Jun 20 2005

Recess Appointment for Bolton?

Published by at 9:43 am under All General Discussions,Filibuster Showdown

The AP is reporting that Bush may bypass the dysfunctional senate democrats and recess appoint Bolton to his position as Ambassador to the UN.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is keeping open the possibility that President Bush will bypass the Senate to get John R. Bolton installed as U.N. ambassador temporarily if Democrats persist in holding up a confirmation vote.

Can’t blame the administration for wanting to get onto the People’s business while the Senate dems keep thinking up marginal, irrelevant reasons to delay his up or down vote.

Personally, I want to see the vote happen. There is no reason to delay.

Interestingly there is also word out today (though now I cannot find the story to save my life) that republicans were going to try one more time to get a vote on Bolton today.

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