Feb 26 2012

This Week History Turns Down A Path

Published by at 2:40 pm under 2012 Elections,All General Discussions

It is obvious to note that in 2008 the country turned down the wrong path by handing the reigns of government over to a bunch of incompetent liberals. Since that election cycle this nation’s economy has been crippled, the Democrat led US Senate has blocked congressional budgets for years on end going back to the prior president (making them the most notorious gang of outlaw pols in memory), our national debt has expanded beyond our capacity to pay it off, and there are so many greedy hands in the government coffers we could never hope to prosecute all the thieves in my lifetime.

It’s pretty bleak, but we have not hit bottom yet. We had a chance after 2010 to change our direction, but the GOP elites were too afraid for their own jobs to stand on principle.

One recent report shines through as prime example of what the left has done to this great nation in 6 short years (2 under George W Bush):

In the nine months since David Prystash was named Chief Financial Officer of A123 Systems — the battery manufacturer that received $390.1 million in federal and state subsidies — the company has laid off 125 employees and had a net loss of $172 million through the first three quarters of 2011.

A123 Systems also learned earlier this month that the company that was to be the main purchaser of its batteries — Fisker Automotive — had its federal funding cut off for missing milestones and had to lay off its own employees. A123 Systems had invested $23 million into Fisker.

Yet, this month A123’s Compensation Committee approved a $30,000 raise for Prystash just days after Fisker Automotive announced the U.S. Energy Department had cut off what was left of its $528.7 million loan it had previously received.

The workers get the shaft, the taxpayers get the bill and the execs drive off into the sunset in their limousines. All because of promises made and never kept, and no one will to be hold accountable for the mess.

The problem with liberals is they believed so much in the idea of corrupt corporate America they decided it was now their turn. Since they came to power they have been doing nothing but pillaging companies, distorting government programs, abusing workers and the emptying the treasury since Obama, Reid and Pelosi were sworn in. All the left saw was it was their turn at the corruption. A corruption that never existed outside a bad few apples. Now we have an entire government of bad apples.

This week the GOP primary states will be making a decision. Do we go with another establishment elitist like Romney and get more of the same? Or do we re-run 2010 with another insurgent vote to kick out the crooks and cronies in DC and start to get our country back?

Tuesday is the night – in Michigan and Arizona – whenwe find out if America has had enough, or is so worn down and impotent it will continue on its current path to extinction. Sadly, my bet is on one more round of split (in)decision.

The longer we delay in making the massive changes we need, the deeper the hole will be we need to crawl out of. Sadly we are stuck with only two options: the hard path out of the mess or an easy path to oblivion. This week America decides which way it will go.

21 responses so far

21 Responses to “This Week History Turns Down A Path”

  1. lurker9876 says:

    This morning we learn that Governor Jan Brewer endorsed Romney.

    The country is not yet ready to take the hard path. Too much indoctrination of socialism everywhere…public school system, churchs, TVs, politicians, et al.

    Listen to the choice of words given by the politicians. For instance, increased revenues to give everybody freedoms and liberty. Revenues actually mean tax hikes.

  2. lurker9876 says:

    I’m waiting for moderation again???

  3. WWS says:

    So you’re endorsing Santorum? Interesting! Not criticizing you, to be sure. I just never thought I’d see you go there, given what you’ve written about social issues in the past.

    So you really think Santorum can win a national election? That’s an honest question. I’ll be glad to admit that I have my doubts. But I think Romney has been too damaged to win by now, too.

  4. lurker9876 says:

    Copying part of my post that’s waiting for moderation:

    This morning we learn that Governor Jan Brewer endorsed Romney.

  5. lurker9876 says:

    The country is not yet ready to take the hard path. Too much indoctrination of socialism everywhere…public school system, churchs, TVs, politicians, et al.

  6. lurker9876 says:

    The country is not yet ready to take the hard path.

  7. lurker9876 says:

    Listen to the choice of words given by the politicians. For instance, increased revenues to give everybody freedoms and liberty. Revenues actually mean tax hikes.

  8. lurker9876 says:

    Too much i-n-d-o-c-t-r-i-n-a-t-i-o-n of s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-m everywhere…public school system, churchs, TVs, politicians, et al.

  9. lurker9876 says:

    I broke up my long post to figure out which words require moderation…looks like it’s either:


  10. han_solo says:

    > another insurgent vote

    You would have to be totally and completely delusional if you thought Rick “go along to get along” and “add MORE government programs is the way to combat other government programs is a good idea” Santorum is an insurgent or outsider.

  11. ivehadit says:

    Mitt Romney will be far better than what we have now. And just for the record, I do believe that we can keep him on the “straight and narrow”…with polls donncha know. More importantly will be who is elected to congress and the senate. THAT is where our hard choices will have to be made. Fiscal conservatives only, please, apply!

    WWS, did you see Ann Romney over at gatewaypundit…she’s the secret weapon for victory, imho!

  12. lurker9876 says:

    Dick Armey told us that we could no longer “go along to get along”.

    Mitt also said that he won’t push for spending cuts.

    I agree that we need to build a strong conservative majority in both houses.

  13. jan says:

    I personally think a lot of donations and energy will be spent on the House and Senate races this year. In this way people can at least pinpoint individuals who are in alignment with own POVs. As for POTUS, there will probably be a more benign vote ABO.

  14. dbostan says:

    I am afraid the Americans didn’t learn enough. I think they need to drink the bitter cup full of socialist crap before they complete their education. Russia needed seventy years and Eastern Europe fifty for getting a degree in communism.

  15. WWS says:

    For those interested, “Watts Up With That” (WUWT to its fans) just won this years Weblog award for Best Science or Technology Weblog!


    What’s even better, Climate Skeptic blogs won *every* category they were entered in! Gleick, Mann, and the rest of “The Team” must be gnashing their teeth at the Evil Conspiracy and Sooper SeKrIt funding that must have brought about this turn of events!

    Very fun to watch the True Scientists slowly capturing the high ground from the fraudsters.

  16. Redteam says:

    lurker, almost certainly it’s:

    I use that word occasionally and it seems as it trips it.

  17. ivehadit says:

    So here’s the real choice for president:
    Vote for the country in November or vote against the country in November. Vote for the candidate that will install FAR LEFT supreme court justices guaranteed, who will be with us for 50 years or vote for the one who won’t. Vote for the one who hates capitalism or vote for the one who supports and believes in capitalism. Vote for the candidate who believes in government controlling a large part of your life or vote for the one who does not. Vote for the candidate who disdains American exceptionalism, ALWAYS APOLOGIZING or vote for the one who KNOWS in their bones that America is the greatest country on the face of the earth.

    And if you think it doesn’t matter who is President I offer this: 45 czars, HHS, Dept of Ed, State Dept and the big kahuna: E.P.A.
    This administration has completely by-passed congress and enacted his agenda WITHOUT THEM.

  18. ivehadit says:

    Santorum robo call, calling al democrats…

    So now we have democrats picking our nominee once again…

  19. WWS says:

    Saw that about Santorum, ivehadit. For all the talk about Romney being too liberal, it looks like Santorum is just as liberal as Obama when it comes to economic policy.

    Santorum reminds me a lot of Huckabee, and why I didn’t like him either; he doesn’t have any problem with big government running your life, he just wants to run it in a different way than Obama wants to run it. I don’t think he “gets” what those of us who want less government in general really want. Nobody in Washington does.

  20. dhunter says:

    I guess the RINO Establishment doesn’t want closed primaries where Republicans only pick our candidates.
    Tell me again the difference between the big government Rats and big government Repunks.
    Time for a Third Party a CONSERVATIVE Party based on Tea Party principles of fiscal responsibility and States rights in social areas and local responsibility for their schools.
    Real Border security so Democrat voters and Big business cheap labor don’t keep infiltrating our country and turn it into Meheeho, or enable a terrorist bloodbath!

    The two party system is corrupt and broken beyond repair, how long will it take the people to overthrow it or be reduced to indentured servants to it!