Nov 24 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Published by at 10:00 am under All General Discussions

Happy Thanksgiving America!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. dhunter says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours AJ!

  2. kathie says:

    ……..and to you’re family too AJ. Welcome home to your son, and a big thank you!

  3. kathie says:

    This is interesting AJ….found at American Thinker

    Spending Wars
    By Randall Hoven

    The ideas that federal spending exploded under George W. Bush, that “Bush’s wars” account for our spending explosion, that Reaganism died with Reagan, and that we are on a spending binge that started decades ago are all nonsense.

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