Aug 28 2012

White Rich Guy Who Demeans Women…

Published by at 11:31 pm under 2012 Elections,All General Discussions

The Democrats will claim there is a rich white guy who demeans women (and will dump them when they need their partner most)…. They will prey on the idea men are self absorbed and will flee for greener pastures when times get tough (i.e., when cancer comes into the picture).

Somehow I think that one will back fire.

Here is the Democrat poster child of a rich, white guy:

And the 2012 rich, white, GOP candidate guy…

Nuff said

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “White Rich Guy Who Demeans Women…”

  1. lurker9876 says:


    After witnessing MSNBC boycotting the speeches by the Republican minorities, it’s easy to see why we see many Americans so utterly unaware of the fact that the Republican Party supports diversity of race, religion, genger, age, and color under the rule of law based on the founding principles.

    It’s so nice to see the Republican Party evolving in the right path that is needed to take back our country.

  2. Redteam says:

    It’s very disturbing to see that 5 million watched the convention on NBC and 5 million more on ABC and CBS combined, so most of the people are really getting to see a biased, edited version of politics as the media wants it to be. “Republicans party while black people drown” “Mia Love” is a ‘whore’ and House N*****’ and on and on. Just tell me how the hell the Hurricane tells which people are black so it can selectively only drown them while the ‘white Repubs’ party? The racism should be blamed on the weather (hurricane) shouldn’t it? Is it possible to fire the networks, they are pathetic…