pres elected next year will have time to set his own budget.
    One of the theories of having a strong military force is that they will always have very little to do. I think that is far better than to have them fighting wars and getting killed. (carry a big stick)

  12. WWS says:

    Speaking of laughingstocks – Herman Cain is trying as hard as he can to turn himself into one with this abortion mess he’s got himself into.

    after giving a strong pro-choice statement originally, his advisors appear to have slapped him around and said “you can’t say that!” So now he’s working hard to appease the pro-life voters.

    talking about an amendment to the Constitution to ban abortion:

    “I feel that strongly about it. If we can get the necessary support and it comes to my desk I’ll sign it. That’s all I can do. I will sign it,” he said.

    but guess what, President’s don’t sign amendments, champ. Presidents have no constitutional role at all to play in the process. If you’re going to campaign in support of the Constitution, and think you’re qualified to lead the country, you ought to at least learn a *little* bit about the job first! Quit trying so hard to make yourself look like some damn fool who just fell off a turnip truck!!!

    (fyi – if he would have said “I’m pro-choice, keep government out of it” and left it there I would have been fine. It’s his attempt to double talk his way out of a jam, and the fact that he’s done it so poorly, which have led me to wonder whether he’s really fit for office)

  13. oneal lane says:


    Exactly, he has a habit of sticking his foot into it. I just do not think he has the political smarts. Obama would chew him up. He is a male version of Palin.

    Meanwhile, Republicans attacking Obama over Iraq pullout. Guys, Bush signed that deal years ago. I am glad it’s over, should have never gone, total waste. Obama shut up. You did not make the deal.

  14. gkm1959 says:


    Speaking of laughingstocks, what’s the latest from gaffe meister, aka Herman Cain.

    The hits just keep comming.

    Latest, he would sign a constitutional amendment. (Did know a POTUS signature was necessary)

    Previouus gaffes.

    Release prisoners from Gitmo in an exchange.

    Electricute the Mexicans crossing the boarder.

    Pro Choice, no Pro Life, no Pro Choice, err I mean Pro Life.

    9-9-9, er . . . no I mean 9-0-9

    Right of return question from Chris Wallace. . . Herm thought it was the nickel back on soda bottles.

    Need I go on??

  15. AJStrata says:


    If you desire to taunt me – as if you are some kind of more impressive personna than Cain – you will be very disappointed. Your just another narrow opinion.

    I agree with Cain on this. You don’t like it – hit the exits.

  16. AJStrata says:

    OK for the rabid anti-abortion types (who truly think of themselves as God’s messengers, as opposed just another group trying to use the federal government to impose their arrogant, narrow views) I will make this clear.

    You can be pro-life and not so arrogant you think you know all the ins and outs of medical decisions involving pregnancies. Especially you males with domination issues – forget about understanding giving life to the degree women do.

    As is well established on this blog life begins at conception. DNA testing proves that and would be supported in any court in the land.

    Abortions for convenience are abhorrent. And most women fooled into aborting a child are forever scarred by the decision. The only ones with cred on this issue are those who regret their earlier abortions and stand by bringing a baby to term no matter else.

    The rest of us take a back seat to these people.

    I would never have government impose a one size fits all rule when it comes to abortions related to other issues outside convenience. Anyone arrogant enough to make that claim has never faced those decisions for real (like many of us have).

    And leave contraception out of this. Most fertilizations fail and for good, biological reasons. Unless you carry at least a BS in biology or higher, stop pretending you understand these issues.

    You don’t.

    Cain was right and is saying the same thing he always has. Abortion is a last resort, but a path only parents can truly decide. I would not even trust doctors – given some of the advise we received on this matter. Parental decision – alone.

    He won’t get in the way of the pro-life movement, he won’t fight for a law banning abortions. If one ever could garner support (as much chance as global warming) then Cain said he would not resist it.

    That’s plenty pro-life for me.

    Abortions of convenience can be eliminated through the simple act of shaming those who fail a basic test of maturity. Maturity means taking responsibility. There is no honor in shirking the most important responsibility any human has – bearing and raising children.

    Anyone arrogant ass saying I am pro-choice because I don’t have a God complex and demand a government law against abortion is just that. An arrogant ass.

    We can eliminate all but the most difficult abortion decisions through many means. You can never legislate morality.

    Blindered Pro-Life extremism is a political dead end. They have a right to their views, they will never impose them under penalty of law on everyone else.

    End of discussion.

  17. gkm1959 says:

    AJStrata says:
    October 24, 2011 at 8:05 pm

    If you desire to taunt me – as if you are some kind of more impressive personna than Cain – you will be very disappointed. Your just another narrow opinion.

    I agree with Cain on this. You don’t like it – hit the exits.

    What assertion of Heman’s do you agree with? . . . . .Zapping the Mexicans or releasing the Gitmo detainees?

    I never said I was more impressive than Cain. I just pointed out that he is an undisciplined political novice. That’s what happens when somebody points the truth out to you. You get defensive and tell them to “hit the exits”. It’s the same response I would expect from a lefty.

    Herman Cain is a living, beathing gaffe machine that would be discredited within two weeks of winning the nomination. Five bucks says he will have another gaffe to walk back by this time next week.

    Sorry AJ, sometimes the truth is a bitter pill to swallow. Get used to it.

  18. AJStrata says:


    The only gaffer is you.

  19. Redteam says:

    I don’t think it matters any more if he gaffs or not, I think he has peaked and has started the downhill slide. I think that’s unfortunate because I think he is a ‘genuine’ person. Yes, he’s a political novice, and is/was bound to make mistakes trying to be honest. something we don’t often see in politics. I also think Obama would wipe the floor with him in debates just between the two of them. The unfortunate thing about him peaking is that now we have to pick someone else, and I don’t know who that might be. The only logical replacement is Newt, but he is a Washington insider and even tho I think he is very smart, I’m not sure that’s good enough to get the job. We definitely don’t need Obama again, or Romney. Newt could wipe the floor with Obama, so I’m just gonna take a stab and say, that’s who the nominee will be. If it is, let’s all get behind anyone but Obama.