May 14 2006

Newt Gringrich – Idiot

Published by at 9:39 am under All General Discussions,FISA-NSA

Newt Gringrich just started his interview on Meet The Press by asying (a) everything the NSA has done to date is legal [good], and (b) Bush failed to tell the American people in advance what he was doing [dumb as a rock].

Earth to Newt, the reason we don’t explain the details of what we intend to do to detect and catch terrorists is because we don’t want to tell the terrrists what we intend to do to detect and catch terrorists.  We have national security secrets so that we can secretly protect our nation.  All our technology and good ideas can be thwarted if we telegraph what we intend to do.

This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard – beyond the suicidally idiotic idea we should all risk our lives to protect our phone numbers from getting into hands of the federal government.  Only a moron would be proposing we close that barn door – the horse has been out and gone for over a decade.  Little late to worry about who has your phone number.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Newt Gringrich – Idiot”

  1. roonent1 says:


    I agree with your blogging here too. Newt at one time was a strong intellectual leader, yet he has become a sad, sad joke these past few years.

    I have lost all respect for Newt and rarely take his advice seriously anymore. Remember, his recent misstep about the handling of the Iraq war? He had to back peddle pretty quickly.

    I think the basic problem with Newt is he tries to hard to appeal to both sides of issues because he wants to run for the presidency. By doing this though, he comes across as “Kerry-lite”. Newt will never get my vote and suspect the vast majority of americans feel the same way.

    Once a great leader, now just an annoyance.

  2. bloodyspartan says:

    AJ you are totally correct.

    But what you see in him is no different than you see in all the other Rino’s.

    They have an excessive concern for self.