Jan 19 2012
Strata Coming Back
Hey folks, so sorry for the lack of posting. Work, leave, family ….
Who has time to breathe! But I will be posting this PM after work (eastern). Hope to touch on the Gingrich family drama and the fascinating turn of events now that Santorum has won Iowa (though the news media wants to now call a 34 Santorum vote win a tie, while an 8 vote Romney win was going to be a route). Also, if some folks are interested in my views on any topic (why they would is beyond me) let me know in the comments. I am well rested and ready to go.
Thanks for hanging in there!
One thing to keep in mind about the Iowa vote is that not a single delegate to the convention is awarded on the basis of that vote. According to my reading Ron Paul likely “won” Iowa because his workers stuck around after the straw poll and got their people elected as delegates to the state convention in (I believe) June which actually decides the delegates to the national convention.
So … who won Iowa is good for publicity only. It looks like Ron Paul might get most of Iowa’s delegates to the national convention.
I think this article is pretty much spot-on.