May 12 2006

Sorry For The Outage

Published by at 7:01 pm under All General Discussions

Our provider Hosting Matters was able to turn a 2 minute maintenance effort into a 3 hour outage. We seem to be back.

But I seem to have lost my post on the Libby court transcripts. Ugh!

Addendum: make that all my posts from Friday from 6 AM onward.

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Sorry For The Outage”

  1. Snapple says:

    Glad you are back.

  2. topsecretk9@AJ says:


    My comment was lost too…so I do hope you’ll read the email I sent you. The comment was on your Dusty Foggo and Mary O’McCarthy post.

  3. topsecretk9@AJ says:

    The email runs a little on the lines of this
    American Thinker posting

  4. topsecretk9@AJ says:

    Last one…but along the same lines of my email. SHW finds the tempest in the teapot USA Today

    At the very least, one can imagine this information being used by law enforcement agencies trying to trace people who have attracted their attention but about whom they don’t have enough information to justify a court order. Or to look for whistle-blowers who have leaked sensitive information to reporters.

  5. momdear1 says:

    I printed copies of all your Friday posts. I have bad eyes and can’t read on the computer. If I can find all the papers and sort them out I will send them to you. However, I am a computer virgin and can send only one page at a time. Haven’t figured out how to do more complicated chores and I am too old to spend what little time I have left reading instructions. Send me an Email address and I will spend the rest of the day faxing them to you. Marilyn